National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 24 Murong Wuwu's Perverted Physique Bonus!

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu and said with a smile: "Don't post back, haven't you already promised 100 per hour? I'll teach you how to play the game, and also help you level up. However, I usually don't fight low-level monsters, they are all high-level monsters." Yes, you'd better hide."

"If you die because of my negligence, I will accompany you for 10 yuan if you lose a level. Well... it seems a little small, 30! But if you accidentally die, you will not lose money."

"No need to lose money, I will be very careful, my defense is very high, I won't die easily." Murong Wuwu said confidently: "My physical defense is physique x5, and my health is physique x50. And free attribute points It's seven o'clock."

"It's so high!" Lin Feng was a little surprised. His Guardian of Light is heavily defensive, and his physical bonus of 4 is already exaggerated: "Then have you allocated your attribute points?"

Murong Wuwu said: "It's divided! 10 points for strength, 1 point for intelligence, 1 point for spirit, 8 points for agility, and 50 points for constitution. This is what I read in the game guide. If the bonus is higher, it will be the main bonus. "

"Strength is because I found that I couldn't lift the bone stick at the beginning. Agility is because I always get hit when I fight monsters, and the monster hurts, so I need more. I run fast and can dodge. Although I still don't dodge every time .”

"Then your life is worth more than two thousand and five?"

Murong Wuwu shook her head and said, "I have a passive dragon body protector, which increases my HP by 50%. My HP is currently 3750."


Lin Feng was speechless.

He was assigned it when he was level 13, but he didn't reassign it after that. Up to now, it's more than 2,500, which he feels is already a lot. This one, level 10, has more than 3,700 lives!

Are you afraid that she will be killed?

In this situation, even if he was beaten to death, this bluff girl would not be killed.

"That's okay, let's pay attention!" Lin Feng was surprised in his heart, but pretended to be calm on the surface, and nodded slightly.

"Is it very low?" Murong Wuwu asked.

Lin Feng said: "It's not too low, and it's not too high either. Work hard!"


Lin Feng originally wanted to ask about Murong Wuwu's specific skills, but after thinking about it, forget it. After all, he is not familiar with it, so it is a bit presumptuous to ask. And if asked, he would have to reveal his own, which he was still not willing to do.

The two left the city gate from the south gate of the main city, about 500 meters away, Lin Feng saw that there were very few players around. Then he said, "Do you have a mount?"

"No." Murong Wuwu said: "I want to have a mount now, Xiaosan has one, I'm so envious."

Lin Feng said: "Well... First of all, I don't want to take advantage of you. This is a game, not reality. I just want to hurry to the destination. Today I plan to clear all the bosses in the 20th-level strange area in the south of the city. "

"What's cheap?" Murong Wuwu wondered.

Lin Feng directly cast the guardian unicorn skill, and as the white magic circle suddenly appeared, the huge Gemini guardian unicorn, which was almost three meters high, rushed out directly.

"Wow! This... is this a unicorn? It's so beautiful!" Murong Wuwu ran over directly, trying to touch the guardian unicorn, but the latter looked down at her and snorted, which made her stop in shock. step.

Lin Feng pointed and said: "The guardian beast in my summoning skill, I have a passive, I can bring a member of the opposite sex to ride at the same time. Don't worry, the unicorn has a wide back, you can be at the front and I will be at the back."

"Ang! You said take me to ride a unicorn?" Murong Wuwu was stunned, and then said urgently: "Then what are you waiting for, let's get on it! Such a beautiful unicorn, if only I had one."

"Okay! You agree to ride together." Lin Feng directly activated the riding mode with the opposite sex.

"Player Meng Wang invites you to ride together, do you accept?"

"Accept." Murong Wuwu chose.

Then Lin Feng walked up to Murong Wuwu, hugged the latter up and jumped onto the back of the unicorn.

Lin Feng was a little dumbfounded, this action... It seems that there is still time to explain it?

He couldn't help looking at Murong Wuwu in his arms, the latter's cheeks were slightly flushed at this time, but he didn't speak. Lin Feng has to admire this second world, even in the game he can blush with embarrassment! ?

Then, Lin Feng put Murong Wuwu on the back of the unicorn, and she rode naturally, with her back resting on Lin Feng's chest.

"That... sorry, it's my first time, I didn't expect it to be like this." Lin Feng said awkwardly.

"It's my first time too, no, it's fine." Murong Wuwu responded slightly, moving forward a little.

The guardian unicorn is three meters high, and its back is naturally more than four meters long, so there are many places. Afterwards, Murong Wuwu moved forward again, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Although it was a game, this was also the first time he had "rided a horse" with a man, and being so close made her very nervous.

"let's go?"




Shuang'er shot straight out like an arrow leaving the string, causing Murong Wuwu to scream, her body couldn't help but backed up, and fell into Lin Feng's arms again.

At first, Murong Wuwu was still a little nervous, but gradually because of the rapid running of nearly one hundred and sixty miles, she felt stimulated, and naturally became more and more relaxed. After five or six minutes, she was still standing alone. Cheers from the back of the beast.

The terrain in the south of Longyuan City is mountainous, with hillsides and peaks.

"Enter the Chaos Wind Mountain, level 20 monster area, players pay attention to safety."

Both get game tips.

"Teacher Meng Wang, what are we going to do in the level 20 strange area? I'm only level 10, will I be killed?" Murong Wuwu asked doubtfully.

Lin Feng thought: "With almost four thousand blood, even if you let a level 20 monster fight, it will take more than ten seconds."

On the surface, he naturally couldn't reveal that his blood volume was not as good as Murong Wuwu's, so he said, "Look for the boss to kill."

"When you meet the boss, remember one thing. Stay far away, at least 50 meters away from me. It's good to gain experience. Of course, if you want to attack, you can try it, but you may die miserably."

"It's good to level up while sitting down. I don't want to be beaten to death by the boss." Murong Wuwu said solemnly. She is too lazy to level up when playing games. She just wants to buy the existence of the full-level account. .

As the unicorns entered the mountains, Lin Feng went to find some caves.

Bosses are most likely to appear in caves in mountains.

Another three minutes passed, relying on the speed of the unicorn, Lin Feng finally found the cave.

After touching the ride, the two jumped off and entered the cave.

"Entering the stone skin lizard king's cave is extremely dangerous, players should pay attention to safety."

BOSS Stone Skin Lizard King

Level: 25

HP: 11000

BOSS Stone Skin Two-Headed Lizard

Level: 20

HP: 7500

"Are you really here to kill the boss? Just the two of us?" Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

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