National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 141 Crazy Upgrade, Siren Dungeon

The things in the exchange are roughly divided into five types, namely: equipment, props, materials, blueprints, and special items.

Equipment, clothing, food, medicine manufacturing methods or blueprints all belong to the blueprint category. Such as bear's paw cooking method and bright holy cloth manufacturing blueprint.

Food cooking methods are roughly divided into: elementary, intermediate, advanced, master, and grandmaster from low to high. Chefs are also divided into these five levels. For example, junior chefs can learn elementary cooking methods, but they cannot learn more advanced cooking methods. Intermediate can learn intermediate and elementary...and so on.

Now that Lin Feng is a novice gourmet, he can only learn rudimentary cooking methods.

Lin Feng directly searched the food production method from the props column, and directly found hundreds of cooking methods.

In terms of blueprints, in comparison, equipment manufacturing blueprints are the most expensive, and then potion manufacturing blueprints are not cheap.

Then the food manufacturing method is also relatively cheap, and the clothing has no attribute bonus, and the price is naturally the cheapest just for looking at it.

For example, Lin Feng can only make primary food, so he directly screens out primary cooking methods. But the same primary food, the effect is also different, and good or bad. Intermediate, advanced etc. are also available.

Afterwards, Lin Feng chose four primary cooking methods, which only cost 4 gold coins.

They are: the cooking method of Blood Flame Barbecue, the cooking method of Silver Wolf Meat Bun, the cooking method of Tiger King Meat Sandwich, and the cooking method of Jiumei Bread.

[Blood Flame Barbecue Cooking Method] Primary food, after eating, instantly restores 5 points of fatigue and 5 points of hunger. It cannot be used repeatedly within 1 minute. 24 Instant recovery foods. Required materials: light powder, raw meat of any beast, barbecue rack (can be used repeatedly 100 times).

[Silver Wolf Meat Bun Cooking Method] Primary food, after eating, instantly restores 5 points of fatigue and 4 points of hunger, and cannot reuse instant recovery foods within 1 minute. Required materials: silver wolf meat, primary flour, steamer (can be used repeatedly 100 times).

[Tiger Meat Sandwich Cooking Method] Primary food, after eating, can restore 1 point of fatigue and 1 point of hunger every second, lasting 10 seconds. Continuous recovery food cannot be used repeatedly within 1 minute. Required materials: raw tiger meat, primary flour, oven (can be used repeatedly 100 times).

[Nine Plum Bread Cooking Method] Primary food, after eating, can restore 1 point of fatigue and 1.1 points of hunger every second, lasting 10 seconds. Continuous recovery food cannot be used repeatedly within 1 minute. Materials needed: Nine Yuan Plum Blossom, Primary Flour, Oven (can be used repeatedly 100 times).

The effect is similar. Lin Feng bought four copies mainly because he wanted to try different flavors and production methods.

Then he bought a barbecue grill, a cage and an oven.

Plus 50 servings of Blood Flame Powder, 100 servings of Silver Wolf Meat, 50 servings of Nine Yuan Plum Blossom, 150 servings of Primary Flour, 50 servings of Tiger King Raw Meat, and 50 servings of Bear's Paw.

Except for the first three, each price is higher, 50 silver coins. Those materials in the back are not expensive. When fighting monsters, players often explode a lot. Therefore, each copy is only a few dozen copper coins, and it only costs 5 gold coins in total.

Subsequently, Lin Feng learned all five primary cooking methods.

He didn't leave the exchange either, and started cooking directly inside.

The five kinds of food are all cooked, and Lin Feng's deputy shows some changes.


Features: Gourmet cooking skills are far superior to chefs. After learning any cooking method, the food cooked will naturally improve and the gain will be stronger.

Foods that can be made: Blood Flame Barbecue, Silver Wolf Meat Bun, Tiger King Meat Sandwich, Nine Plum Bread, Braised Bear Paw.

Progress: 5/100

However, the five kinds of food he made were different from those shown in the drawings he had seen earlier.

【Blood Flame Barbecue】Intermediate food, instantly recovers 10 points of fatigue and 10 points of hunger after eating, and cannot reuse instant recovery food within 1 minute.

【Silver Wolf Meat Bun】Intermediate food, instantly recovers 10 points of fatigue and 10 points of hunger after eating, and cannot reuse instant recovery food within 1 minute.

【Tiger Meat Sandwich】Intermediate food, after eating, can restore 2 points of fatigue and 2 points of hunger every second, lasting 10 seconds. Continuous recovery food cannot be used repeatedly within 1 minute.

【Nine Plum Bread】Intermediate food, after eating, can restore 2 points of fatigue and 2 points of hunger every second, lasting for 10 seconds. Continuous recovery food cannot be used repeatedly within 1 minute.

【Braised Bear's Paw】Intermediate food, instant recovery of 6 points of fatigue and 6 points of hunger after eating. Instant recovery food cannot be reused within 1 minute.

The food that was originally a primary level, but after Lin Feng made it, it was directly advanced to an intermediate level. This effect is much stronger than before.

"This pair of professional gourmets is not bad! I said earlier that it can improve the food produced, but I didn't expect it to be really good." Afterwards, Lin Feng directly used all the materials to make food.

50 servings of bloody barbecue, 50 servings of silver wolf meat buns, 50 servings of braised bear paws, 50 servings of tiger meat sandwiches, 50 servings of Jiumei bread,

When making 100 copies, his junior gourmet is promoted to intermediate gourmet.

At this time his gourmet, progress display: 150/10000

After preparing the food, Lin Feng teleported directly to Yashan City, and then flew to Sea Demon Forest again to continue leveling.

After 0 o'clock in the real time, a new day of the game began. Lin Feng went to Longyuan City again and flew to Zhao's Tower. This time, he passed the death mode twice in less than 10 minutes.

Another 18,000 gold coins were harvested, plus gold-ranked yellow robe boots and yellow-robed armor, and a dark-gold-ranked Zhao Family Thunder Armguard.

Afterwards, Lin Feng found a safe place and went offline.


Get up on time at 7 o'clock, run and eat, go online around 8:30, and continue to spawn monsters.

time flows like water......

Two days later, the world's No. 1 guild recruited 300 million members, and Murong Yiyi and Li Yuan also had non-staff personnel similar to other guilds.

It is to record the information in advance and confirm that you are a member of the guild, but you have not yet joined the guild.

When some members of the guild leave, they enter, or when the guild expands, these non-staff members will join.

Two days later, Murong Yiyi also returned to Oumen and handed over the management to Li Yuan.

In these two days, 6 days have passed in the game, and five guilds have been established again.

They are: Tianxiahui, Five Sacred Mountains Alliance, Hot Pot City, Jiange, and Dolls Group.

Jiange is the first time Lin Feng has heard of it.

The game time was 6 days, Lin Feng made full use of it, went to Zhao's Tower 12 times, harvested a total of 216,000 gold coins, 20 gold-level equipment and 4 gold-level weapons. With 12 pieces of dark-gold-level equipment, a set of Dark Night-level Zhao Clan Thunder Armor was assembled again.

At the same time, he upgraded and swiped gold coins in the Sea Demon Great Forest, and the effect was also very good. This time his war servants have reached 30 full value, so don't deliberately look for bosses, just kill monsters when they see them.

Although ordinary monsters are not as valuable as the monsters in Zhao's Tower, he can pull dozens of monsters at a time and kill them quickly.

Moreover, in the 6 days of game time, he spent four days in non-stop spawning monsters, and also spent 100,000 gold coins.

At the same time, he had six chances to die, and he didn't miss it, because he had the Satanic Ring, so he wouldn't be afraid of falling down every time he used it.

Don't be afraid of death and relegation, anyway, it will increase experience 100%, so you can die with confidence.

Six times, he chose to die in hell. After all, hell is much more dangerous than the world, and there are many more high-level monsters.

It's a pity that I didn't encounter too high-level monsters, but it was possible to encounter BOSS three times and let him upgrade.

He was originally level 51, but after brushing monsters for a day, he was almost level 52. The level of spawning monsters in the sea monster forest has been increased by 4.

There are more than 3 levels of experience, which is due to the promotion of talents.

It's a pity that I didn't get too good equipment for giving away the head. I only earned more than 300 gold coins, and I didn't copy the skills.

Up to now, Lin Feng's level has been raised from level 51 to level 58.

He is still number one on the rank list, but he pulled down the second place that was supposed to quickly approach him. The current second place is Zulong level 52 of the Seven Dragon Palace.

And the top ten in the Huaxia district level list are all level 50, and all nine of them are the presidents of the major guilds. Lin Feng also has to admire these presidents, and really spend a lot of money to let a group of people accompany him to level up

At the same time, Lin Feng770's pet Xiaohei has been upgraded to level 41, and Dandan has been upgraded to level 46.

In comparison, elite-level pets can be upgraded really fast.

However, Dandan Beast is about to evolve into a king-level pet now.

It devours an ordinary monster, and its evolution value increases by 1 point.

But because Lin Feng kills monsters too fast, in reality he has spawned tens of thousands of monsters in one day. It's a pity that after the monster dies, if the egg beast doesn't devour it, it will be refreshed soon.

As a result, Lin Feng's spawning speed far exceeds the speed at which the Eggy Beast can devour it, and it is impossible for him to slow down his own upgrade speed for the sake of Eggy Beast's evolution.

That's why the Egg Beast's evolution value has reached more than 9,000, but it still hasn't evolved.

And Lin Feng's three summoned beasts have also been upgraded a lot. Xiao Gong has been upgraded to level 47, Shuang'er has been upgraded to level 48, and Ping'er has been upgraded to level 35.

Since his goal is to die, so now that he enters hell, he directly summons three guardian unicorns, which are rich in light and will naturally attract hatred, which is what he wants

After dinner on the third day, Lin Feng entered the game and went to Zhao's Tower again. He played the death mode twice and earned 18,000 gold coins, two pieces of gold equipment, and one piece of dark gold equipment.

At this time, Lin Feng received a message from Murong Wuwu

"Lin Feng, are you online yet?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised. As usual, Murong Wuwu didn't get up until around ten o'clock in the morning. She didn't expect her to be online at this moment.

In the friend column of the second world, there is no reminder of whether the friend is online or not, because the player does not know whether the friend is there or not in the game without asking.

Lin Feng wondered: "What's the matter?"

Murong Wuwu said: "After listening to your suggestion last time, I asked my Yuanyang Dragon King to protect my ears, and then we can output at the same time. Later, we formed a team to fight monsters very quickly, and then we went to 40 Level monster area, recently went to level 50 monsters."

"Just now I accidentally opened a dungeon called "The Siren's Dungeon". Unfortunately, the game prompts that the minimum level is 50, and our level is not enough to enter. Your level is high

Come and make a copy!"

"New copy!?".

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