National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 182 The Great War Begins, One Vs Five Hundred!


"President and the others were...instakilled!"

In the dense forest below, the members of the Glory Guild had just rushed over when they saw the Holy Light released by Lin Feng falling, and witnessed the scene where several members of the Glory Light were killed.

Suddenly, the members of the Glory Guild were stunned!

At this time, the guards in their Sisyat port city also rushed over.

"It's over there, just keep up!"

These guards ignored the players of the Glory Guild and rushed towards Lin Feng's direction.

After some battles, the fatigue value of Lin Feng and the Guardian Beast also dropped, so Lin Feng simply didn't do anything, and fell directly into the dense forest, ready to fight directly.

In fact, if these guards are not dealt with, Lin Feng himself will not be able to go to the Priest Transfer Temple in Sisyate Port City to teleport back to the Holy City of Great Light, and will not be able to return to Yashan City.

In the dense forest, because of the terrain, Lin Feng was able to move around a bit, so that he would not be besieged by the guards and all members of the Glory Guild.

More than 200 players from the Glory Guild and more than 300 guards from Sisyate Port City chased them out. If more than 500 people were in an open area, if they gathered fire, even Lin Feng would not be able to hold it now.

But in the dense forest, it is completely different.

"Destroy these people first, and then return to Sisyate Port City!"

After making a decision, Lin Feng went straight down, summoned Xiao Hei and other pets, and then released the boss recovered with the contract of all souls.

"The King Meng is here!"

"Catch him and take revenge for the city lord!"

Seeing Lin Feng, the Sisyate Port City guard shouted, and then rushed over.

Lin Feng gave the order, and several pets began to fight! Lin Feng himself also took the lead, and a death charge directly hit the Sisyat port city guard.




A cloud of dark attribute light surged on the Dragon Roaring Vajra Shield, and Lin Feng directly killed the six guards rushing forward in one breath.

The other guards were dumbfounded, their eyes widened, and they looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

At this time, Xiao Hei rushed over directly, his magic power surged, and the surrounding water vapor condensed, using the ice-covered ground, freezing a large number of Sisyat Port City guards in place. Xiao Ha directly pounced on it and launched a fierce attack.

Lin Feng found his position, raised his hand with the sword of the Archangel, and the guardian angel of the day slashed!

The huge cross light surged forward, breaking through the freezing of dozens of guards, killing them instantly.





With one move, about 20 guards were instantly killed, including several guard captains!

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the other guards jumped even more, and they gasped!

And the Glory Guild players who followed closely were even more surprised, each of them looked at Lin Feng with incredulous eyes.

"What kind of harm is he doing!"

"These are all level 100 guards!"

"What kind of skill is this! Cutting people is like chopping vegetables!"

"It must be a powerful skill, and the cooling time must not be short, let's use this time together!"

Members of the Glory Guild spoke.

And at this moment, Glory of Glory continued to choose to resurrect in situ.

"Moe King!"

He roared, and then gave the order directly.

"All members of the Glory Guild, whoever kills Meng Wang, will be rewarded with 100,000 yuan!"

After the voice fell, many members of the Glory Guild became excited.

One hundred thousand yuan!

This is equivalent to the annual income of some ordinary people!

Under the huge reward, the members of the Glory Guild shouted and rushed towards Lin Feng as if they had been injected with chicken blood. But this time, Light of Glory learned the lessons of the previous two times and did not go forward directly, but endured his temper and decided to give Lin Feng a fatal blow at a critical moment.

On the side of Glory's Light, Templar Wind and other high-level members of the Glory Guild also chose to resurrect in situ. Seeing the safe and sound Lin Feng, Templar Wind's eyes showed a trace of fear, and the staff in his hand was slightly bright, but he didn't either. Choose the first time to do it!

Lin Feng resisted his strongest attack just now, so he will definitely not be able to kill the opponent with a rash attack at this time! Why don't you let the other players and guards consume it first, and then take the shot yourself when you see the timing!

The players of the Glory Guild turned red-eyed.

But, before they reached Lin Feng.


A roar resounded throughout the arena, and several bosses that Lin Feng signed a contract directly blocked the player's way.

"This is... a level 60 rare boss!"

"Damn it, how could he control these bosses!"

The level 60 boss faced the ordinary players of the Glory Guild. These ordinary players were no match at all! They were directly killed by the boss on the field.

Seeing this scene, the guards of Sisyat Port City couldn't sit still anymore. They directly joined the battle, some rushed to the boss, and some rushed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng directly activated the guardian light array, and rushed over with Xiao Hei and a few pets.

Suddenly, a chaotic battle broke out in the dense forest.

At this moment, not far from the battlefield.

Some players who heard the news near Sisyat Port City came near the battlefield to eat melons.

Many players even saw the scene of Lin Feng killing the Light of Glory in seconds, and they were amazed!

Some players who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement even started to communicate in real time on the forum.

Scarecrow: "Instakill! Meng Wang directly instakilled Gaowan of the Glory Guild, the Glory of Glory and the Wind of the Temple were in it, and both of them were also instakilled!"

The midnight bell: "Meng Wang and hundreds of players and hundreds of NPCs are doing it!"

Oumen News: "It's so fierce! Meng Wang actually has such a combat power, and he is still not in the wind. He actually summoned a BOSS. What kind of skill is this? Maybe, Meng Wang can really counter-kill NPCs and Glory Guild people!"

The smell of tulips: "Where is the joke upstairs? One person fights against hundreds of people, and even NPCs, this can win!"

Snoopy's favorite: "Really, I'm here in Sisyat Port City! Meng Wang can really fight, his pets and summoned beasts are too perverted, and he is also a pervert! Oh, God What! did I die?"

Detective Charlotte: "I died too! I was watching the battle just now, and suddenly a ray of light came over, and I died myself. Was it swept away by the clutter of the battle?"

For a while, among the players of Oumen Second World, Meng Wang and Glory Guild became the hottest topics at present.

The Oumen Second World forum also built a 10,000-story building in just half an hour, and all the discussions were about Mengwang and Glory Guild.

The name Meng Wang has completely become popular among the Oumen players. At the same time, the things about the Meng Wang before have been dug up by the Oumen players. They participated in the Holy Child Competition and won the first construction order in the second world. Chasing and killing, and now fighting with the Glory Guild and the NPC guards of Sisyat Port City at the same time.

If he can win this battle, Meng Wang will undoubtedly become a legend in the hearts of Oumen players!


But at this time, on the other side.

The glacier in the afternoon escaped from Sisyat Port City, and the guards chasing her were also picked up one by one by her kite tactics!

Fleeing to a valley, the glacier at noon finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know what happened to Lin Feng and Yiyi? They weren't caught!"

~The Glory of the Glory Guild is also in Sisyat Port City, so he won't be in conflict with Lin Feng, right?

In the afternoon, Glacier frowned and began to worry.

But at this moment, her friend's message rang, and suddenly, the glacier at noon was overjoyed, thinking that it was Lin Feng or Murong Yiyi who reported the message.

But when he saw the friend's information, the glacier in the afternoon was slightly taken aback!

Lie Yang at noon: "What's your relationship with King Meng!"

The person who sent the letter was none other than Wu Ri's Bing Chuan's brother, who is also the vice president of the Glory Guild!

Seeing this message, Noon Glacier was taken aback for a moment, and then replied.

"It's nothing, it's just a partnership to do a task!"

Noon's Glacier has no close relationship with her brother, and she doesn't like the light of glory, but her brother is the vice president of the Glory Guild, which makes the relationship between the two a little awkward.

Unlike Wuri's Bing Chuan's personality, Wuri's Lieyang sounds very enthusiastic, but in fact he is not warm and sunny at all, but a little cold, usually speaking very little, and is extremely proud! Under normal circumstances Basically do not communicate with the glacier in the afternoon.

This time, it was because the Meng Wang incident had completely exploded. Lie Yang in the afternoon took a look and found out that there was actually a figure of his own sister in it, so he thought of asking the other craftsman.

Lie Yang at noon: "Meng Wang is now at war with the Glory Guild. He is fighting against 200 players and 300 guards alone. This person is very dangerous and very strong. You should stay away from him in the future!"

Seeing her brother's reply, Noon Ri's Bing Chuan gritted her teeth. She hated her (gotten) brother talking to her in a preaching tone.

Noon's Glacier: "Don't care! Play a game, you have to care so much!"

He replied angrily, but the other party didn't reply anymore. In a fit of anger, Noon Ri's Glacier replied several messages in succession.

"I can be with whomever I like, you don't care!"

"Let me tell you, I am now the saint of the Church of Light, and I am not afraid of you!"

"If you keep on me, I'll let Meng Wang take care of you!"

After sending out several messages in a row, the anger in Bingchuan's heart in the afternoon eased a little.

At this time, she received news from Murong Yiyi again.

Murong Xiaoyi: "I'm already safe! Lin Feng seems to be fighting with the other party!"

At noon, Glacier responded quickly.

"I'm safe too!"

Then, she looked towards the north of Sisyate Port City, her brows slightly frowned.

"200 players, and the light of glory! Adding 300 NPCs, can Lin Feng beat him?"

There was a question in her heart, but soon, she thought of the scene where Lin Feng dealt with the protector of the Son of Light before.

"Others may not be able to, but his words... Maybe he can really fight!"

"Do you want to go back and help, Shin?"

Afterwards, Noon's Glacier fell into deep thought again, and finally she gritted her teeth and walked towards the north of Sisyate Port City!.

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