National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 167 Crazy Copying, Shocking The Game Circle

"Black demon spirit armor, it looks pretty good!" Lin Feng picked up the equipment and put it in his backpack.

Then he walked over again, and picked up the gold equipment that exploded when he killed the black demon spirit general just now.

In this way, together with the equipment that exploded from killing the boss in the previous rounds, it happened to be able to make up a golden set.

Black Helm Spirit Set


Quality: gold

Physical Defense: +1250

Magic Defense: +1100

Constitution +30

Strength +20

(Black Demon Armor, Black Demon Helmet, Black Demon Leggings, Black Demon Armguards, Black Demon Boots can form a Black Demon suit)

"Take this out, I think it can sell for a good price. By the way, there are these silver equipments. Let's count how many pieces there are." Lin Feng put the black evil helmet spirit armguard into the backpack, and put the Pick up the silver equipment of the Helm Warrior.

At the same time, I made an inventory of the previous rounds.

"The explosion rate of the death mode is 6 times that of the normal mode. There are 60 pieces of silver equipment in this round, and a total of 4,200 gold coins. Adding the previous modes, there are a total of 9,240 gold coins, 132 pieces of silver equipment, and 4,200 gold coins. A complete set of black evil spirit armor, a piece of dark gold rank black evil spirit armor, the harvest is not bad!"

Lin Feng muttered to himself.

In comparison, the Kraken Dungeon and the Lost Ruins mostly released materials, Zhao's High Tower released more gold coins, and the Land of Thunder was mostly equipment.

But if the equipment is converted into gold coins, 132 pieces of silver equipment, plus 9240 gold coins, the amount is definitely quite a lot.

"It seems that this land of thunder can be used a few more times in the future. Compared with the other dungeons, this one has more equipment." Lin Feng murmured.

Because the Black Evil Helmet Spirit King is composed of armor, it is unrealistic for Eggy to eat it. After collecting all the things, Lin Feng put 30 Qianxi giant monsters into the space of all spirits, and only then did the dungeon come out.

Copy outside.

Since the news spread that Lin Feng was going to refresh all dungeon records, players began to wait outside the opened dungeons, wanting to see if Lin Feng could do it.

"How long has Mengwang been in now?"

"Five minutes?"

"Six minutes, I've been remembering."

"How long do you think he can pass through the copy of Land of Thunder? I'll come first, I guess 7 minutes!"

"I think eight minutes!"

"Shout, the difficulty of the dungeon in Land of Thunder, you haven't heard from a few big guys who have heard about it, how difficult is it, and it takes seven minutes, how funny?"

"That's right, they discussed in the forum before, saying that Meng Wang passed the dungeon as quickly as possible. It's not like you don't know how to play this game, is it possible?"

"You really believe what other people say."

"What the hell? Someone questioned me, Meng Wang? Young man, I think you are just starting to play this game, right? I think you are ignorant, but I understand you."

"Are you still proud after playing for a few more days? A sense of superiority? Isn't it still the same colored pen as me? How about we meet in the duel field?"

"Make me afraid of you?"

"Wait, wait, stop arguing, Meng Wang has come out."!"

"Look at the time, how long has it been since Meng Wang arrived?"

"Seven minutes, exactly seven minutes!"

"Seven minutes, almost one mode took more than one minute, and one copy was passed in one minute, it's too powerful, it's worthy of being a boss!"

Just as he was talking, Lin Feng appeared at the door of the dungeon. Seeing so many people around the dungeon, all staring at him, he was startled.

"Um, there are so many of you here, is it your president who is doing dungeons?" Lin Feng looked at the crowd and asked.

One of the players stepped forward and said, "No, we came here specially to see you."

"Look at me?"

Out of nowhere, what am I looking at?

The man didn't answer, but instead asked: "By the way, Brother Mengwang, which mode have you swiped into this instance of Land of Thunder?"

"Uh... death mode, what's wrong?"

Death mode, sure enough, everyone exclaimed from the bottom of their hearts, swiping to death mode in seven minutes, that is to say, the hidden boss must have been triggered!

"It's okay, by the way, how long did it take you to brush the death mode just now, isn't there some dungeon record recently?" Shuilong asked again.

"Let me see..." Lin Feng glanced at the record and said, "Normal mode took 49 seconds, elite mode took 41 seconds, abyss mode took 37 seconds, hell mode took 31 seconds, death The pattern took 28 seconds."



As Lin Feng read out the numbers, everyone in the room gasped, unexpectedly none of the five patterns lasted more than a minute?!

In addition, there was a player standing by the side just now, so Lin Feng didn't have the possibility or need to tell a lie. In five minutes, a normal player didn't even finish the normal mode!!

"Boss Meng Wang, but why did it take you ten minutes to come out?"

Lin Feng looked at the man: "You still counted for me?"


Lin Feng smiled and said, "Some silver equipment popped out, let's count it."




At this time, the few people who questioned just now stopped talking, and their eyes were completely replaced by shock.

Because it needs to be calculated, that amount is definitely not a lot.

Five minutes passed, a bunch of silver packs?!

He himself, up to now, only has three pieces of silver equipment, but ten copies of others exploded out a lot!

"Okay, nothing else, I'm leaving first." Lin Feng passed through the crowd, and then turned around and said: "At that time, the equipment I made will be placed in the auction house, including silver, gold, and dark gold , There are everything in the set of weapons, remember to buy them when the time comes, everyone."

After speaking, Lin Feng turned around and left.

Everyone before leaving the copy, you look at me and I look at you, dumbfounded.

"Silver, gold, dark gold, set weapons, everything?"

"Is this the boss?"

Get out of the land of thunder.

Lin Feng probably also guessed that everyone came here specially after hearing that he was going to refresh all dungeon records, but he didn't care, and just took this opportunity to spread his reputation as the number one guild in the world.

Not only to tell the outside world, his own strength as the guild leader, but also to show everyone the strength of the world's number one guild.

Since the name is named number one in the world, it is natural to be number three in the world.

Even, Lin Feng was thinking about whether he should go and brush up a few copies of Oumen's side, so as to truly become famous all over the world.

While thinking in his heart, Lin Feng came to the teleportation array in the main city, ready to go to the next destination, the scorching canyon of New Dragon City!

Come to the copy entrance.

Just like the Land of Thunder, at this time, many people were waiting outside the dungeon, and even when Lin Feng appeared, some people applauded enthusiastically.

Obviously, this is a small fan of Lin Feng.

After waving with everyone, Lin Feng walked directly to the dungeon, and the mode selection interface appeared, with the same requirement of level 50, and the same 5 challenge opportunities, Lin Feng started from the normal mode, and entered the dungeon with a whoosh.

Ten minutes later.

Games Forum.

A post was pinned to the top, with an eye-catching title, "The front line is tracking the dungeon road of the cute king, and I will take you to explore the secrets that Meng Chou and the dungeon have to say!"

Below the post, countless people left messages.

I'm the host, don't move: "Frontline reports, two minutes ago, Meng Wang just passed the dungeon of the scorching canyon. We have someone to record it. The total time is less than 6 minutes, breaking the previous fastest record of 'all eyes'!! "

"Wori, Mengwang looks at this posture, he really wants to clear all the copies, it's too scary."

~Is this the boss’s world? We can’t even enter the dungeons, they are already challenging the records of all dungeons!”

"He must have challenged the dungeon of Zhao's High Tower in Longyuan City in the main city where he is located. So far we know that there are four dungeons and five modes, and he is the fastest recorder. In this way, every day alone There are 20 rewards from dungeon medals!"

"Could it be possible that the eight dungeons will be contracted by Meng Wang alone?"

"Especially the passing time of each dungeon of him is basically less than 1 minute. It is as difficult as heaven to break the record!"

"By the way, there is another post that says that most of the Fighting Gods List are members of the world's number one guild. The world's number one guild, is it possible that it is the world's number one guild?!"

"I really want to join their guild, let's not talk about it, I will apply now!"

"Wait for me, I'll go!"

Afterwards, more and more players who have not yet joined the guild began to log in to the game again and apply to join the world's number one guild.

In the forum, it didn't take long before the landlord posted another post.

I'm the host, don't move: "The front line has updated the report again. After passing through the scorching canyon, King Meng went to the altar of the ancient dragon. This time, the customs clearance time is faster than before. It only took 5 minutes. Praise the boss!!"

"Worship the boss!!"

"Worship the boss!!"

"Worship the boss!!"

"I'm going. I was still hesitating just now. There's nothing to say now. I also want to join the world's number one guild. If nothing else, I'm going for the cute king!"

"With such a powerful guild leader, the guild will definitely not be weak!"

(by Zhao Zhao) "I want to apply too!"

Come out from the teleportation array.

Another main city that Lin Feng came to, Qianlong City, there is also a dungeon here, the underground passage, the name of the dungeon is the lower passage.

Lin Feng came out of the main city and went straight to the copy.

"Now it's the seventh copy, the underground passage. This copy is said to be underground in a certain forest, but according to everyone's current posture, I'll just go to the place where there are many people. They should all be waiting for me."

Thinking of this, Lin Feng smiled, and judging from the news sent by Murong Yiyi just now, many people have already applied to join the guild.

After passing the scorching canyon and the ancient dragon altar, Lin Feng's backpack has increased a lot of supplies. The scorching canyon harvested 10,760 gold coins, as well as 30 fire poison pearls for refining medicine, a set of scorching gold sets, and a dark gold-level assassin's short blade a handful.

The ancient dragon altar has 11,880 gold coins, 40 decayed keel bones, a set of golden bones, and a dark gold-level weapon, the Dragon Skeleton Sword.

In this way, after finishing all dungeons, these equipment can be sold for a lot of money, and I have another big profit!

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng followed the crowd through a forest, and quickly found the entrance of the dungeon of the underground passage.

Lin Feng stepped forward.

"Hey, man, we're waiting here for the boss Meng Wang. Why are you standing at the door of the dungeon, blocking the way?"

"Stop talking, this is the boss Mengwang!"

"What? Block!".

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