National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 22 Hidden Profession Carp Guardian?

Seeing this, Lin Feng was sure that it was Murong Wuwu.

He replied: "Don't call me teacher, we are classmates, just call me by my name."

"Good teacher."

"Uh... alright! Where are you in the main city?"

"It's the main city!"

"I said where is the main city, east of the city, west of the city, north of the city, south of the city. Or there are some special buildings, or next to an NPC."

"That... I'm a road idiot, I knew it, this is next to the exchange."

"Which exchange?"

"Which exchange is divided?"


"Okay, let's form a team first, and I'll find you in your direction!"

Lin Feng found out that this class flower seems to be a little...!

He was very skeptical that the other party came to the Second World to travel, but it was amazing to be able to play Lu Chi.

At this time, Lin Feng also discovered one thing, that is... the games he played all have their own pointer directions, and there is no confusion at all.

But the characters in the second world don't have pointer directions at all. That is to say, if you don't have a strong sense of direction, you really can't tell the difference between east, west, south, and north here!

Moreover, there is no map in the second world. Whether in the main city or in the wild, it is impossible to call up the map, and there is no special return to the city function.

However, as mentioned on the official website, players who form a team, there are illusory arrows in front of them, which direction is known to their teammates.

"Murong Xiaowu invited you to form a team."


"Stay where you are and wait for me, I'll be back soon."


Afterwards, Lin Feng saw an imaginary arrow pointing in the direction of the main city.

"Shuang'er, go back to the main city."

About 20 minutes later, Lin Feng rode back on the guardian unicorn. He was hundreds of meters away from the main city. He recalled Shuang'er and entered the main city in the form of light. He entered from the south gate, according to the arrow, Murong Wuwu is in the northeast.

Speeding up his pace and running for more than ten minutes, Lin Feng finally found Murong Wuwu.

At this time, Murong Wuwu was wearing a loose novice robe, which couldn't cover up her well-proportioned figure.

But at this time, he was carrying a huge bone stick. If there were more teeth, it would be like a two-meter-long mace. With her beautiful and delicate face, it stood out quite well.

In the second world, game cards are bound to DNA to generate the same appearance as in reality, which can be increased by 20% or decreased by 20%. Even if the adjustment is made, the general appearance can still be seen. Unless it is something encountered in the game, the appearance and body shape will change.

Obviously, Murong Wuwu didn't adjust, she was still so beautiful that people had to look at her good looks, and Lin Feng didn't adjust her looks either, she didn't think she was good or bad, and she didn't have any enemies, so there was no need to cover up.

Players kept passing by, and some people took the initiative to chat, but Murong Wuwu kept a cold face and didn't reply.

People kept entering at the entrance of the exchange, and there were naturally many players. When Lin Feng ran over, they were more than ten meters away, and Murong Wuwu also saw Lin Feng.

"Here!" Seeing Lin Feng, Murong Wuwu's originally cold face instantly showed a smile, and she waved quickly.

"Waiting for someone?" Several players who originally wanted to chat with Murong Wuwu couldn't help but look at Lin Feng.

"Level 19!"

Most of the players were surprised.

Although everyone came to the main city after level 10, it was only after they came that they found that it was much more upgraded than Novice Village, and the monsters would actively attack the players, so they had to be careful every time they killed monsters, which naturally slowed down the upgrade.

When everyone was in their early tenth level, rushing to level 19 naturally caught many people by surprise.

"Beauty and other experts, we have nothing to do." A player said sourly, turned and left.

"Pervert, I stayed up for almost 30 hours overnight, and I'm only level 13. How did I get to level 19?"

"never mind……"

Several players left one after another.

Lin Feng smiled slightly. His Light Guardian Star Ring can cover up his level and name, but the gap between everyone is not too prominent, so he doesn't need to cover it up. With this level, there is less trouble.

The two walked towards each other. After getting closer, Lin Feng looked at the big stick bone in Murong Wuwu's hand, and asked suspiciously, "Equipment for killing monsters? It's very strange."

"No! I picked it up from the river." Murong Wuwu waved the stick bone more than one meter long.


"The picked one has attack power?" Lin Feng asked with a strange expression.

"Player Murong Xiaowu shares equipment attributes, do you accept it?"


Afterwards, Lin Feng's eyes showed the attributes of the bone stick.

Dragon God's Bone (Growth Type)

Grade: Bronze

Requirements: Level 10, XXX profession-specific weapons

Physical Attack: 30

Magic Attack: 30

"I'll go! Growth type!" Lin Feng was a little dumbfounded.

This also works!

"Did you really pick it up from the river?" Lin Feng asked still uncertainly.

"Really." Murong Wuwu nodded seriously.

"You're lucky. It's the first time I've seen picking up equipment in a game. It's so fierce." Lin Feng said: "Once you get this equipment, don't sell it no matter how much others spend, and don't lose it at the same time."

"Why?" Murong Wuwu asked puzzledly: "Apart from the nice name, this thing is actually quite ugly, and it's also very heavy. It took me a lot of strength to lift it. I was planning to come to the exchange to buy some gold coins. sword, and then throw this wretched stick."

Lin Feng can no longer express his feelings, and it can be considered as a class for a year. Although he has never spoken, in reality, in Lin Feng's eyes, this class flower is a serious person who doesn't make friends. very little people.

And it was the same for the first meeting, not talking much, a little cold and arrogant.

But in this game, this student is a bit bluffing!

"It's a good thing you didn't throw it away, or you'll cry to death in the future."

"Why are you crying? This broken weapon looks so ugly, it's useless." Murong Wuwu shook the bone stick in her hand, and said in disgust.

Lin Feng was thinking about walking to the south of the main city, and asked as he walked, "Let's talk about that later. By the way, I heard you say it's a hidden profession. What kind of hidden profession are you?"

Lin Feng feels that this big-boned stick should be Murong Wuwu's professional weapon. Although the equipment is shared, he can't see the professional name, which is also a game protection mechanism.

"Me! Carp Guardian."

"What? Protect the carp?"

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