National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 152 Thousands Of Beasts Siege And Kill

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and couldn't help asking: "Why did you break it? You don't have an older brother or younger brother?"

Murong Wuwu sighed, raised her head to the sky, and said sadly: "It's possible to break it, but it can't be broken. We really want to have a younger brother, but... Dad said that we won't get married again. Maybe, I still can't forget my mother!"

"Then...actually, you just have to live happily. You don't have to be the family leader. Although you don't know much about your big family, it feels quite dangerous! At the same time, it's quite stressful." Lin Feng road.

"That's right! I haven't been to the company at the moment, but if I think about it, they are under a lot of pressure!" Murong Wuwu said: "Because Yiyi won't let go, she thinks that if Dad is the ruler of this generation, the next generation must still be from our line, so She wants to be in power."

Thinking of Murong Yiyi's vigorous and decisive style, Lin Feng truly believed that the other party would not let go.

Murong Wuwu: "Her strength surpassed the young people of Murong's generation, but she was later sent abroad by the elders' group as an excuse. I thought this idea would be broken, but I didn't expect Er Er to be betrayed by her friends. I decided to take this position as well.”

"Betrayal!" Lin Feng said to himself, he was only a friend, and Li Yuan and him did not betray this statement.

Murong Wuwu showed a smile, but it was not a happy smile: "There is no danger, the body is fine, but the heart has changed.

As she said that, she lowered her head and drew circles on the ground with her fingers: "A few years ago, when Er Er's best best friend had her birthday, she went to a KTV party, and when she got home, she locked herself in the door for a week. Did not leave the house. Later, she applied to drop out of school."

"After hearing the news, Shanshan went home from the south for a day, and then Erer's best friend and 15 people who attended the party at the ktv that day all died at night. The family members of those people... also died. That incident There was a record on the Internet at the beginning, but it disappeared later. It is actually not difficult to smooth out this kind of news.”

Lin Feng suddenly remembered the fight he had fought in ktv three years ago, and he thought about it for a long time because he was afraid that those people would retaliate. But not long after, those people... died!

Murong Wuwu continued: "Shanshan didn't go to school with us. She has been studying Chinese martial arts outside since she was very young. I heard that he is an old gentleman, but I have never met her. She comes back a few days a year, and she really came back when she was in college. .”

"Later I found out from Er Er that Er Er was cheated by her best friend and drank a lot of wine. At that time, some men also participated. Knowing that she drank too much, she planned to leave early, but was stopped."

"Then, a man rescued her. She was a little dizzy at the time. She also forgot what the man looked like. She only remembered that she was taken away by the man from the aisle and took a taxi to the door. We are all sure that she There was no danger that day, but that person was lucky, otherwise we would not be sure. After this incident, Erer seemed to be a different person."

"Yiyi said that someone from another line of the family did it. Erer thinks so too, and I think so too. Erer was originally very weak and gentle, but later became very guarded, and she was very wary of any strangers we came into contact with. Everyone is on guard."

"But after that time, she dropped out of school, joined the family company, and began to learn company management from her father. Then...Even if Yiyi is abroad, Erer wants to be the trustee

Having said that, she suddenly fell silent.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu who was bowing his head, but didn't speak.

At this time, he recalled that three years ago, when he was working part-time at KTV, he rescued a drunk girl who was stopped by several men and refused to let her leave.

The person was saved, but he was hit by a beer bottle on the head. At that time, he was in a daze. He didn't remember what the rescued person looked like or where he lived.

Afterwards, he was seriously ill for a long time, thinking that he was going to die, but he was lucky not to die. A few days later, he got the news that, according to the local news, those people deserved it!

At this time, Murong Wuwu said in a low voice: "If Erer is transferred away one day, Shanshan will be there. Me, Sisi and I have also made mental preparations. If..."

Speaking of this, she looked at Lin Feng: "If one day, I disappear in the game, we even disappear in front of your eyes in reality, I hope you don't look for us. Maybe we went to get that thing and went to a different place. In today's world, maybe we have failed."

Lin Feng is silent, thirty-six big families? An existence that has only been heard of but never thought of!

"Ha... I'm just kidding!" Suddenly, Murong Wuwu patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said, "I'm almost an adult, and I suddenly feel a little bit emotional, don't take it seriously! Tell me about yourself!"

"Me!" Lin Feng squeezed his chin and said thoughtfully: "My life is much simpler. As long as I can remember, I was in an orphanage. Then, because I can only eat for a month

I have a meal of dumplings, but imagine how great it would be if I could eat dumplings once a week. "

"Later, there were some kind-hearted people who wanted to adopt me, but I still couldn't call other people's parents! So I stayed in the orphanage until I was 6 years old and went to elementary school and went to boarding."

"Then...elementary school, junior high school, high school, supported by the state, live in school and now go to university. I don't have much dream. Go to school, find a job, and maybe start a family. It's just like this for the rest of my life."

Speaking of this, he laughed at himself and said: "I just didn't expect this game to appear in the middle of the game, which made me suddenly rich, and then I met you, and found that I was in the game

.It turns out that it is not a small role anymore. The change in life is really unexpected!"

"That's right! I didn't expect to know each other, I would..." Murong Wuwu didn't continue talking until this point.

"Lie down for a while! Suddenly want to be quiet for a while." Lin Feng leaned against the wall of the stone tower and closed his eyes.

"En!" Murong Wuwu also closed her eyes and leaned against the wall.

One second, two minute, she leaned gently on Lin Feng's body, leaning on Lin Feng's shoulder naturally.

Lin Feng's body trembled slightly, but he didn't move.

Lin Feng didn't fall asleep, Murong Wuwu might have been playing games and running non-stop all day, and didn't sleep, she was a little sleepy, leaning against Lin Feng, she really fell asleep.

Just like that, when nearly seven hours passed, reality had already reached nightfall.

The game prompt sounded: "7 hours are coming, the second round of monster siege is about to start, players "Meng Wang, Murong Xiaowu" pay attention to the battle!"




With the end of the last second, the four directions of the stone tower where they are located, a hundred meters away, there are lights flashing at the same time, this time the light range is larger. Still four teams of monsters appeared at the same time.

Lin Feng unfolded the Death God Wings, still soaring into the sky, quickly scanning the surroundings and making quick calculations.

After landing again, he said: "It's still a blood wolf beast, with 16,000 HP. There are 100 blood wolf beasts in each direction. Among them, there is a small boss blood wolf beast king in the north and south. There are more monsters. Don't be besieged, otherwise One will come for you, and you will be beaten to death in a short while."


Lin Feng still left five evil dragon kings to protect the stone pagoda.

10 evil dragon kings go to the south, 10 evil dragon kings go to the west, 5 evil dragon kings and their pets go to the east.

Lin Feng rushed to the north first, Murong Wuwu stayed in front of the stone pagoda this time and did not move forward.

Lin Feng was fast, these monsters couldn't hit him at all, but Murong Wuwu's speed was too slow.

There are 100 monsters in one direction, and pets and war servants can't stop them all. If 20 come and attack Murong Wuwu at the same time, even with her speed, she can't dodge them, and she will be killed soon.

So this time it's safety that counts.

BOSS-Blood Wolf Beastmaster, still at level 60, with 160,000 HP.

After running more than ten meters, Lin Feng directly created the soul-absorbing magic circle and the soul-binding magic circle. As the monster rushed, two magic circles were opened directly, and the sea of ​​flames in hell.





Although the number of monsters has doubled to 400, and there is an extra boss, but with Lin Feng's group skills, it still didn't last long.

Soon it was all cleaned up.

At this time, the two also got a game prompt at the same time: "~ The second wave of monsters has been killed, and it took 2 minutes. There are still 6 hours and 58 minutes before the second wave of beasts strikes.

Murong Wuwu was also used to Lin Feng's crazy speed of killing monsters.

After Lin Feng killed the northern monster, she ran to the north to collect gold coins. After Lin Feng killed the east, she ran to the east. After Lin Feng finished killing, she also collected all the gold coins.

"400 monsters, a total of 1,000 gold coins were obtained this time, and the bosses exploded a lot. Last time there were only 2 bosses, how stingy." Murong Wu said.

Lin Feng said: "It should be that the more times you pass the monster, the higher the reward! However, it is finally passed. Wait for the third time! If you are sleepy, you can sleep for a while."

"I slept for six hours before, I don't want to sleep anymore, how about we play chess! How about it?" Murong Wuwu sat on the ground casually, and took out a kid: "Gobang. y

"In this game, there is such a thing?" Lin Feng was surprised!

"Of course! I was at the exchange and accidentally found out that someone was selling 1 silver coin. It looked interesting, so I bought it." Murong Wu said.

As a result... Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu started playing chess, and after half an hour of playing, Murong Wuwu stopped playing.

Because she is not Lin Feng's opponent at all! But she was idle and bored, continued to play after half an hour, and lost too much......

It was close to 0 o'clock in the morning of the next day.

The game prompt sounded: "7 hours are coming, the third round of monster siege is about to begin, players "Meng Wang, Murong Xiaowu" pay attention to the battle!"




Four directions, 100 monsters in each direction, east, south, north

Iron Blood Wolf Beast

Grade: 65

HP: 21000


BOSS Iron Blood Wolf King

Grade: 65

HP: 21000 bitter


What kind of pressure, Lin Feng took two minutes to kill it, because he got 1500 gold coins.

fourth round

There are 200 monsters in each direction, 778 iron-skinned blood wolf beasts at level 65, and 2 iron-skinned snow wolf kings at level 65.

As a result, there was still no pressure on Lin Feng, and they were all killed, and a total of 2,700 gold coins were obtained.

As the game prompt sounded, the fifth round of monsters came, but this time Lin Feng did not need to take off, because the game had already prompted.

"The fifth round of monsters is coming, the total number is 1000, and the number of bosses has been increased to 4] Players pay attention to safety."

"1000!" Murong Wuwu exclaimed, "Is this...too many?".

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