"It's him! He should be the apprentice of the Lion King, I can feel the breath of the Lion King from him!"

In the air, Murong Sisi spoke.

"It's him! Hot pot with red wine!"

Lin Feng looked at the ID of the person below, and was taken aback for a moment.

"Do you know Lin Feng?" Murong Sisi became curious.

"The former opponent in Longyuan City, the president of the hotpot guild, you should know!"

"Ah! It's him?" Although Murong Sisi had never been out of Qingqiu Holy City, she knew a lot of information about Lin Feng, most of which she heard from Murong Wuwu.

Among the five Murong sisters, Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi have the best relationship, and there is no one controlling the other! They are a little confused, so they often share information. But Murong Sisi is a big speaker, Murong Wuwu will not tell her about things that are too private, otherwise everyone will know the next day.

"I heard from Wuwu before that this hot pot guild is not a good thing! It even framed you!" Murong Sisi said indignantly.

"However, why is he here! And he seems to be the apprentice of the Lion King!"

"I'm not sure! But, this is the best way! You won't have any worries if you kill him, but the person next to him seems to be a little familiar! Phantom Thieves, Demon Jie, seems to be the president of a large guild in North America? How could people from North America show up?" Here!" Lin Feng thought about it.

And in the bottom, hot pot with red wine, the two also found Lin Feng.

"Moe King!"

The hot pot with red wine roared, his eyes were full of anger! The Phantom Thief and Mojie on the side were suddenly a little surprised.

Meng Wang?

During this period of time, this id is what he listens to the most!

North America already knows about the changes in the Glory Guild at Oumen! And the so-called fuse is King Meng.

Moreover, before that, he also heard a lot about Meng Wang from hot pot with red wine!

So he is no stranger to Meng Wang!

It's just that he was also a little curious why the other party came here and was with the people from Qingqiu Holy City.

"The people around him, I know! They are the apprentice of the Lord of Qingqiu Holy City. As long as we kill her, our mission can be completed!"

Just when Phantom Thief Mojie was puzzled, Hot Pot with Red Wine spoke again. Hearing the sound, Phantom Thief Mojie's eyes lit up and he became delighted.

He had stayed in the Lion King's Holy City for so long just to complete this mission, and now that the mission goal finally appeared, he was suddenly overjoyed.

But soon, he frowned slightly, and looked at Lin Feng worriedly.

"Meng Wang is not weak!"

Both sides have found each other.

But they didn't make a move immediately, Lin Feng directly controlled Shuang'er to gallop down.

When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous!

Today's hot pot with red wine can't wait to eat Lin Feng directly. Staring at Lin Feng, the eyes are so red that they can spit fire.

"Hot pot with red wine, it seems that after leaving Longyuan City, you have lived a good life! You have become the disciple of the city master of the Lion King Holy City!" Lin Feng said.

"Meng Wang, so I still have to thank you very much!" Hot pot with red wine gritted his teeth and said.

"Thank you? Okay! I have a mission. I just need the head of the apprentice of the Lion King's Holy City City Lord. Don't move there. Let me kill you once, and I'll leave after I take it! Anyway, you are a player, and you really can't die!"

"Meng Wang, do you really think that I can't deal with you now?" The hot pot and red wine burst into anger: "I haven't settled the account with you in Longyuan City before!"

"Hehe, you're actually running over now! It just so happens that today I'll let you try being killed to level 1 to be happy?"

"Idiot! I can return to the city and be resurrected!" Lin Feng glanced at the hot pot with red wine.

The reason why he was able to kill the hot pot with red wine to level 1 was because the opponent couldn't return to Longyuan City.

"However, you are not my opponent now, if you want to kill me, you can come and try!"

"By the way, Phantom Thief? If I remember correctly, you should be the president of a guild in North America!" Lin Feng looked at Phantom Thief again.

"Hehe, King Meng! All the forums in the second world are full of news about you these days! How about it? Are you interested in developing in North America? We and the Shengong Association can let you be the vice president!" The strange thief Mojie said.

Hearing the sound, he immediately glared at him while serving hot pot with red wine.

"Mojie, don't forget that I shared your mission with you! I can withdraw it at any time!"

"Hehe, hot pot, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously!"

Lin Feng smiled when he heard the sound.

"Blood God's Guild, the number one guild in North America? Hehe, I will definitely go over there in North America! But the vice president forgets. "My tenth guild in the world is quite powerful! Isn't the number one guild on Oumen's side still the same?" !too weak!"

"If that's the case, forget it!" Phantom Thief Mojie shifted his eyes to Murong Sisi.

"It just so happens that we have a mission that requires the corpse of the disciple of the City Lord of Qingqiu Holy City, the girl on your side..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Meng Wang, even if I can't kill you to level 1 today, I will kill you once! When I leave the Lion King's Holy City, when the time comes, I will find you and your guild!"

Pairing hot pot with red wine directly interrupted Phantom Thief and Mojie's words. When things got to this point, there was no need to talk, and he just shot.

Whoever has the bigger fist has the final say!

After finishing the words, Hot Pot and Red Wine took out his weapon, a pair of arm armor with a lion pattern engraved on it!

"Ah, is this going to be a fight?"

When Murong Yiyi saw this, she immediately yelled, and then she also took out her own weapon, a shining magic ball.

On the other side, Lin Feng's body surged with light, and he took out the Archangel's Sword and Dragon Roaring Vajra Shield at the same time, and said to Murong Sisi at the same time.

"Be careful, these two people are not easy to deal with!"

Murong Sisi nodded, but her heart became excited.

This is the first time she has played against a player since she played the second world!

After going offline, you can talk to Wuwu, and I will fight with players!

Seeing the smile on Murong Sisi's mouth, Lin Feng curled his lips, Murong Sisi is probably unreliable, and in the end he needs to get rid of these two people by himself.

"Mojie, I'll leave that girl to you! I'll deal with Meng Wang. After you finish her off, come and help me!"

Looking at Lin Feng, hot pot with red wine said.

After the words fell, Phantom Thief and Mojie also nodded. Both of them could tell that Murong Sisi was not very strong, and he didn't seem to have much PK experience, so it wouldn't take much time to deal with such an opponent.

"Do it!"

Then, he drank the hot pot with red wine, and at the same time, he directly attacked Lin Feng!

...ask for flowers‥

At the same time, on his side, the Phantom Thief and Mojie turned into a gust of blood and directly attacked Murong Sisi.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng quickly released the protective light shield.


The hot pot and red wine took the lead, and the gauntlet in his hand shone with a bright light, which slammed into the guardian light needle released by Lin Feng.


With one punch, Lin Feng's entire protective light array exploded directly, but the remaining attacks did not cause damage to Lin Feng, but a MISS appeared, which proves that the attack damage of the punch with hot pot and red wine is The 55000 or so.

At the same time, Lin Feng entered into a fighting state, he hastily hit the Guardian Angel Cross Slash and released it.


Jianguang surged out directly, cutting towards the hot pot with red wine.

However, Hot Pot with Red Wine seemed to have anticipated this attack, and crossed the gauntlets on his hands in front of his chest, making a defensive posture.

With a bang, the cross sword light bombarded Hot Pot and Red Wine's gauntlet, rubbing a burst of flames, and at the same time a damage number jumped from the top of Hot Pot and Red Wine's head.



Seeing the damage number, Lin Feng couldn't help being stunned, but the hot pot with red wine on the other side laughed.

"Haha, Meng Wang, I have already studied part of your skills! The damage is really high. But it is useless to me. There are many other skills in the Holy City of the Lion King. There will be a lot of skills to reduce damage and defense, and I am the Lion King Apprentice! If you want to kill me instantly, you are dreaming!"

The words fell, and the hot pot with red wine launched an attack again.

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng was slightly taken aback, but was amazed in his heart.

Now his magic attack power is around 13,000, and a blow from the guardian angel's cross cut will deal at least 170,000 damage, but the hot pot with red wine did not dodge, and took it head-on.

170,000 attacks, weakened to more than 10,000 by him!

The defense and damage reduction skills of hot pot with red wine are also abnormal enough!

However, the guardian angel cross cut is not a big skill for Lin Feng, and it is already very powerful to deal more than 10,000 damage.

After the attack, Lin Feng also saw the level information of the hot pot with red wine, level 53! Even if all his attribute points are added to his constitution, his blood volume will not be too much, which is about the same as Lin Feng's now.

As for damage reduction and defense skills, skills always have a CD, once the time is up, the instant kill is still the instant kill!

Seeing the hot pot with red wine rushing up again, Lin Feng activated the guardian star shield again, and then he looked slightly to the other side.

The guardian light needle was broken, and the Phantom Thief Demon Jie's skills were also very special, directly turning into a blood wind, bypassing Lin Feng and rushing towards Murong Sisi.

At this moment, Murong Sisi has already fought the opponent!

It's just that Murong Sisi's combat experience is too little now, and when she saw the Phantom Thief and Mojie rushing up, she didn't dodge, but directly activated the magic ball in front of her.

Immediately afterwards, the magic ball in front of Murong Sisi lit up, and at the same time, behind her, nine red phantom tails appeared, growing bigger, and in the blink of an eye, they were as tall as the trees on one side.

Then, boom!

The nine tails swayed at the same time, piercing the air, and there was a sound of breaking wind, and then they fell together, and directly turned into a bloody wind and smashed towards the monster thief and monster B!

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