National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 156 The Power Of The Demon God Clan

Only now did it reflect the high difficulty of this SSS-level task.

This is almost not faced by one or two people, at least dozens, or even hundreds of players, may be wiped out!

In the ninth round, there were still monsters coming from eight directions, and the monsters at the front were more enhanced than those in the eighth round.

Blood Wolf Warrior

Level: 80


400 in each direction, 3200 in total.

Dealing with these 80-level monsters in the state where players generally have more than 30 levels now is simply... death mode.

Behind the blood wolf demon soldier is a long-range attack monster that is stronger than the previous round.

Blood Wolf Demon Flame Shooter

Level: 80

HP: 38000

100 in each direction, 800 in total.

There are more numbers, and the longbows and quiver of these monsters are burning with flames, which is no longer pure long-range physical damage, but has become magic damage.

Behind these monsters, there are 16 BOSS-Blood Wolf Demon Warriors, 2 in each direction.

This time, there are also more rare bosses-blood wolf demon wizards, one in each direction, a total of eight are protected by two bosses.

At the same time, there are powerful monsters after them!

Rare Boss Blood Demon Wolf King

Grade: 85


East, south, northwest, 1 for each of the four directions, to 4

"It seems that we can't hide anymore. If we suppress our strength, both of us will die, and the mission will fail." Lin Feng said.

"You are still suppressing your strength! Aren't you the strongest just now?" Murong Wuwu was surprised, and then a dazed look flashed in her eyes: "Understood, you can become an angel, the same kind as Yiyi."

"Yes, but I don't need that one this time, I'll change it this time." Afterwards, Lin Feng's whole body was ablaze with black flames, his body began to grow taller, and six pairs of demon wings quickly grew out from his back

"Boom!" The black ink flames dissipated, and Lin Feng turned into a demon god form with long black hair hanging loose, more than two meters tall, devil's feet, and an extra eye between his brows.

The three pairs of demons incited to make their bodies float in mid-air, surrounded by black practice mist, naturally exuding an evil aura.

Demon God Form (Six Wings): It can be transformed into a six-winged Demon God with flying ability, physical strength X3, magic attack X3, skill cooldown reduced by 50%. The Eye of the Demon God improves vision by 10 times, and can see any invisibility and camouflage clearly. When not in combat, the form can be switched freely without a time limit. It lasts for 1 hour in battle and cools down for 12 hours.

He had thought that he should not use this form, because the five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie had just been attacked by the demon eight-clawed monster.

It belonged to the Heavenly Demon Clan. He was afraid that his Demon God form would make the other party think of something.

But the current situation is that he has to use it.

There are too many monsters in the ninth round, and they are too strong.

Relying on Shenlong Transformation can't kill those bosses at all. If you are not careful, you may be killed by yourself.

12 rarities, all with hundreds of thousands of health points, the main thing is that these don't stand together, and his skills can't be gathered together to kill.

Separated, not enough time.

This time I don't use the demon god form, and I have to use it in the tenth round.

In the end, Lin Feng had the same thing, that is... this task was not something he could have accepted,

It's Murong Wuwu's identity, it's a task for Murong Wuwu, even if she is hated by that NPC, but after completing the task, Murong Wuwu can be regarded as a great harvest.

At the same time, after finishing these ten rounds, he can earn tens of thousands of gold coins, which is not a small gain.

After thinking about it, the income is still not low, so fight!

"Guard the Cross Hymn!"

As the cross fell, Lin Feng quickly began to chant.

The increase of the demon form is different from that of the angel form. It lacks the agility increase, but has 50% more skill cooling reduction.

This lasts for 1 hour, which is much stronger than the 1 minute that the dragon transforms into a demon dragon.

Soon, two soul-absorbing circles and two soul-binding circles were created. Then Lin Feng soared into the sky and flew directly to the rear of the monster.

He flew directly to the north again, with 2 bosses, 2 weaker rare bosses, and one strongest rare boss.

The goal this time is still beheading!

At a distance of 30 meters, even the blood wolf demon flame shooter could not attack Lin Feng, and Lin Feng took the lead in casting the soul chain on three of the targets.

First of all, three ordinary monsters were instantly killed, and at this time Lin Feng should use the second-stage skill to quickly rush into the group of monsters. Then he spotted the boss behind him.

Then, Lin Feng rotated his body, and at the same time swung the Archangel's sword in a circle, the huge sword aura carried a loud dragon chant, including the phantom of a black dragon, spinning and boiling, spreading out, instantly cutting a range of 50 meters!

Black Dragon Devil Slash!

[Black Dragon Devil Slash Lv1] Consumes 200 mana, sweeps 360 degrees, causes air wave slash to targets within 50 meters around, causes 1000% magic attack of dark attribute damage, and produces a tearing effect on the enemy, making it every time Lose 100% of magic attack HP in seconds, lasts for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds.






Within 50 meters, all ordinary monsters were instantly killed at this moment! The 2 bosses were all killed in a second, and only two rare bosses were left alive, but their blood volume also plummeted.

Because the monster group was too densely packed, more than 100 monsters were directly killed, and more than 60 blood wolf demon flame shooters suffered directly.

Then Lin Feng rushed to the BOSS blood wolf demon without any hesitation to fight for money, and a general attack landed on him.

Death Harvest!


A spike without any suspense.

Afterwards, he performed the Guardian Cross Slash on the nearby rare boss, the Blood Demon Demon Wolf King.



As long as the skill dog is strong, killing monsters is so fast. Once upon a time, rare bosses at level 85 were very difficult for him to deal with, but now? Two skills, to solve

"Huh!" Lin Feng took off into the air and flew in the next direction...

Constitution X3, not only the life value increased by 3 times, but Lin Feng's magic defense and physical defense also increased by 3 times.

Naturally, the attacks of ordinary monsters fell on him, and the damage was not too much.

Originally, the time limit of Shenlong Transformation was short, but without Shenlong Transformation, his blood volume would drop very quickly.

But now for 1 hour, Lin Feng resists damage hard, and is not afraid anymore.

And because of the 50% cooling time, Lin Feng created soul-absorbing circles everywhere, and the death of monsters in the soul-absorbing circles would last longer.

For a while, there were more and more soul-absorbing magic circles, and Lin Feng's killing speed became faster and faster.

It took about 2 minutes for Lin Feng to kill all the bosses, and after about half an hour, he finally killed all the monsters.

But at this time, because there were too many monsters, even if Lin Feng was being chased, he was killed very quickly, but there were hundreds of them even going up to besiege and kill the servants and the stone tower.

As a result, another 10 war servants died, and now there are only 7 left.

Murong Wuwu died again, was resurrected by Lin Feng, and was still in charge of picking up gold coins.

"This time I got a total of 34,000 gold coins. Although I know there will be a lot of them, it still makes me happy every time!" Murong Wuwu grinned and said, "With so much money, it's worth dying more."

"That is, at your level, even if you are really dead, you can level up quickly." Lin Feng said.

"By the way, your image matches my dragon transformation! It's 117 times cooler than that of an angel." Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng and said.

"But it's not suitable for common use. It always looks like a demon monster about to be killed." Lin Feng also canceled the demon god form as he said.

It can be maintained for an hour, but there is no fighting after that, and it is not comfortable to maintain this form.

The demon form and the angel form are still very different.

In the angel form, Lin Feng feels that his body is a little taller and has wings, but the rest of his body has not changed much.

But in the form of a demon god, he has an extra eye, and his vision has become quite good. Naturally, everything in front of him has become more detailed, but he is not used to it. At the same time, it has a pair of claws, "It feels like I can scratch myself.

"It's almost five o'clock in the real world, and this time we're having a blast playing games. After this time, I must go out and have a good meal." Lin Feng said.

"Me too." Murong Wuwu said: "Although I don't feel any discomfort, it's the first time I play games like this crazy, and I want to catch up on sleep. But now, come on

Keep playing chess. "

"remarkably brave."

Afterwards, the two continued to play chess.

"7 hours are approaching, and finally the tenth round of monsters will strike. The number of ordinary monsters is 5600, the number of rare bosses is 24, and the number of legendary bosses is 2

Players pay attention to safety. "

"24 rare-level bosses, and legendary-level bosses! This last round is so difficult! I don't think it's for me to complete the task at all, it's more like preparing for hundreds of players." Murong Wuwu said.

Lin Feng said: "The seven-hour preparation time is actually for us to find someone to help. Because there is no mention of the limit on the number of people, nor does it say that we cannot ask other people to help. It's just that although there is an opportunity, but this place, others Players can't come, so we can only face each other.


Lin Feng cast "angel form" directly

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