National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 145: Legendary Boss Flood Dragon Frozen Master

At this time, Lin Feng directly used "Shenlong Transformation".

After 10% of his health was consumed, the game prompt sounded

"Random activation of the ghost demon dragon king's remnant soul possession, the player's life value increases by 300%, double resistance and double attack increase by 300% at the same time. Additional increase: the cooling time of all skills is reduced by 50%, duration: 60 seconds"

At that time, Lin Feng's HP soared by 3 times, directly reaching more than 110,000.

At the same time, his magic attack also reached more than 27,000.

"Shua!" As the jet-black dragon wings unfolded, Lin Feng and Taiyin Dragon King Xiao Hei first soared into the sky and rushed towards the center of the boss group.

At a distance of 30 meters, Lin Feng launched a death charge against the rare boss Siren Yaksha on the ground.


The blood volume of the rare boss Siren Yasha King dropped by one-third, and he fell into a stun at the same time.

Afterwards, Lin Feng cast the skill "Blood Fog".

As the blood mist spread rapidly, Lin Feng's many bosses who originally wanted to attack the center lost their targets in an instant, and at the same time, huge damage occurred above their heads.



Anyone who comes into contact with the blood mist will instantly clear their blood volume to "five nine zero"!

It was just a face-to-face meeting, ten sea demon Yaksha water mages died, and the others deserved to be 6 times stronger and became boss monsters.

They all reacted very quickly, instead of rushing towards Lin Feng, they quickly retreated, trying to get out of Lin Feng's attack circle.

At this time, Xiao Hei used Frozen World on the opposite side.

More than a dozen Siren Yasha water mages within a range of 30 meters were frozen.

Death strikes back!

In just one second, the rare boss was stunned, and then he swung the trident in his hand, and was about to attack Lin Feng, but was hit by the death sickle and flew out


Patron Saint Hammer!

At this time, Lin Feng held up the sickle in his hand, a golden light shot up into the sky, and a mysterious rune circle appeared within a hundred meters at the same time, and a phantom of a golden giant hammer stared quickly, appearing on top of Lin Feng's head, as if held high above his head Golden Hammer

"Boom!" The sledgehammer fell, directly hitting the rare boss who was pushed back more than ten meters.

[Guardian Holy Hammer Lv1] Select a circular area with a diameter of 5 meters within 100 meters, summon the holy hammer to shoot it down, causing 1000% magic attack damage, and causing the target to be stunned for 3 seconds, cooling time: 90 seconds .


One blow, another burst of massive damage.

At this time, the boss' blood volume is only about 200,000.

The BOSS who would have fallen into a dizzy state seemed to have been triggered by a certain mechanism.

His body, which was more than ten meters high, suddenly swelled, his eyes were blood red, and the trident in his hand emitted a blue light.

Ghost Claw!


It's a pity that before the BOSS can use the ultimate skill in the future, it has already been caught by Lin Feng's raised hand, and the blood volume instantly cleared to zero!

"Plop!" The huge body of the boss fell to the ground.

At this time, Murong Er'er upgraded again.

"More than one and a half million blood volume, just a few seconds, dead?!" Stupidly staring at the fallen boss." Murong Erer felt unreal.

In her mind, a monster with 150,000 health is difficult, let alone 1.5 million. But Lin Feng rushed forward and smashed the hammer, killing him a few times!

Chains of Revenant!

A chain appeared in Lin Feng's hand, and flew more than ten meters away, trapping two water mages and fixing them in place. Then he rushed in front of a water mage and directly cast Death Harvest.

At that time, the boss was instantly killed by Lin Feng

Death Harvest is an 800% increase in magic attack. As long as Lin Feng uses this skill to kill the target, the skill will be cooled down instantly.

Attacking a BOSS alone can kill it instantly. Naturally, after Lin Feng hit a monster, he used his skills to attack the next one without even looking at it.

Another one.

The battle is not over yet, in order to trigger the hidden boss faster, Lin Feng naturally wants to kill monsters quickly.

At this time, the war servants have already fought against the surviving boss, Siren Yasha Water Mage.

Lin Feng shuttled among them, raising a knife in his hand and dropping it, every time he could harvest with death and instantly kill a water mage.

In just one minute, even though most bosses retreated from the damage range of the blood mist, they were still easily killed by Lin Feng.

Just after the last Siren Yasha water mage died, the game prompt sounded suddenly:

"Player Meng Wang and Murong Xiaoer activated the hidden boss, Frozen Dragon Frozen Master, please pay attention to safety."

Then, a hundred meters away from Lin Feng, a huge fountain burst out of the ground, leading straight to the top of the hall.

Soon the fountain fell back, revealing the figure of the hidden boss.

Legendary Boss Frozen Dragon Frozen Master

Level: 80

Health: 4,000,000.

This Flood Dragon Bingjie Master has a human body and human appearance, but has a single horn on his forehead, and his face and body are covered with blue and golden dragon scales. He is more than ten meters tall and wears ice blue clothes. Black robes, holding a huge water blue trident.

When it first appeared, it pointed at Murong Er'er, hundreds of meters away, but at this moment, a magic circle with a range of more than ten meters suddenly appeared above Murong Er'er's head.

Then, the ice-blue skates swished, and suddenly flew down from the magic circle at an altitude of more than ten meters.

"Be careful!" Lin Feng shouted, and quickly ran towards the boss.

The reason for this is because Murong Er'er is fine if he dies, he has resurrection skills, and he is not afraid of the latter losing his level.

Going to rescue Murong Er'er at this time was useless.

This is a game, not reality, the most important thing is to kill the boss quickly, everyone has experience through the copy.

But at this time, Murong Er'er didn't retreat, instead, a layer of khaki light appeared all over his body, and then his body was covered with a layer of brown stone skin.

"Bang!" The half-meter-long skate hit the stone skin.


At that time, the damage occurred, and the stone skin showed high damage.

Then another skate fell and the stone skin shattered, and the third skate fell on Murong Er'er, instantly killing him!

Although he died very quickly, Lin Feng was still very surprised at this time. He was hundreds of meters away from the boss, and he couldn't rush to the boss quickly, so he naturally paid attention to Murong Er'er's situation.

He didn't expect that Murong Er'er's defensive skill could take 10,000 damage!

He heard from Murong Wuwu that Murong Er'er's hidden occupations are almost all large-scale attacks.

"This hidden class is unusual, and the defensive shield alone is quite powerful. My shield is based on my own life value, but this is not hers. She can resist tens of thousands of damage with more than 30 levels. See To find an opportunity, you need to understand.”

Thinking in my heart, Lin Feng was already close to the boss at this time.

Of course it wasn't because of his sudden haste, but because the boss killed Murong Er'er and rushed towards Lin Feng instead.

So the distance between the two sides is rapidly narrowing.

When the distance was 30 meters, Lin Feng cast the guardian star shield first, adding a shield that could withstand more than 30,000 damage.

[Guardian Star Shield Lv2] consumes 50 mana, creates a star shield equivalent to 35% of the caster's health to protect a target, lasts for 60 seconds, the star shield does not disappear, and the guardian is not subject to any negative status Control, cool down for 110 seconds.

The real purpose of this skill is not to reduce the damage, but to avoid being controlled. After all, if controlled by the boss| Lin Feng believes that he may be seconds.

Just within the skill range, Lin Feng directly cast a death charge at the boss. The body turned into a black tornado, rushed forward ferociously, and directly hit the boss.


The boss' blood volume dropped a lot, but he didn't fall into dizziness. Instead, he waved the ice-blue trident in his hand and hit Lin Feng's body with a bang.

Immediately, Lin Feng's whole body was covered with a layer of ice.


"This time the boss's attack is not weak!" It seems that the amount of blood dropped is not much, but Lin Feng was already surprised. Because now his magic defense is 5194, which has been increased by 3 times, that is more than 15,000.

This BOSS general attack is not just a simple general attack, it even comes with magic attacks and freezing special effects. If it wasn't for the guardian star shield, Lin Feng might have been frozen in ice this time.

At the same time, the attack is not weak, and it can deal a lot of damage at once.

At this time, Lin Feng had already used Blood Mist, and then he still used Death Knockback against the boss.

Since the melee blood drops quickly, it is not suitable for one-on-one melee.



The BOSS was knocked out seven or eight meters and lost Lin Feng's target.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Feng quickly sang.

"Boom!" At this time, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bow also ran over, joined the battle group, and supported them with long-range attacks. Although the damage was not high, they attracted the hatred of the boss.

The boss, who had already lost the goal of Lin Feng, looked at the two pets.

"Boom!" Two ice balls flew out when the boss swung the trident, hitting two pets respectively, causing tens of thousands of damage.

But at this time, when three seconds expired, Lin Feng once again cast the sea of ​​flames in hell.


The continuous high damage caused the BOSS within the damage range to be quickly pushed to the outside.

Chains of Revenant!

The chain flew out, trapped the boss directly, and fixed him in place.

Nether Flame Domain!


At this time, the combination of the three area damage skills can consume more than 760,000 damage in one second!

At this time, 30 Evil Dragon Kings also rushed over, surrounded the boss directly, and blocked the boss in Lin Feng's skill damage circle.

"You are dead!" Lin Feng grinned. .

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