National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 138 Aquarius Guardian Unicorn

Now the primary purpose is to quickly rise to level 60, and at the same time quickly restore the city of death. Lin Feng feels that this main city will be his greatest reliance in the future.

There is Yashan City on the bright side, and an imperial city-level death city in the dark. If there are millions of guards, even if the player gathers several guilds, he will not be afraid.

During the flight, Lin Feng sent a message to Murong Yiyi: "Are you awake?"

Soon, there was a message back, Murong Xiaoyi: "We are recruiting people in Longyu City, what's the matter?"

Lin Feng said: "Do me a favor, call the guild, and collect some materials for me. I don't collect them for nothing, I spend money to buy them. But...there are too many quantities and types, and I don't know the exact price. You can estimate the price." Alright! When the time comes, I’ll spend the gold coins directly.”

With that said, Lin Feng directly shared with Murong Yiyi the materials needed for the blueprints of the Holy Cloth of Light, the Holy Cloth of Dark Night and the Immortal Blood Pool.

Seeing this, Murong Yiyi quickly sent a message, "So many! This pool of undead blood can create races, an existence that is no less than a divine weapon. I'm curious where you went again?

Lin Feng grinned, and replied: "Accidentally ran to a hidden map, and I got it by accident."

Murong Xiaoyi: "If someone pays attention to this thing, someone may raise the price on purpose. At the same time, this kind of thing should not be known."

"It just so happens that the game studio we are going to open is to build equipment in the early stage, because I am a hidden sub-profession "smith" and I am still an advanced level. I will bring a group of blacksmiths, first of all, I need to buy a lot of materials to build equipment, I will use these Join it, disrupt the purchase, and you won't be discovered.

Even if you know which materials correspond to it, if you don't have blueprints, it's because of making corresponding weapons or human buildings.

And there are both, and you have to find a special NPC or a player of the corresponding profession to make it.

730 But Murong Yiyi is more thoughtful than Lin Feng.

The two sets of holy clothes are okay. The bright holy clothes need 10 kinds of materials, and the quantity should be more, at most 100.

The Dark Night Cloth needs 20 types, and there are only 20 at most.

In comparison, the undead blood pool needs 20 types, but the number is quite terrifying.

These three kinds of blueprints required 50 kinds of materials, and Murong Yiyi added other materials that needed to be used to build weapons, which may be hundreds of kinds of materials purchased at the same time.

Naturally, even if you want to guess it, you can't guess it. What's more, there are too many types, and you need enough funds to raise the price, and the difficulty is too high.

"Thank you!" Lin Feng replied: "By the way, do you know that you can awaken at level 60?"

Murong Yiyi said: "I have been to heaven a few times, and I knew it from the NPC teacher, and he promised to help me awaken, so this time I have to focus on upgrading after recruiting people, and reach level 60 as soon as possible. Players who are level 60 should There will be a qualitative leap."

"Because, I found that the damage range of today's players is still not large. Your skills are considered to have a large range, but the maximum range is only 20 meters. I guess, in the future, there will be a range of 30 meters [or even a range of 100 meters."

"Nowadays, the area that monsters can destroy is already 100 meters, and we players cannot remain unchanged. I have already found a good place for leveling in ancient Rome, which is now Omen's side, and I will go there when the time comes, and we will be together when the time comes. "

Lin Feng said: "I'm in the Great Sea Demon Forest outside Yashan City. This place is nice. You can take a look at it when you have time. There are many gold coins and monsters. It's suitable for leveling."

Murong Xiaoyi: "That's not bad. With 20,000 people summoned, I will transfer the rest of the work to Continuous. He (cefe) is very good at management. According to his records, he put you in Huaqing University's Finance Department Hundreds of people in the game have been drawn into the guild, and your friend is better than you, the lazy guild leader."

"Ah!" Lin Feng was speechless: "Chat is chat, don't hurt anyone!"

Murong Xiaoyi: "Screw your hands, President, I'm going to be busy. I'm going to collect the materials. Get the money ready, don't have the materials. If you don't have enough money, it will be embarrassing."

"You are sincere." Lin Feng replied awkwardly.

Because, now he only has a few hundred gold coins on him... He is really poor.

Flying back to Longyuan City quickly, Lin Feng teleported to Yashan City again, and then flew directly to the Great Sea Demon Forest.

After one hour.....…

"Players enter the 80-level monster area, pay attention to safety.

Sea Devil Octopus

Level: 80

HP: 38000

Chains of Revenant!


A level 80 ordinary monster was instantly killed by Lin Feng's most ordinary skill!

"I'm going! This attack is very violent!" Now Lin Feng held the sword of the Archangel in his hand.

At the same time, the Death God Scythe is sealed within the body, although the characteristics cannot be increased, but the attack increase is there. Naturally, his attack has increased too much compared to before.

Today Lin Feng's attributes are:

Player: Meng Wang

Grade: 51

Race: Angel Race · Seraphim, Sky Demon Race · Demon God

Hidden Occupation: Trainee Reaper/Guardian of Light

Identity: Holy Son of Light, Archangel Michael student, Holy Son of Dark Night, Lucifer, King of Demon God, student


Mana: 400

Physical attack: 7408

Magic attack: 7908

Physical Defense: 6094(7010)

Magic Defense: 5194(6110)

Power: 60

Physique: 382(573)


Spirit: 20

Agility: 185 (370)

The magic attack is close to 8,000!

All Souls Contract!

Protect the unicorns!

Pets are calling!

Afterwards, Lin Feng summoned 30 level 70 BOS$ Evil Dragon Kings. At the same time, the pet Taiyin Dragon Chou Xiaohei and Eggy Beast "Eggy" were summoned.

The guardian unicorn skill has been upgraded to level 3, and there is another guardian unicorn.

[Guardian Unicorn lv3] Consume 1% of HP to summon Gemini Guardian Unicorn, Sagittarius Guardian Unicorn, Aquarius Guardian Unicorn, or Appear together to assist in combat. The guardian unicorn is completely heartfelt to the summoner, and its level will increase with the experience gained from fighting monsters, and it cannot surpass the summoner. The guardian unicorn exists for an unlimited time, and it loses level 1 when it dies. It can be resurrected automatically after 10 hours. It can be recalled to the guardian space at any time, and the cooldown is 4 minutes.

Aquarius, the guardian unicorn, has roughly the same shape as Xiaogong and Shuanger, but a pair of exquisite small earrings hang on its two ears, which are crystal clear and in the shape of water bottles.

"Summon Aquarius Guardian Unicorn for the first time, players please name it." The game prompt sounded.

"Ping'er. Lin Feng said.

"The naming was successful." Lin Feng looked at its attributes.

Aquarius Guardian Unicorn

Dual forms: guardian unicorn form/guardian warrior form

name: bottle

Host: Meng Wang

Grade: rare grade

Grade 1

HP: 500

Mana: 450

Physical Attack: 50

Magic Attack: 40

Passive skill: [Light of Aquarius Lv1] Companions within 100 meters around Aquarius automatically recover 1% of their HP every second.

[Ice Clean] The attack of Aquarius comes with a freezing effect, which has a 30% chance to slow down the target by 30%.

Active skills:

[Diamond Stardust Wave] Focusing on itself, emit a light wave like diamond stardust outward, causing 400% magic attack damage to enemies within 30 meters, and recovering 20% ​​of the HP of companions within this range. Cooldown: 300 Second.

"Ping'er, protect the warrior form." Lin Feng said.

"Yeah!" Aquarius Guardian Unicorn made a milky voice.

Afterwards, the guardian unicorn turned into a little loli wearing a golden battle armor, a Q-version female warrior, holding a large water bottle in her arms, with a faint chill flashing from the mouth of the bottle, like a diamond version.

"Aquarius, hold a big water bottle! This setting is interesting." Lin Feng looked at the big water bottle in the little guy's hand and grinned.

"Pinger and Eggy are by my side, and the others are all Unlocked!"

Following Lin Feng's greeting, the pets and servants rushed in all directions at the same time

Lin Feng went online at 8 o'clock, entering the city of death is also the early morning in the game, and at this time, it has only been more than three hours since entering the city of death, and it is not yet dawn.

Keep brushing monsters until dawn, continue to spawn monsters.....

At noon in real time, Lin Feng left the game for lunch, then returned to the game to continue farming monsters.

At 16 o'clock in the real time, that is, after 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the second day in the game came, Lin Feng flew back to Yashan City again, arrived in Longyuan City, and brushed the Zhao's Tower in death mode twice

Another 18,000 gold coins were harvested, plus a gold-ranked yellow robe helmet and yellow robe armor, and a dark gold-ranked Zhao Clan Thunder boots.

The drop rate is much lower than before, but Lin Feng still feels lucky to be able to hit the dark gold level equipment on the hidden boss.

Afterwards, he transferred 10,000 gold coins to Murong Yiyi as a fee for collecting his materials. Murong Yiyi hasn't said how much she needs, but Lin Feng can be sure that 10,000 gold coins is definitely not enough.

At the same time, he was also sure that Murong Yiyi had Gatling's weapon that was very expensive, and there might be other weapons that the other party couldn't afford. Naturally, turn around first, and it is also convenient to collect equipment.

Afterwards, he did not return to Yashan City in a hurry, but cast the gate of hell and directly chose to enter hell.

He has a chance to use both perish once a day.

He is going to try it, maybe he will be killed by some ghost dragon again, and he can upgrade more.

"The player appears in Hell·Desolate Land, level 50 monster area, please pay attention to safety."

"Go to the high-end area, or..." Lin Feng looked up into the sky. .

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