National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 204 Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Totem!

"Little Si, you finally came out!"

Looking at Murong Sisi, Murong Er Er smiled slightly and said.

"Wait a minute, Xiaowu and Xiaosan will be here too! Our five sisters can reunite again!"

"Ah! Third Sister and Wu Wu are coming here too! Second Sister, Eldest Sister, can you take me to fight monsters later?" Murong Sisi said, "I also want to bring Wu Wu, her pet is very powerful! But now I have a pet too!~"

After finishing speaking, Murong Sisi released the nine-tailed fox. The charming and cute nine-tailed fox soon attracted Murong Er'er's attention.

"Wow, what a cute pet!"

After finishing speaking, Murong Er'er wanted to reach out to touch it, but Nine-Tailed Fox dodged it.

On the one hand, Lin Feng watched the three sisters talking, but did not participate in it.

Instead, he took out the token obtained in Qingqiu Holy City, and directly started binding, binding the teleportation point of Blood Wolf City with Qingqiu Holy City.

In this way, Lin Feng can be directly teleported to Qingqiu Holy City in Blood Wolf City.

"The transmission token of Qingqiu Holy City has been detected, is it bound to Blood Wolf City?" the system's voice came to mind.


With a buzzing sound, a ray of light flickered from the teleportation token, and then disappeared.

At the same time, another system notification sounded in Lin Feng's mind.

"Ding, it has been detected that Blood Wolf City belongs to the player Mengwang. After binding and sending, Blood Wolf City can be set as an affiliated city of Qingqiu Holy City. Do you want to set Blood Wolf City as an affiliated city of Qingqiu Holy City?"

"Subsidiary city? What's the use of this?" Lin Feng was slightly puzzled. Originally, he thought that this token was just for him to use as a legend, but from the system's point of view, the lack of it is not so simple.

"Affiliated cities and the main city can be teleported to each other without charging any transfer fees! And after becoming an affiliated city, the city will join the main city camp, accept the protection of the main city, and assist the main city in combat. At the same time, it will be protected by the main city The hostile forces turned into enemies!"

Seeing this, Lin Feng thought for a while.

"Set it up as an affiliated city of Qingqiu Holy City!"

The voice fell, and soon the system was set up, and at the same time, the system prompted Lin Feng to go to Qingqiu Holy City to confirm.

And at this time, there was a buzzing sound, and the teleportation light flickered.

"Lin Feng!"

Murong Wuwu appeared on the teleportation square.

"Lin Feng, the second sister said you brought Sisi out?" Murong Wuwu said joyfully.

On her side, Murong Shanshan also appeared! However, she looked at Lin Feng slightly indifferently, even with a bit of hostility in her eyes.

Of course, Lin Feng also understands that Murong Shanshan has always wanted to find a chance to compete with him, but she is not his opponent now.

"Lin Feng, I will bring people here to search for Blood Wolf City! I will give you a list later, and you can turn on the transmission authority!" Murong Shanshan said.

"For this matter, you can find Wuwu and Yiyi!" Lin Feng said.

"Yes! Third Sister, you can just find me! I am now the deputy city lord of Blood Wolf City!" Murong Wuwu said with an air.

Hearing the sound, Murong Shanshan glanced at Lin Feng.

This guy is obviously the lord of the city, but he doesn't care about anything!

Feeling that the five sisters are working for him?

Murong Shanshan was a little speechless, thinking in her heart, she must find a chance to kill him once, and let him know that our five sisters are not easy to mess with!

"Third sister, let's go quickly! I heard that Sisi's race has become a nine-tailed sky fox, and she also has an ear, which is fun! Let's go and see Sisi quickly!"

After finishing speaking, Murong Wuwu bid farewell to Lin Feng, and then took Murong Shanshan to find her sister.

Lin Feng just finished setting up the ownership of Blood Wolf City.

He did not participate in the conversation of the five Murong sisters, but directly teleported to the Qingqiu Holy City, and once again came to the main hall of the Qingqiu Holy City, and met the Qingqiu City Lord.

"Blood Wolf City? It's actually yours?"

"If you want to become a subsidiary city of Qingqiu Holy City, you can! As long as you are not afraid of the revenge of the Lion King Holy City! And, Xiao Si is now in Blood Wolf City."

"How about this! The affiliated cities of Qingqiu Holy City will be protected by the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox. Take the Firefox totem of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox back! Put it in the Blood Wolf City!"

"It will bring luck and protection to Blood Wolf City!"

Above the main hall, when they heard that Lin Feng's Blood Wolf City was going to join the Qingqiu Holy City's camp, Qingqiu City Lord did not refuse. With the existence of Murong Sisi, it is impossible for Lin Feng and Blood Wolf City to be spies sent by the Holy City of the Lion King, and Lin Feng also killed the apprentice of the Lion King.

With an extra subsidiary city, it is also an extra strength for Qingqiu Holy City. Qingqiu City Lord is naturally very happy.

After getting the totem, Lin Feng glanced at it.

[Firefox Totem (Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan)] The city guardian totem can be placed in the subsidiary city of Qingqiu Holy City. In the city, it can be protected by the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, increasing the health of players in the city by 20% and their health by 20%. defense. Entering the city, players belonging to the Lion King Holy City camp or blacklist will lose 20% of all attributes. It comes with the Sky Fox Protection skill. After it is turned on, players in the city can get 200% life recovery effect, which lasts for 5 disappearances, and cools down for 10 disappearances.

"Not bad! Similar to other totems of protection!"

Seeing this, Lin Feng nodded.

Then, he returned to Blood Wolf City with the Firefox totem. After placing the totem, the players in Blood Wolf City immediately responded.

"What's going on, my health has suddenly increased by 20%, and my defense has also increased a lot!"

"It was the same in Yashan City before! I thought there would be no more here!"

"This should be a city totem, did the president get another city totem!"

"The president is awesome! It is said that this thing is more difficult to get than the city building order!"

Immediately, many players began to rejoice. Although this attribute is not useful in the city now, it is very important to have a totem when starting the city battle in the future.

What's more, what makes most people happy is Lin Feng's ability. His own president is so awesome that it's completely natural and not too bad.

Maybe in the future, our world's number one guild can really become the world's number one.

After dealing with the matter of Blood Wolf City, Lin Feng has no other matters or tasks for the time being.

Murong Sisi had just been rescued, and under Murong Sisi's strong request, the sisters were also preparing to form a team to fight monsters together.

Lin Feng thought about it, and decided to go to the next dungeon, buy some materials and equipment, and exchange them for gold coins later.

The development of Yashan City has now entered a bottleneck, but Blood Wolf City has just started, and Lin Feng himself has a dilapidated imperial city waiting to be built.

……ask for flowers…

Teleported directly from Blood Wolf City, Lin Feng came directly to Zhao's Tower.

Zhao's Tower

Dungeon requirements: level 50 (required to be reduced to level 30 by the player Moe King)

Remaining times per day: 2 (1 time for ordinary players, extra +1 for cute players)

Difficulty selection: normal mode, elite mode, abyss mode, hell mode, death mode.

The death mode was directly selected.

After entering, Lin Feng saw the familiar Zhao family bone dog soldiers and Zhao family bone cat soldiers.

With Lin Feng's strength, cleaning this instance couldn't be easier!

Afterwards, he directly released Xiao Hei and Xiao Ha's pets, transformed himself into the form of a god of death, and released the soul-binding magic circle.

Today's Lin Feng basically kills the monsters in the dungeon as soon as he makes a move.

After swiping 3 times, Lin Feng went to Siren Dungeon again, and swiped 2 times in death mode.


After the two dungeons came out, Lin Feng also gained a lot of gold coins and equipment. After selling the equipment, he can probably get 20,000 gold coins this time.

"It's better to pay for the dungeon!"

Lin Feng couldn't help admiring.

"It's just a pity that the number of entries per day is limited, and now these equipments are valuable. After the player's level is high [these equipments are estimated to be no one wants them, and the harvest of the next ten copies will not be so high!"

"It's a pity that there are no new dungeons in this period of time, otherwise you can go and have a look!"

After clearing the copy, Lin Feng is going to return to Yashan City, and then go offline.

However, at this moment, Murong Yiyi sent a message.

Murong Xiaoyi: "Lin Feng hurry to Blood Wolf City, we found a mineral vein here!"


Seeing this news, Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

This is not the first time Lin Feng has heard about mineral veins. In the second world, there are many mineral veins in the wild. As long as the player builds a city, he can choose to occupy the mine, send guards to take care of it, and even hire NPCs to mine.

The mined ore can be used for trading, building equipment, providing a stable income for the city, and can also provide a lot of income for the city owner.

The discovery of ore veins near Blood Wolf City is undoubtedly good news.

Under normal circumstances, some precious mineral veins, especially near the Sorcerer Stone vein, are guarded by BOSS. Players must kill BQS$ in order to occupy the mineral vein.

"Ore veins were found near Blood Wolf City? I don't know what kind of ore it will be!"

"But even the coal mines in the lowest lands can still make money!"

Lin Feng was overjoyed for a while, and then he hurriedly went to Longyuan City to teleport.


A ray of light surged, and Lin Feng returned to Blood Wolf City.

Blood Wolf City, in the City Lord's Mansion.

The five Murong sisters had been waiting for Lin Feng early, and when they saw Lin Feng appearing, they were all excited. And Murong Sisi was smiling all over her face.

"Haha, Lin Feng, I discovered the ore vein this time! How will you reward me?"

Before Lin Feng could speak, Murong Sisi spoke first. .

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