National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 164 Refresh All Dungeon Records!

at the same time.

"Hahahahahaha, this time the two of us teamed up and directly promoted the five major modes of the lost ruins! It's just a pity that we could barely pass the level within 10 minutes, and the hidden boss was not triggered! What a pity!"

Outside the lost ruins, Grandma Xiongba, the president of the Tianxia Association, and Sunflower, the president of the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance, invited them to come out of the dungeon and talk about the process just now.

"Thanks to your timely sword just now, which blocked the monster's fatal blow and saved me from a catastrophe, so we can pass the level smoothly." Sunflower thought of the scene just now and shook her head. "President Xiongba, you can hold the piece of gold equipment that exploded just now.~"

"Hey? How can this work? We created the monsters together. Without your cooperation, it would be very difficult for me to pass!" Grandma Xiongba said.

Sunflower shook her head and said: "I am level 50, you are level 52, you put in more effort in the process of killing monsters just now, I can barely make a record, I am very happy to receive a dungeon medal every day, don't refuse, Get your equipment."

"Since you have said so, I can't refuse." Grandma Xiongba said.

When the other guild members saw the two presidents, they rushed up together.

"President, you are too powerful. With such a dungeon, other players can't even beat the hell mode. I didn't expect you to even pass the death mode!"

"And I refreshed all the records of the five major modes of the Lost Ruins. This time, the reputation of our two guilds can be played in Longhai City!"

"Win-win chaos!" Grandma Xiong said modestly.

However, just as he was about to look at the record column of his copy, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Huh? Where's the record I just brushed out?"

Sunflower looked at him straight away: "Record, didn't there be a beep when we came out just now? What's the matter, President Xiongba?"

"Record....... gone!!"

"It's gone? How come it's gone?"

Sunflower was puzzled, looked at her own panel, and suddenly found that the two of them, Lost and Ruins, had just teamed up to brush the past few modes, and now all of them have disappeared!!

"This, how is it possible? We just looked at it just now. Why did all the records disappear after such a quick move? Could it be a bug in the game?!"

It's better to calm down first with a shot of sunflower. After such a long time, the probability of bugs in the second world game is still very low. The only possibility is that after they refreshed the record, other players refreshed it!

Sunflower glanced at the other members and asked, "When we were spawning monsters, did any other players come in?"

"Other players?"

"Oh yes, the man in the mask!"

"Yes, just now, when you were using the death mode, President, someone entered the dungeon. At that time, we laughed at them that they might not even be able to enter!"

"How long has he been in?" Grandma Xiongba also calmed down at this moment.

"Go in, it's been about five or six minutes!" The guild members replied.

"Five or six minutes?"

Grandma Xiongba and Sunflower looked at each other, and Sunflower said with a needle: "It took us eight minutes to clear the death mode, and in five or six minutes, someone cleared all our records? Five records! And the death mode is also cleared. Brushed?!"

"Do you believe it? Anyway, I don't believe it!"

"This must be a game bug. I have to go to the game official to report it. We have been playing for a long time, and all of them disappeared at once. How is it possible!"

This time, Xiongba's grandma was very calm, he looked at Xiongba's leg, and asked: "You said just now, he is wearing a mask, what kind of mask is he wearing?"

" looks like a dragon head mask." Xiong Ba thought for a while and replied: "President, do you have any questions?"

"President Xiongba, what does it matter if you wear a mask or not?" Sunflower looked over and asked.

"Wear a mask, and you don't think of a person?"

"Thinking of a person? Ever since Meng Wang became popular, now he is a person, and he has to find a mask to wear when he goes out. It's like chasing stars. What's the matter..." Sunflower said with a needle, and the conversation suddenly stopped.

If anyone can finish brushing in such a short period of time, there is only one possibility, and this person is Meng Wang!!

"If it's really him..."

"It must be him! Others are not so strong."

"I didn't expect him to come to our Longhai City. As landlords, we have to give him a warm welcome."

Thinking that this person is Meng Wang, although the two presidents were unwilling, but there was nothing they could do. Meng Wang, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one player in the game!

"Huh? But it took so long for the death mode record to be refreshed, why hasn't he come out yet?"

"Probably, play the hidden BO$S!"

"Hide... hide the boss..."

Yes, if the clearance time is within five minutes, there is a 100% chance of triggering the hidden boss.

Just thinking about it.

Suddenly, a black mist flickered at the entrance of the dungeon, and Lin Feng's figure appeared. Everyone looked at him. For Lin Feng, the two presidents had wanted to meet each other for a long time, so they went to meet Lin Feng immediately.

"Moe King?"

"The two of you are..."

"President of Tianxiahui, Grandma Xiongba!"

"I, the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance, one needle of sunflower!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng suddenly remembered that these were the two people who often raised their prices at auctions, so he said politely, "What's the matter with you two?"

Grandma Xiongba said: "It's rare that Meng Wang's brother can come to my Longhai City. As the president of the largest guild in Longhai City, I should do my best to be a landlord. Meng mainly doesn't...

"I'm sorry, I really don't have time right now. I'm still preparing a few other dungeons to brush the records! I'll definitely find you guys when I'm free."

"Go to several other dungeons to brush records?"

The two guild leaders were surprised at first, but then thought of a possibility that everyone wanted, but their strength did not allow it, "Meng Wang, are you preparing to clear all the dungeon records?!"

Lin Feng nodded and said: "Yes, there are a lot of medals, so I want to try it. Two presidents, let's get together next time when we have time, let's go first!"

After speaking, Lin Feng turned around and prepared to leave.

At this time, Sunflower asked with a needle: "Meng Wang, I don't know the death mode just now, how long did you use it?"

"Huh?" Lin Feng stopped, glanced and recorded: "The speed is a bit slow, so I won't make a fool of myself.


"It's okay, it's okay to listen to it."

"Yeah, yeah, don't be modest, big boss."

Everyone in other guilds also said one after another.

"It took 51 seconds, but it's a pity that my skill transition is a bit slow, otherwise it might be faster, alas!" Lin Feng shook his head and turned.

"Let's go!"

Several people nodded blankly, Lin Feng turned around and walked towards the next copy.

It's been a while.


"This, this is still slow? Then what are we?!"

The expressions of the two presidents were completely stunned. Thinking about it just now, the two of them joined forces for eight minutes, and they were so happy. In the end, others felt that they were slow after less than a minute?!

...asking for flowers......

I finally got 60 points in the test, but the student next door said that I made a mistake and only got 99 in the test. I feel very sad?!

This kind of sadness...we can't understand it!!

"Mengwang is going to refresh all dungeon records in the Huaxia District of the Second World. This, I'm afraid, will set off another wave of enthusiasm!" Grandma Xiongba said in surprise.

Sunflower also said with a needle: "Yeah, I thought my leveling speed was already very fast, but compared with the cute king, I'm nothing!"

"By the way, what level is Meng Wang on the level list?"

"If I remember correctly, it's 62. In the entire second world, the player has the highest level. The highest player on Oumen's side is Murong Xiaoyi, who is also the vice president of the world's number one guild. These two are perverted, but she is 54. Still far behind Meng Wang.

"It seems that we have to speed up the upgrade! Otherwise, the benefits will be robbed by the cute king."

Afterwards, the two presidents left from the dungeon of the lost ruins, and each started their own journey of spawning monsters.

at the same time.

Games Forum.

A post about [Meng Wang is going to break the fastest clearance record of all dungeons in the second world] became popular.

"Meng Wang has been keeping a low profile for so long, is he going to show off his charm again?! Breaking the customs clearance record is really exciting just thinking about it. Meng Wang is indeed my idol!"

"Shout, it's just a higher level. To really look at skills, you still have to look at the God of Fighting Ranking! Didn't you see that he has fallen to an unknown number of places in the God of Fighting Ranking?"

"That's right, he's just relying on his high level. If it were me, I would be able to push past him with his level!"




Rong Momo stabbed you with a needle: "The God of Fighting Ranking can really explain the skills, but Meng Wang has not entered the God of Fighting Ranking since the last time, okay? It's been a long time since he challenged. And you said he is just a high level ?”

"Grandma Xiongba and Sunflower have two levels of 50 in one shot. It took more than eight minutes to clear the copy of the lost ruins. Do you know how long it took Meng Wang? It took him 51 seconds. Do you know what the concept is? I reached level 60 I dare not say, I can pass in less than a minute, no technology yet?!"

Xiongba Dashouzi: "I remembered what Meng Wang and our president said outside the lost ruins. He said that his skill convergence was slow, so it was only 51 seconds, otherwise it could be faster. The world of the big boss, I can't understand..."

"The world of the boss, I can't understand..."

"The world of the boss, I can't understand..."

Murong Xiaosan: "By the way, let me tell you another thing. There are more than 15 of the top 30 on the God of War list. They are all members of the world's number one guild. They want to learn PK and come to the world's number one guild."




Therefore, after the fermentation of the forum, the fact that Lin Feng was going to refresh all dungeon records was known to more people, and even after this news was sent out, some people tried to form a team to refresh the records.

And Lin Feng's title of cute king was once again discussed by everyone in the second world.

However, Lin Feng didn't pay attention to these either.

At this time, Lin Feng came to another copy.

Copy: Land of Thunder

Requirements: Level 50 (Daily: 0/5)

Modes: Normal Mode, Elite Mode, Abyss Mode, Hell Mode, Death Mode

Is the player entered on?.

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