National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 242 Scarlet Blood Lich!

Everyone was amazed when they saw that Lin Feng killed four level 80 bosses with just a few moves.

"Meng Wang is awesome! He is my idol!"

"Wow! The way he performed the moves just now is really handsome! I don't know when I will be half of him..."

"It's fine for you upstairs to be healthy. It's probably impossible in this life. Wait for the next life."

"The president is so awesome! My blood is boiling when I see it!"

"I don't know if the president will accept apprentices! I am willing to promise myself!"

"Heh! It's good to be healthy, but I have beautiful women to accompany me!"

Murong Wuwu admired Lin Feng even more, but couldn't help but worry about whether Lin Feng could block the last wave of offensive, and frowned.

"Now there is only a legendary boss left..."

"But the blood volume of this boss is several times higher..."

"I hope Meng Wang can hold on."

Murong Yiyi analyzed the current battle situation very calmly.

Although the current Meng Wang is facing a BOSS with 7 million HP.

But as an ordinary person, it is estimated that after defeating a whole set of skills, the other 4 bosses are probably enough.

The buffering of skills takes time.

However, he only used one or two moves just now, and his skills are sufficient. It is estimated that the winning rate is around 80%-90%.

There is still a 10% probability, and I feel in my heart that this boss with 7 million blood volume is not a joke.

"Do you think Meng Wang can stop this last wave?" Murong Wuwu asked, looking at Murong Yiyi.

Murong remained silent, watching the current situation.

Lin Feng calmly looked at the Scarlet Blood Lich in front of him who was as tall as a tall building.

Wherever it walked, the landmarks were dented, forming a huge footprint.

Today's Scarlet Lich has directly entered a berserk state because his companion was killed.

The fur and skin on his body cracked, and clusters of hellfire spread out from the cracked skin, surrounding the entire body.

sharp teeth. Drops of saliva dripped on the ground, and the ground was corroded by its saliva, and it also directly fissioned.

It has entered a berserk state, and its attack power has also been greatly increased.


A loud roar resounded in all directions.

The Scarlet Blood Lich punched Lin Feng in the direction, with blood red claws, as fast as a gust of wind.


Lin Feng just dodged the Scarlet Blood Lich's punch.

The skill buffer used just now was successful.

Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of Lunar Yin, also just arrived, and used the Frozen World to the Scarlet Blood Lich who was walking towards Lin Feng's direction.


The surrounding ground quickly filled with a layer of crystal clear ice, and the Scarlet Blood Lich was also frozen at that moment!

-44000, -4400044000....

The blood volume of the Scarlet Lich continued to decrease.

Lin Feng immediately took this opportunity to cast Immediately, Guardian Angel Cross Slash!


Lin Feng made a critical strike, cutting off 1.2 million blood volume of the Scarlet Lich!

It's just that the 1.2 million blood volume is just the beginning for the blood volume of the Scarlet Blood Lich, and Tiao has only retreated a little.


With a cracking sound, all the ice wrapped around it was shattered and melted on the ground.

Just in two seconds.......

Little black blood volume -20000.

According to Xiao Hei's usual skills, he can freeze monsters for five seconds, but this time the Scarlet Blood Lich attribute is incompatible with Xiao Hei.

However, Little Black Frozen World has greatly slowed down the speed of the Scarlet Blood Lich.

The current awakening skills have been buffered!

The Scarlet Lich began to absorb the surrounding rocks, turning the rocks into an ax with fireworks!

It continued to walk towards Lin Feng step by step. It entered a berserk state, and every place it walked was filled with hellfire.

When the speed of the Scarlet Lich was weakened, Lin Feng immediately released Holy Light Fall!

Within a hundred meters, a huge magic circle was activated under the Scarlet Blood Lich's feet.

The golden halo was on the top of the Scarlet Blood Lich's head, suppressing it.

As the void trembled, golden rays of light were within the circle of light, and the light fell on its body, continuously cutting off the blood volume of the Scarlet Blood Lich!


Lin Feng's attack directly killed its 1 million HP!

The raging fire on the Scarlet Blood Lich also began to gradually disappear. It entered a berserk state, and after being killed with a million blood volume, it entered a tired state.

It's just that its defense blocked the last ray of holy light...

The body covered in cracks gradually began to heal. Obviously, its defense power has improved.

For five seconds, the golden light continued to fall on the Scarlet Blood Lich!

-94000, -9400094000...

Xiao Hei's blood volume also recovered by 30%.

The Scarlet Lich roared at Lin Feng!

The fist hit the ground hard!

Many stones, accompanied by sparks, flew towards Xiao Hei and Lin Feng continuously from the air.

Obviously, it struggled at the last moment!

"Xiao Hei! Get out of the way, Rock!"

Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of Taiyin, followed Lin Feng's arrangement and dodged.

-16000, -16000, -16000, -16000...

It's just a coincidence that Xiao Hei was hit by the rock a few times.



A series of misses grew on his head.

Lin Feng dodged the Scarlet Lich's rock attack.

Seeing that Lin Feng dodged its rock attack, the Red Blood Lich became frenzied again!

The huge palm is full of powerful force, and it slaps Lin Feng's body!

The strength of this blow is enough to kill Lin Feng!

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

That's right!

What he was waiting for is now!

On the opposite city wall, everyone looked even more anxiously.

"This level 100 BOSS is so powerful that it has entered a manic state when its blood volume is so small!"

"The president is so powerful, I believe the president will definitely win!"

"Yes! That's for sure, who is our president, number one in the five rankings!"

"If it were me, I would have already returned to the first level..."

"Don't guess it should be a certainty! Such a powerful BOSS, we low-levels don't even need to use moves!"

"This is the most powerful attack of the Scarlet Blood Lich, and I don't know if the president can avoid it..."

Murong Wuwu looked more and more nervous...

Although it is true that Lin Feng is very powerful, the Scarlet Blood Lich is also very powerful... …

Murong Yiyi also frowned.

She was also inexplicably nervous...

Lin Feng immediately took a defensive posture, seeing that the scarlet blood lich's attack was about to hit him, he immediately unleashed a guardian angel to fight back!

A circle of vast power burst out from Lin Feng's Archangel Sword!

With a sound of "Boom!", it was as if the earth collapsed and the mountains collapsed!


The Scarlet Blood Lich whimpered and took several steps back.

Lin Feng's eyes flickered, his body breathed like a god's banishment, and he looked at the Scarlet Blood Lich in front of him.

This Scarlet Blood Lich's defense is relatively strong, and it has 7 million HP, so it is undoubtedly relatively difficult to kill.

The Red Blood Lich charged towards Lin Feng's position!

Its speed increased a lot, and the raging fire followed its every step, disintegrating the frozen world created by Lunar Dragon King Xiao Hei.

Seeing it rushing towards him, Lin Feng immediately summoned Shuang'er!

The Scarlet Blood Lich was two meters away from Lin Feng, raised the ax in his hand, and slashed at Lin Feng's body.


Lin Feng rode on Shuang'er, and like a gust of wind, he dodged under the Scarlet Lich's axe, dodging behind the Scarlet Lich.

His huge body was bursting with flames, and the wind around it became scorching hot.

Seeing that Lin Feng was nowhere to be found, the Red Blood Lich also began to look around for Lin Feng.

The huge body turned around in place, and the sound of "hiss, hiss, hiss" was still coming out of its mouth from time to time.

take the opportunity!

Lin Feng unleashes the Hellfire Sea Domain!

A dark red underworld flame burned from Lin Feng's hand, and suddenly, it shot upwards towards the Scarlet Blood Lich!

Tear the sky and the earth, the invincible power, abruptly rushing to the world, and the body of the lich pierced through!


The blood volume on his head is reduced by -200.

The Scarlet Blood Lich's body also began to be surrounded by dark red fire, which gradually spread across the ground and turned into a sea of ​​flames.


Within 15 seconds, cut off its blood volume of more than one million!

Its speed is now nerfed by 35%.

The Scarlet Blood Lich turned around, took the axe, and was about to chop Lin Feng, but was dodged aside by him again.

Other pets also came to Lin Feng's side and began to release their skills continuously!

The blood bar of the Scarlet Blood Lich continued to decrease.

The Red Lich's target was lured away by Lin Feng's pet.

On the opposite city wall, everyone saw that Lin Feng was still playing with the Scarlet Blood Lich, and they were a little worried.

"It's a war of attrition to kill this defensive boss! Besides, the president has been fighting for so long!"

"Sure enough, it's amazing. If I were an ordinary person, I would have been cold."

"Yes, the president is really powerful, I believe the president will be able to defeat this Scarlet Lich!"

"Of course! Don't even think about how awesome Meng Wang is (Li Nuo's)! He once killed the entire city by himself!"

"Awesome cute king! If I have such a master, I will follow him every day, pester him, and let him teach me how to play games!"

"Go to bed early at night, don't say you are an awesome president, the whole world is yours, don't worry too much."

Lin Feng circled behind the Scarlet Lich again!


All pets start attacking the Scarlet Lich from the southeast and west!

rub rub rub...

The blood volume of the Scarlet Lich continued to decline.

Lin Feng is located in the north, and at the same time released the awakening skills Necromancer Dance and Guardian Cross!


After releasing the awakening technique, although the blood volume decreased by 500, but with the restoration of the guardian cross, his life value was successfully restored by 15%!

One after another hellfires appeared from the ground, and one after another hell undead emerged from the hellfires!

A whole hundred undead from hell locked their targets and charged towards the Scarlet Blood Lich!

The undead of hell glowing with dark red hell fire, the burning red blood lich!


In five seconds, the Necromancers of Hell killed 4 million HP!


At this time, the blood volume of the Scarlet Lich is running low!

The Scarlet Blood Lich also fell into a state of dizziness!

In a stunned monster, both attack and defense will be weakened.

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