National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 185: The Cute King Attacks! The Battle To Destroy The City!

A ray of light surged from a player's corpse, and a few seconds later, he was directly resurrected on the spot.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, Meng Wang has time for his transformation..."

After resurrection, he shouted directly!

But looking around, many players have already started to flee!

And some newly revived players fell under Lin Feng's attack again!

On the field, members of the Glory Light and the Glory Guild also disappeared, leaving only some players who had come to eat melons.

Suddenly, the voice of this player stopped abruptly!

"Where's the Light of Glory?"

"Where are the members of the Glory Guild?"

"Why did everyone run away?"

Questions appeared in his mind one after another, but he hadn't waited for his reaction yet.


A roar sounded beside him, and the Blood Moon Sirius (Little Ha) bit him with one bite. After attacking a few times, he killed this player again!

"I'm dead again?"

The player was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned gray!

And there are many players around him performing this scene.

Resurrected, killed!

At the same time, in the channel near the player at this time, the players became angry one by one. It wasn't that the angry King Meng killed them, but that the members of the Glory Guild left them and went back to the city to be resurrected!

"Pit than Glory Guild!"

"The "eight six seven" light of glory, I thought he was the leader and representative of the Oumen players before, but now it seems that this person is just a bully and a coward!"

"You're still the number one guild just like that! Damn! Leave us alone and run away, whoever wants to earn the million! If I believe in the light of glory again, let me be ten centimeters shorter!"

The players cursed for a while, and after they died, they all chose to return to the city to be resurrected!

Soon, the confrontation between the two sides on the battlefield turned into a corpse-guarding massacre!

And at this time, on the other side!

At noon, the glacier galloped towards the battlefield rapidly.

She fled to the west, and didn't dare to pass directly through Sisyat Port City, so she could only make a detour, which took a lot of time.

A few minutes ago, she could still see the huge holy light and the light of magic skills coming from near the battlefield in the distance.

But, soon, those lights dissipated!

There is not much movement in the direction of the battlefield!

Noon's Bing Chuan immediately felt anxious and sent Lin Feng a friend message, but Lin Feng didn't reply!

"Shouldn't it be killed?"

Ah! If you are killed, you will not not reply to the message!"

At noon, Glacier began to guess in his heart.

However, soon, she herself played near the battlefield.

Looking down from the sky, a large area of ​​dense forest was directly flattened, exposing the bare ground, just like someone has a head of jet-black hair, but a piece of baldness in the middle is unusually obvious.

The glacier at noon flew over directly, but the surrounding area was completely silent!

Soon, she found Xiaoha!

"It's Lin Feng's pet!"

The glacier at noon was bright, and it went straight away!

Then, he came to a flat ground and saw Lin Feng, and beside Lin Feng, several pets were also standing on one side, forming a circle around it, and there were some player corpses in the center of the circle!

"Lin Feng, you are..."

The glacier at noon was stunned. No matter how she looked at it, she felt that Lin Feng seemed to be guarding the corpse!

But didn’t you say before that Lin Feng fought with hundreds of players and hundreds of NPCs?

What about those players?

What about those NPCs?

Oh! The NPC seems to be dead!

Noon Glacier saw the guard's body, and then she was startled.

"This guy, won't kill everyone!"

Noon Glacier looked at Lin Feng in surprise.


"Why do you have such an expression!"

Lin Feng also discovered the glacier at Noon Ri, and seeing the other party's eyes widen, he opened his mouth and said.

"Uh, you... aren't you fighting NPCs and the Glory Guild again? I heard the news and rushed over, but what about them?"

"I killed them! Now there are only a few players left on the field! These people would rather die than accept, you came just in time, and they will be resurrected and kill them!" Lin Feng waited for the rise of the mouth.

At noon, Glacier looked astonished.

Really got killed!

You are not joking anymore!

You killed hundreds of people by yourself?

How can I believe it?

Looking at the glacier's expression at noon, Lin Feng continued to speak.

"Don't worry, these people have been killed by me and they are only at level 20! You can easily deal with them! I still have to go to Sisyate Port City!"


In the afternoon, Glacier didn't dare to answer, and frowned.

And at this moment, a player on the field was revived!

"Mengwang, I don't believe you..."


This player had just been revived, and before he finished speaking, Xiao Hei took him away with a breath, and was killed again!

Seeing this scene, Wu Ri's glacier was stunned and believed it. Just a little unacceptable!

"This guy Lin Feng, is he so powerful now?"

She looked at Lin Feng, showing some curiosity.

And at this moment, a booming sound came from afar.

Then, a figure landed on the same spot, this time it was none other than Murong Yiyi!

Seeing the scene on the field, Murong Yiyi also frowned, and looked at Lin Feng.

"Have you solved it?"

"It's just a bunch of mobs, all of them have been killed and retreated! These few are not convinced, I'm going to kill them back to level 1!" Lin Feng looked at the corpses of the players on the field and said: "But I still want to go to Sisyat Port City , Yiyi, you stay here to watch over these guys, kill them immediately after they are revived! Don’t worry, they are only around 20 levels left, and they can’t even put on their equipment, so they can be easily dealt with!”

Murong Yiyi looked at the player's corpse on the field, frowned slightly, hesitated for a while, and then spoke.


After finishing speaking, Murong Yiyi directly took out the bazooka and pointed it at the players on the field.

In the afternoon, Glacier listened to his scalp tingling and fell in love with Murong Yiyi.

"Yiyi, don't you even ask, how did he kill those players and NPCs?"

"Hundreds of people!"

"That's hundreds of people! Not one or two bosses!"

"You don't need to ask, if you kill it, you will kill it!" Murong Yiyi said.

At this time, a player on the field once again chose to resurrect on the spot, and just stood up.


The bazooka in Murong Yiyi's hand immediately started, killing the player directly!

The glacier in the afternoon was even more depressed, and it felt a little difficult to communicate!

"I want to know, how did I kill it?" Lin Feng smiled on the side. At the critical moment, his vice president is still reliable!

"Just follow me to Sisyate Port City!"

Seeing Lin Feng's smile, Wuri Bingchuan was taken aback, and a terrifying thought immediately flourished in her mind.

"This guy, doesn't he want to destroy the city?" The glacier in the afternoon was frightened.

And this time, Noon's Glacier guessed right!

Lin Feng just wants to destroy the city!

Now the lord of Sisyat Port City is dead, many guards have been killed by Lin Feng, there is not much combat power, and most of the players in the city are hostile to him!

The previous rhetoric has already been released, Lin Feng will naturally not let it go at this moment!

He won't let go of any players from Sisyate Port City, especially players from the Glory Guild!

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and then Lin Feng summoned Shuang'er, handed it over to Murong Yiyi, and flew towards Sisyate Port City by himself...

Watching Lin Feng leave, Wu Ri's Bing Chuan frowned, glanced at Murong Yiyi, finally gritted his teeth, and said something in a low voice.

"Two perverts!"

But, she is also very curious about what Lin Feng can do!

Summoned the Wings of Flowers, followed Lin Feng and flew directly towards Sisyate Port City.

at the same time.

After Lin Feng killed the Glory Guild.

The Second World Oumen player forum exploded!

A forum post immediately went viral, and within a few minutes, it was directly marked as 'popular' and was pinned to the top.

"Battle of the Conferred Gods! The Holy Son of Light, King Meng, is in Sisyate Port City, and defeated 200 members of the Glory Guild by one person!"

1 person against 200 people, and won!

And the opponent is the number one guild in Europe, the Glory guild!

Such a title is too hot! It's so eye-catching!

In addition to the several hot posts that appeared after the war between Lin Feng and the Glory Guild, as soon as this post came out, it directly shocked the forum and reached the top position.

Many Oumen players clicked in with a curious attitude, and the players who had paid a little attention to this station before widened their eyes.

When they heard that Glory Light, the president of the Glory Guild, led more than 200 members of the Glory Guild to hunt down Mengwang, they never thought that Mengwang would be able to stand up!

but now

The opponent alone actually defeated the 200 members of the Glory Guild!

Oh, my god!

my god, it's not true, is it?

Ever since, many players clicked in one after another, and when they went in and read it, they were stunned!

In this post, there are not only the detailed process of the incident, but also some players uploaded some live video of the game!

Moreover, the members of the Glory Guild did not come forward to stop it! The forum official even put it at the top!

This proves that what this forum says is true! Absolutely true!

And when they saw the content inside, everyone found that Meng Wang's opponents were not only hundreds of players from the Glory Guild, but also hundreds of NPC guards in Sisyate Port City.

Oumen players were shocked! 0.6

In this battle, Meng Wang actually won!

This is simply a miracle?

Many players left messages. Some people praised Lin Feng's strength, while others took advantage of the failure of the Glory Guild and lashed out, especially the fact that the Glory Guild left the field early, and letting other players hold back was even more embarrassing!

Devil's Kiss: "My God, this oriental man created a myth!"

Oath of Miracles: "This... I can't believe my eyes! One person repelled hundreds of people? How did this happen!"

Laura is my wife: "It's amazing! The Glory Guild is ashamed!"

Fiery Knight Armor: "Let an Easterner repel, and the Glory Guild actually exits early, a bunch of trash, shame on us European players!"

Bright Ranger 123: "Doesn't anyone care about the Light of Glory offering a million? One million kills, ten million kills will be 10 million!"

Witch monk: "This Easterner is too powerful, no wonder he can become the Son of Light! The enemy is strong, it's not the fault of the Glory Guild! But as the number one guild, shouldn't you fight to the death? The Light of Glory is not worthy of him being number one in Omen The identity of the player!"

All of a sudden, there was a heated discussion among the Oumen players.

And at the back of this post, it is directly marked that the incident is still in progress!

This proves that this battle is not over yet! It is still going on....

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