National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 201 Transformation! The Power Of King Kong Lion King And Gorefiend!

Among the jungle.

Swish Swish Swish—

The Phantom Thief and Mojie launched an attack, one after another of blood-red claws continuously surged towards Lin Feng, slashing on the protective light array released by Lin Feng.




The damage figures jumped up, but the eyes of Phantom Thief and Mojie were unusually dignified. He released four blood-red claws one after another and landed on the shield.

But Lin Feng's shield was not broken, and he didn't get any blood-sucking effect when he hit the shield!

"Damn it, why is his shield so thick!"

Kaitou Mojie cursed secretly, he had already noticed that Lin Feng's shield restrained his own ability a bit! Once he couldn't break Lin Feng's shield in an instant, Lin Feng might take advantage of this time to directly kill him. kill.

No matter how strong the blood sucking is, it is useless in front of the shield!

However, Phantom Thief and Mojie's powerful offensive methods often require close quarters. Now that he has seen the fate of hot pot and red wine before, how dare he approach Lin Feng so easily.

If Lin Feng used a skill to instantly kill himself, it would be a big loss!

And now, hot pot with red wine is also revived!

Naturally, one should be more cautious when fighting alone, it is best to consume Lin Feng from a distance.

There was a touch of fear in his eyes. When the Phantom Thief and Mojie attacked, Lin Feng also took care of his own protective measures.

Guardian of the Cross · Psalm, Guardian of the Cross · Healing, summoned.

A layer of holy light suddenly appeared around Lin Feng. After bathing in it, his blood volume slowly recovered. At the same time, Lin Feng's dual resistances were also improved!

Staring at the Phantom Thief and Demon Jie in front of him, seeing the timing, the Dragon Xiao 24 Vajra Shield in his hand shook for a while, and Lin Feng directly launched a death charge and rushed over.

On the opposite side, the Phantom Thief and Mojie immediately jumped, turning himself into a puddle of blood, and fled towards the rear.


Lin Feng behind him hit like a train, the speed was very fast, and the distance between him and Phantom Thief was shortened in the blink of an eye.

But before making the move, Phantom Thief and Mojie kept a certain distance! Seeing that Lin Feng's speed slowed down, his agitated heart slowed down.

"Fortunately, the distance is not enough!" Phantom Thief Mojie exhaled.

But, at this moment.

With a trembling sound, Phantom Thief Mojie's heart trembled suddenly!

A ray of holy light flickered in front of him, and a ray of cross slashing light surged, and slashed directly at the monster thief and Mojie.

In the light of his cross, Phantom Thief Mojie felt a palpitation, and at the same time, an involuntary hint of crisis came out from within his blood.

The blood family belongs to the family of vampires. Most of their powers are of dark attribute, which happens to be restrained by the Holy Light skill of the Church of Light.

Under the crisis, Kaitou Mojie seemed to have remembered this.

"Are you going to be killed in seconds?"

The blood mist transformed by Phantom Thief Mojie trembled, and at the same time, he accelerated his pace and fled towards the distance! His speed was very fast, but the speed of the Holy Light of the Cross was even faster.

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken, Phantom Thief and Mojie despaired for a while.

But at this moment!


Suddenly, from behind him, a giant half-human half-lion monster jumped out, its strong and thick arms waved, and the two sharp claw gloves on its hands waved forward.

The eight red slashes also swung out, directly going away from the cross slash issued by Lin Feng.

A hissing and ear-piercing sound sounded, and the slashes from both sides collided. The Holy Light Cross Slash quickly split eight slashes, and galloped directly towards the Vajra Lion King transformed into the hot pot and red wine.

"Cut!" Hot pot with red wine snorted coldly.

At the same time, he made a defensive posture, and with a buzzing sound, a ball of golden light flickered on his huge body, and the Holy Light Cross fell on the body of Hot Pot and Red Wine, and it shattered directly.


A damage figure surged, but this blow only dealt 10,000 damage to Hot Pot with Red Wine.

At the same time, a burst of golden light dissipated from the whole body of Hot Pot with Red Wine, and a burst of red light surged up, and the blood volume that had been reduced just now recovered again.

He even laughed out loud.

"Hey, Meng Wang, you are dead today! I am in the form of the Vajra Lion King, but I have 85% damage reduction, and the resistance has also increased a lot! Your skills are very important to me.

It's of no use at all!"

The words fell, and the hot pot with red wine looked to the side of the Phantom Thief and Demon Jie again!

"Mojie, what are you waiting for now! Hurry up and get rid of this guy!"

After finishing the words, after the hot pot and red wine, Phantom Thief Mojie re-formed into a human form, shook his head, and looked at Lin Feng at the same time.

"Forget it, I thought I could deal with one or two in this state, but I'm overwhelmed! Meng Wang "You return the tenth player I met who can link my transformation skills!"

After he finished speaking, a layer of blood mist surged around his whole body, and the surging blood mist directly wrapped Phantom Thief Mojie's whole body, forming a spherical thing like a blood cocoon.

After a full five seconds, a crack suddenly appeared on the blood cocoon, and immediately after that, it burst open with a bang.

Kaitou Mojie appeared from the blood cocoon, but at this moment his whole person has changed, the most obvious is that a pair of wings appeared behind him.

But at the same time, his entire face became even more ferocious, with two white fangs protruding, and the skin on his face wrinkled, making him look like a bat

"A lion, a bat! Interesting!" Seeing the avatar skills of the two, Lin Feng smiled slightly: "But I don't want to learn such skills, it's too ugly


Yes! It's just too ugly!

Needless to say, the strange set of Mojie, his face has turned into the shape of a bat! And the same goes for hot pot with red wine. After he became the Vajra Lion King, a lot of hair has grown on his face, and he looks extremely ugly.

Both of their avatars are beasts, not as beautiful as the other avatars that Lin Feng saw before! Of course, they are far worse than Lin Feng's own transformation skills!

Hearing Lin Feng's words, he didn't think there was anything wrong with hot pot pairing with red wine! However, there was a touch of hostility in Kai Thief Mojie's eyes.

In fact, he is not particularly satisfied with his ability to become a blood demon. According to Lin Feng's thinking, he is too ugly!

As the president of the Blood God's Guild, the number one guild in North America, he is a respectable figure after all. Such a transformation must have had a certain influence on him.

If it weren't for the lack of strength in the normal state, the Phantom Thief and Mojie would not use this move.

But although his appearance is a bit ugly, his strength has been multiplied several times in the blood demon form, the blood-sucking effect has increased a lot, and he can also cast many secret techniques that cannot be cast in the normal state.

"When you are killed, you will know! It's useless to look good!"

With a light drink, Phantom Thief Jie made his move directly.

"Come out! My servant!"

As soon as his words fell, the wings behind him spread out, and suddenly, black shadows surged out from the wings of the Phantom Thief and Mojie.

Lin Feng took a closer look, and found that those black shadows were nothing but vampire bats!

"These bats can provide me with a stable source of blood, even if you release the shield, I can kill them to get replenished!"

"And, in this state, Meng Wang, you will not be my opponent at all!"

"Let's do it! Hot pot, the transformation time is limited, kill him quickly!"

While speaking, Phantom Thief and Mojie gathered his wings, and at the same time, his whole body turned into a cloud of black mist and disappeared directly on the spot.

Lin Feng was taken aback when he saw this scene!

Similar to Rogue's Stealth?

No! No, the dog caught a trace!

Black mist! There will be some black mist around him!

While Lin Feng was analyzing, the hot pot with red wine roared, and his huge body moved directly, hitting Lin Feng directly, just like a train hitting head-on.

At the same time, there was a rustling sound of 970, and a large number of vampire bats released by Phantom Thief and Demon Jie also galloped towards Lin Feng.

Under the attack of both sides, Lin Feng's situation is also very dangerous, but for ordinary players, this is already a lore attack.

There is Phantom Thief Mojie himself in the dark, King Kong Lion King hot pot with red wine on the front, and Phantom Thief Mojie’s bats as harassment on the other side!

Moreover, the damage of these people and skills is not low. Under the triple attack, they can easily kill any high-level players in the second world in seconds.

Even now that Lin Feng has more than 60,000 health, he dares to resist these three waves of damage recklessly! And more importantly, he cannot fall into the opponent's attack.

At this moment, for many players, it seems that there is no good way except to dodge!

However, Lin Feng still stood there!


One by one vampire bats rushed towards him first, but Lin Feng ignored them, allowing these vampire bats to attack him.




The attack of vampire bats is not high, but the number is very fast. After some attacks, Lin Feng actually lost nearly 10,000 blood. And the most important thing is that this 10,000 blood volume will become the blood reserve of Phantom Thief Mojie, his blood volume.

After incarnating as a blood demon, the survivability of the Phantom Thief and Demon Jie is extremely strong. Unless he is instantly killed, this guy will complete the Jedi counterattack! And it is even more stupid to hurt both sides with him!

"Not moving?"

"I want to ask to die!"

"If that's the case, then I'll fulfill you!"

Seeing Lin Feng actually letting vampire bats attack him, he was a little dazed with hot pot and red wine.

But at this time, he had already rushed in front of Lin Feng, and Lin Feng had already entered the range of his melee attack.


With a roar, Hot Pot with Red Wine directly launched the broken air, a pair of claws grabbed Lin Feng's head!

He wants to smash Lin Feng's head, only in this way, Tuan can relieve the hatred in his heart!

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