National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 215 Kill The Son Of Night And The Frost Bone Dragon!

The Son of Darkness came after him, Lin Feng looked back, but there was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

Immediately, he jumped off the unicorn and spoke to Natasha behind him.

"Find a place to hide, can you do it?"

Natasha nodded, and then ran to one side. Lin Feng then ordered Shuang'er to follow, as a way to protect Natasha. The middle finger is not sure there are other monsters.

After waiting for Natasha to leave, Lin Feng looked at the Son of the Night who was chasing after him.

"There is only one person left, who wants to be a hero to save the beauty! Hehe, these people from the Church of Light... are so hypocritical!"

Seeing that Lin Feng was the only one on the field, the Son of Darkness suddenly laughed wickedly.

In his opinion, Lin Feng definitely wanted to use this method to win the favor of Natasha and the Ice God Race.

"But there is a price to pay for being a hero!"

"I'll kill you first, and it's the same if I'm chasing that little girl!"

As soon as the voice fell, the power in the hands of the Son of Dark Night began to move.

Immediately, clusters of black mist danced around him. The mist surged towards Lin Feng, and Lin Feng immediately launched the protective light array, and at the same time, released the death charge, rushing towards the Son of Darkness. "Seven Zero Zero" bang bang bang bang—

Streams of black mist hit Lin Feng's protective light array, and then scattered and disappeared.



The damage figures jumped up, and under the impact of five consecutive black mist, Lin Feng's guardian light array also exploded directly.

At this time, Lin Feng had already charged in front of the Son of the Dark Night, his whole body suddenly accelerated, the shield in his hand flashed with light, and then he slapped the Son of the Dark Night heavily.

The Son of Darkness was instantly sent flying, smashing several surrounding trees, and then stopped.


The Son of Darkness suddenly felt his body was torn apart, he was thrown out, and his whole body fell into a dizzy state. At this time, Lin Feng even stepped forward, and immediately released the Guardian Saint Hammer and the Guardian Angel Cross Slash!

The giant hammer fell, and the light of the cross cut cut trees one by one, and fell on the Son of Dark Night again.



The two attacks consumed 580,000 HP of the Son of the Dark Night, and his blood gauge suddenly lost a part of it.

Under the hammering, the Son of Dark Night was still in a state of dizziness.

Lin Feng then released Thunder Strike and Black Dragon Devil Slash.

The thunder in the void on the field condensed, spread and contracted, and the powerful thunder power melted all the surrounding ice and snow, exposing the gray-brown ground.

At the same time, Lin Feng swung the sword of the Archangel forward, and a huge cutting sword energy directly penetrated the body of the Son of Darkness.

Waiting for the Son of Night to recover from the dizzy state again, at this time, his blood volume has already dropped to 5 million!

There was a hint of ferocity in his eyes, and the Holy Child of the Night looked at Lin Feng.

"It seems that I underestimated you! Although the level is not high, the damage is not bad!"

"But that's all for now!"

As the voice fell, a cloud of black mist surged above the left hand of the Son of Darkness, and then a thin red and black line jumped out of his entire left hand, and powerful energy gathered on that thin line.

Suddenly, the surrounding air trembled, and because of the appearance of thin lines, the surrounding void seemed to be distorted.

Seeing this, Lin Feng frowned, and quickly took it seriously. He clenched the sword of the Archangel, and then made a parrying gesture.


The thin black and red lines on the left hand of the Son of Darkness surged out at an incomparably fast speed, galloping directly towards Lin Feng's head.

Lin Feng saw the timing right, and hastily activated the guardian angel's counter attack!


The thin black and red thread floated in front of Lin Feng, and he activated Finger of Death, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of the Dark Night Son's mouth.

With this move of his, I don't know how many people's lives were ruined! Even Natasha's guard captain died in front of his finger of death.

Now that he was going to kill a Holy Son of Light with this move, a sense of accomplishment suddenly surged into the heart of the Holy Son of Darkness.

As the finger of death approached, the surrounding void also began to turmoil!

Lin Feng still kept his parrying posture, but when the thin black and red thread hit Lin Feng, a barrier of holy light suddenly appeared in front of Lin Feng's eyes, directly absorbing the thin black and red thread.

The barrier passed in a flash!

But immediately after, Lin Feng shouted loudly!

The sword of the Archangel in his hand fell, and an incomparably loud holy light shone on the field.

Guardian Angel strikes back!

A cone-shaped wave of slashing light surged out, the speed was very fast, there was almost no time for the Son of Darkness to react, and the wave of light landed on him.


In an instant, the Son of Dark Night only felt a large amount of HP drain from his body, and he looked at Lin Feng in astonishment, but only a huge MISS floated above the latter's head

The Son of Darkness' eyes were shocked, and Lin Feng's Holy Light Slash actually made him aware of the threat of death.


A skill cut more than 700,000 damage, and the blood volume of the Son of the Night plummeted to more than 3 million.

Seeing this, Lin Feng resolutely activated the seraphim (six-winged) form. In an instant, three pairs of holy light wings spread out behind Lin Feng. At the same time, his aura became holy and tall, like an angel high above, looking down The Son of the Night in front of him.

"Angel form!"

Seeing this scene, "Dark Ye Xinzi was taken aback for a moment. The change of form is something that even holy sons like them can rarely do.

Most of the Holy Sons of the Church of Light and the Church of the Dark Night are still mortals. Although their talents are a little better, it still doesn't change that they are mortals.

And only those who are favored by gods or other powerful races will be endowed with powerful race power, change their form, and become powerful beings.

Seeing Lin Feng displaying the form of Seraphim, the Son of Darkness was very shocked. At the same time, his hatred for Lin Feng became stronger. He also changed his form, but he was just an ordinary change, far less powerful than Seraph.

"Today he must die!"

The Son of Darkness became jealous, and then he turned into a cloud of black mist, floating in the air, looking very strange.

At this time, the wings of the Holy Light behind Lin Feng swayed, and then, the whole person slowly lifted into the air!

Then, above the sword of the Archangel in his hand, the holy light surged, and a group of golden holy light cross slashes fell directly, instantly bombarding the black mist of the incarnation of the Son of Darkness


A huge damage figure floated up. Under Seraph's form, Lin Feng's magic attack has been increased by 3 times overall, and with attribute restraint, it has been increased by 6 times...

This blow directly knocked out a million HP of the Son of Darkness. The Son of Darkness entered the state of black mist, and before he could attack, he was blasted out by Lin Feng.

The black mist disintegrated all at once, and the figure of the Son of Darkness emerged from within. Then, he looked at Lin Feng angrily.

"I'm not convinced!"

"You lured me here on purpose!"

"Everything before was a show of weakness..... I was afraid that I would run away! Go back and surround and kill other people!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a hint of understanding in the eyes of the Son of Dark Night, and at the same time, he laughed again.

"Damn it! Haha... The Church of Light, it turns out that they can do these tricks! It seems that I think too well of you!"

As soon as the words fell, a look of ferocity flickered in the eyes of the Son of Darkness, and then he raised his left hand.

It was another Finger of Death, directly attacking Lin Feng.

At this time, the sword of the Archangel in Lin Feng's hand shook again, making a defensive posture, and then absorbed the black and red thin line again, releasing the guardian angel to counterattack.


The huge slash flew out again, directly cutting the body of the Son of Darkness.


The figure of two million damage floated above the head of the Son of the Night, and in an instant, the Son of the Night's blood volume was reduced to one layer. Lin Feng looked coldly, and once again used the Hammer of the Guardian Saint.

The guardian light hammer smashed down, and in despair, the blood volume of the Son of Darkness was completely emptied, and the whole person directly turned into a corpse, and at the same time several rays of light emerged from the corpse

Lin Feng stepped forward to harvest the loot directly, but did not check it immediately. On the other side, Xiao Hei and other pets were still fighting with the Frost Bone Dragon, and above the sky, the Bone Dragon Knight and the Holy Dragon Knight were still fighting.

Killed the Son of Night, but Lin Feng's battle is not over!

Afterwards, Lin Feng flew directly towards the location of the Frost Bone Dragon.

A minute later, Lin Feng saw the huge body of the Frost Bone Dragon, and around it, Xiao Hei and other pets were swimming, and Xiao Zi was also shuttling among the pets, performing healing. 2.2

During the battle during this period of time, Xiao Hei and other pets were more or less injured, and the Frost Bone Dragon was not feeling well, and its blood volume was worn down by one-third.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng immediately joined the battlefield, raised his hand and made a Holy Light Cross Slash, the huge slash easily concentrated on the body of the Frost Bone Dragon.


In an instant, the blood volume of the Frost Bone Dragon was reduced by half. It had 3.5 million blood volume, but it was hit by Lin Feng with 1 million blood volume. The whole dragon was dumbfounded!

Looking at Lin Feng, his eyes were full of fear [especially the Frost Bone Dragon was even more frightened when he felt Lin Feng's powerful light energy in the unused state at this time.

Then, it waved its wings directly and wanted to float away from here. That man who turned into an angel is horrible!

However, at this moment.

Xiao Hei on one side saw the opportunity and directly released the frozen earth. The water vapor around the Frost Bone Dragon instantly condensed, and the Frost Bone Dragon was also frozen in place.

Seeing this, Lin Feng directly released the Guardian Saint Hammer, and then tied A with another blow, directly taking down the Frost Bone Dragon.


As the green flames in the eyes of Frost Bone Dragon disappeared, its entire body turned into a skeleton and scattered on the ground, all over the place!.

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