National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 217 Inheritance Of The Ice God Of The Ice Realm Protoss!

The Holy City of the Ice Realm Protoss.


"Finally home!"

Jumping off the unicorn, Natasha said excitedly.

Anderson also showed a smile. When the Son of Dark Night led 25 bone dragon knights, he thought he might never see the majestic and tall holy wall of the Holy City in the Ice Region again.

But, now he is back! A kind of joy for the rest of his life surged in his heart.

Lin Feng raised his head and glanced at the holy city of the ice protoss, and was extremely shocked.

At this moment, in front of his eyes is a huge iceberg, and a majestic city has been built in the iceberg. Looking up, there is a majestic ice wall with a height of 30 to 40 meters in front of him. Behind the wall, on the mountainside, you can also see the buildings in the holy city.

The entire Holy City of the Ice Region Protoss was built on the Bingyu Mountain. The entire Holy City is basically an upward trapezoidal structure, which looks extremely spectacular.

"Mengwang Shengzi, thanks to you this time! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid that my Highness and I would not be able to return safely!" Anderson thanked Lin Feng again.

"You're welcome! This is the duty of the Holy Son of Light!" Lin Feng said.

"Holy Son, you are welcome! Since the Holy Son has come to the Holy City of the Ice Region, I hope the Holy Son will not be disgusted, and let's go in together! The King must be very happy to see the Holy Son!" Anderson continued.

"That's right! Brother Mengwang Shengzi, my father taught me a lesson since I was a child! You must repay Natasha with gratitude! You escort Natasha back, and Natasha will definitely let her father take credit for Brother Shengzi!" At this time, Natasha said road.

After returning to the holy city, she felt that she was much safer, and her lively side was revealed.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't bother you!" Lin Feng said, and then he looked at the Holy Dragon Knight following him.

"Master Shengzi, don't worry about us. There is also a teleportation formation in the Holy City of Ice Region to the Holy City of Great Light. Now that the mission has been completed, I will go back!"

The identities of these holy dragon knights are not comparable to Lin Feng, and they must rush back and report as soon as they complete the task. Moreover, 20 people are lucky to say that 20 giant dragons are indeed troublesome in the ice holy city.

"That's good! Just go back!" Lin Feng said.

After the words fell, the group continued to walk into the Ice Region Holy City!

All the way up, after reaching the city, the holy dragon knight separated from Lin Feng and others, and went to the teleportation location.

The rest of Lin Feng continued to walk along a straight upward main street. After walking for about two hours, everyone saw the holy temple of the Ice Region Holy City, which is also the shrine of the Ice Region Protoss, where the king lives. The place.

While taking advantage of this time, Lin Feng counted the spoils this time.

"It's a great harvest!"

Seeing his backpack, Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"A legendary boss, a rare boss plus 50 ordinary bosses."

"Church of the Dark Night, the benefits sent this time are a bit outrageous!"

After counting, Lin Feng took a look and got a total of 2 pieces of level 70 dark gold equipment, 9 pieces of level 70 gold equipment, and 12 pieces of silver equipment, more than 30 pieces of rare materials, and more than 50 pieces of other common materials piece.

Lin Feng turned his gaze to the 2 pieces of dark gold equipment in his backpack.

Dark Flame Staff

Grade: dark gold

Level: Level 70


Magic attack: 4500

Intelligence: +110

Features: 1. Black Flame Impact: Consume 100 magic points to form a huge black flame, causing 500% magic attack damage to enemies within a range of 20*100 in front. Cooldown: 60 seconds.

Night Void Cloak

Grade: dark gold

Level: Level 70

Physical defense: 1750

Magic Defense: 1750

Constitution: +100

Features: 1. Void state: Consume 50 mana points per second, enter the void state, reduce damage by +80%, and increase movement speed by 300%. Cooldown: 15 seconds

Afterwards, Lin Feng looked at several pieces of gold equipment.

Dragonbone Armor

Grade: Gold

Level: Level 70

Physical Defense: 700

Magic Defense: 700

Constitution: +60

Keel Boots

Grade: Gold

Level: Level 70

Physical Defense: 650

Magic Defense: 650

Speed: +60

Keel Leggings

Grade: Gold

Level: 70

Physical Defense: 650

Magic Defense: 650

Constitution: +60

Keel Armguard

Grade: Gold

Level: Level 70

Physical Defense: 680

Magic Defense: 680

Constitution: +60

Keel helmet

Grade: Gold

Level: Level 70

Physical Defense: 700

Magic Defense: 700


(The keel helmet, keel armor, keel armguard, keel leggings, and keel boots can be combined into a keel suit, and the extra effect of the suit is: constitution +100, life value +2000.)

Lin Feng released 9 pieces of keel equipment together, making up one keel suit, and also released 2 keel helmets and 3 keel armguards.

"That's right, this set of equipment can be placed in the guild and worn by members of the guild in the future~"!"

"As for the dark gold equipment, you can also tail it!"

"These equipment and materials add up, it should be small enough!"

After appraising it, Lin Feng was full of joy.

Sure enough, war makes people rich!

If there is a war between the Church of Light and the Church of Dark Night in the future, I'm afraid I can get more benefits!

Thinking in this way, a few people came to the God Palace of the Ice Prison God Race.

The God Palace of the Ice Hell Protoss is very large and magnificent, but it is still a little worse than the main hall of the Great Bright Holy City, but most of the walls here are ice walls, which look like crystals and are very beautiful .

After entering the shrine, everyone came to the main hall, the king of the Ice God Race and a group of important officials were there, and Natasha's mother was also on the main hall.

Seeing Natasha, she was overjoyed, and hurried over. Natasha was also very excited, and ran over to hug her mother.

Odin Reches, the leader of the Ice Realm Protoss, even stood up and saluted Lin Feng.

"This time, I would like to thank the Son of Meng Wang for protecting the little girl!"

Lin Feng also saluted back.

"The Ice Realm Protoss are loyal believers of the church, and the church will not give up on every believer!"

"Praise the Holy Light!" Odin Reches said.

Then, his right hand flickered in the air, and a silver-white light surged out of his hand.

"This is a gift from the Ice Realm God Race to you, Holy Son, and it is also my reward as a father!"

As soon as the words fell, the silver-white light floated over and landed in Lin Feng's hands.

Glacier Silver Necklace

Grade: dark gold

Level: Level 65



Ability: Frost Guardian: The wearer's ice attribute resistance is increased by 30%.

It is another piece of unique gold equipment, and its attributes are also very good.

Even if Lin Feng doesn't use it himself, he can get a good price if he sells it.

"Thank you for your generosity!" Lin Feng said.

Immediately afterwards, some other people also expressed their gratitude to Lin Feng, and at the same time spared no effort to praise Lin Feng.

Soon, after a meeting ended, the important minister of the Ice Region God Clan——leaved, and Natasha's mother also left the hall.

On the main hall, Odin Reches kept Lin Feng behind, looked at Lin Feng and continued to speak.

"Son of Meng Wang, just now Anderson said that you inherited the blood of Seraphim, is it true?" Odin Reches asked.

Lin Feng had already demonstrated Seraph's transformation before, and he admitted it decisively.

"Yes, my teacher is the Archangel Michael!"

Hearing the sound, there was a touch of surprise in Odinches' eyes.

"I didn't expect that Lord Mengwang Shengzi was the apprentice of any adult. It seems that I was abrupt!" Odin Reches continued: "Mr. Mengwang Shengzi, as the king and a father of the Ice God Clan, I have a I want to ask Lord Mengwang Shengzi about something."

Hearing the sound, Meng Wang frowned. Is this a new mission?

"Sacred Prince Meng should already know that my youngest daughter, Natasha, is the most talented member of the Ice God Clan in the past hundred years, and she is very likely to inherit the Ice God's inheritance. This time, she went out to find a way to unlock the Ice God. Inherited treasure! But I didn’t expect to encounter such a thing on the road, fortunately, I have the help of the Prince Meng!”

Odin Reches looked at Lin Feng and continued.

"To be honest, the opening of the Ice God's inheritance actually has a certain relationship with the Angel Clan. The blood of the Seraphim Clan can unlock the Ice God's Inheritance Stone!"

"Son of Mengwang, are you willing to open the Ice God Inheritance Stone and protect the little girl through the Ice God Inheritance, so that the Ice God Clan will be your forever friends!"

After the words fell, Odin Reches looked at Lin Feng with fiery eyes.

And (deserved) Lin Feng also received a mission prompt.

Quest: Odin Natasha's Legacy of the Ice God

Explanation: Use the blood essence of Seraphim to activate the Ice God Inheritance Stone in the seal to help Odin Natasha pass the Ice God Inheritance Trial.

Mission failure: During the trial, if Odin Natasha dies, it will be regarded as mission failure.

Failure penalty: The player's Mengwang level is zero.

Mission success: Helping Odin Natasha pass the trial alive means success and the player will be rewarded.

Success rewards: Ice God City Merit +1000 points, becoming the protector of Princess Natasha, a random treasure in the Ice God Clan Odin's treasure house +1.

Seeing the task information, Lin Feng couldn't help being taken aback.

Level zero!

Such a punishment is too severe!

Looking at the task rewards again, Lin Feng took another appointment.

Merit points can be exchanged for many things, and the identity of the asylum must have many benefits within the Ice God Race. In addition, although the Ice God Race is not as powerful as the Church of Light, they must have a foundation. There must be a lot of good things in the treasure house.

The last one is more crisp and neat, raising a level!

Compared to others, Lin Feng also liked this neat reward very much.

When the task comes, it is natural to accept it!

"Your Highness, I am willing to open the Ice God Inheritance Stone for Princess Natasha!" Lin Feng said lightly, and at the same time, the system prompted that the task was accepted successfully. .

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