National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 244 The World's Number One Guild Is Upgraded!

When Murong Wuwu heard what Murong Sisi said, her playful little face was slightly pink, and she said hastily.

" can I be careful, I'm just looking for a better-looking dress."

"Besides, I'm going to meet other people because I want to dress nicely..."

I don't know why, but when she said these words, she didn't have any confidence at all.

Thinking that I usually go out by myself very casually.

Now I have been messing with this for half an hour, but I still feel that there is something wrong......

Murong Sisi smiled softly, came to her side, ate a lollipop, looked at the pile of skirts on the bed, blinked and said.

"Wuwu, you are going to magnify your moves!"

"This is the first time I saw you rummaging through boxes and cabinets looking for clothes."

Murong Wuwu snorted, but thinking that she couldn't make up her mind which one to wear, she quickly put the clothes she chose in front of Murong Sisi.

"Don't eat the lollipop, give me a serious look, which one do you think I look better in?"

Murong Sisi frowned slightly when she heard such a question, eating a lollipop while looking at the clothes she had chosen.

Finally, she set her sights on a small pink dress that she had never worn.

"I think this little pink dress is very good."

When Murong Wuwu heard this, she took a closer look at this little foreign dress, and after trying it out on her body, she also thought it was pretty good.

"Okay, then you go out, I want to change clothes!"

After finishing speaking, she immediately pushed Murong Sisi out of the room.

Murong Sisi stood at the door of her room and shouted towards her.

"Don't be so anxious! It's not time yet!"

Murong Wuwu snorted and said while dressing in the room. ,

"Go eat the lollipops!"

Lin Feng's smile was inexplicable in his mind, he couldn't help swallowing, pouted his mouth, and shook his head

I really don't know what I'm thinking...

Time passed quickly, and now it was almost time to go to the appointment.

Lin Feng also put on a white shirt that he seldom wears usually. After combing his hair, his whole person's demeanor looks gentle, enough to instantly kill those little fresh meats!

Compared with the usual him, the current him seems to reveal a special masculine charm.

Go out and take the car to the Star Hotel.

In the villa of the quintuplets at the moment.

Murong Yiyi, Murong Er'er, Murong Shanshan, Murong Sisi are all waiting for Murong Wuwu

Seeing her slowly, Murong Sisi yelled in the ears of Murong Yiyi and Murong Er'er.

"This woman, she really only shows her true colors in front of her important people."

"Usually Murong Wuwu, who doesn't like chirping the most, will have such ink stains."

When Murong Yiyi heard Murong Er'er say this, she felt a little strange in her heart. She wanted to say something, but it seemed that she had nothing to say.

Finally, Murong Wuwu got ready and walked out of the room.

She came out wearing a small pink dress and a very delicate bracelet. Among the sisters, hers was the most delicate.

"I kept you waiting, let's go!"

"Otherwise, it's not good to keep Lin Feng waiting for a long time."

Seeing how delicately she was dressed, Murong Sisi said with a smile.

"Not bad, pretty enough!"

"I haven't seen you dress up so seriously for a long time."

"It depends on the difference between ordinary people and important people."

"Everyone, let's go out."

Murong Wuwu pouted her lips, and said a little shyly.

"Actually, I haven't changed that much, okay..."

"Obviously you're just thinking too much."

The four got into Murong Yiyi's car one after another and rushed to the Star World Hotel.

After a series of drag racing by Murong Yiyi, the five arrived at the Star World Hotel within a few minutes.

Five sisters walking together, I have to say, it is indeed a very good scenery.

Especially after Murong Wuwu was dressed up, many other people looked at Murong Wuwu and were overwhelmed by her appearance.

The five sisters came to the designated room 520 together, sat on the seats, and waited for Lin Feng.

Murong Sisi also started to eat the pre-dinner dessert, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Murong Er Er saw that Murong Sisi had been eating non-stop, and she was still eating sweets, so she couldn't help but ordered.

"Sisi, the sugar content in these sweets exceeds the standard! If you eat like this, you will soon become a big fat man.

Murong Sisi listened to her instructions, pouted and said.

"Er Er, there is nothing in this world that is less important than tasting desserts!"

Murong Er'er is also very helpless towards Murong Sisi...

Seeing that Lin Feng hadn't arrived yet, Murong Wuwu sent him a message.

"Where are you now?"

Lin Feng saw Murong Wuwu's message, and happened to stop at the door, and replied: "I'll be there soon."

As promised, he came to room 520 which had been reserved, opened the door, and saw the quintuplets already sitting in their seats, waiting for him.

Murong Wuwu saw that Lin Feng was wearing a white shirt today. Although there was no big change in appearance, it seemed to have an attractive aura.

"Sit down, sit down, and order."

Murong Wuwu looked a little shy, and said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sat at the position close to Murong Wuwu and spoke.

"Come on, I can do anything.

Seeing that Lin Feng had said such things, Murong Yiyi directly gave the menu to Murong Sisi, who likes to eat the most.

"You order."

"By the way, is there anything you would like to eat more?"

Lin Feng shook his head again.


Murong Sisi was very rude, and ordered a lot of things.

All kinds of desserts, let Murong Er'er, who was sitting beside her, talk again.

"Can't you order some low-calorie dishes?"

Murong Sisi still refused to listen and handed the menu to the waiter.

The waiter came in with a can of high-end red wine, and poured half a glass of red wine into everyone's glasses.

Everyone stood up together, picked up the red wine glasses on the table, and clinked the glasses in celebration.

Murong Wuwu, Murong Sisi, Murong Erer, said in unison cheerfully.

"Celebrate the successful upgrade of our world's number one guild!"

"Congratulations to Lin Feng for successfully defending Yashan City and upgrading Yashan City!"

After speaking, everyone drank the first glass of wine to celebrate!

Murong Wuwu happily cast her eyes on Lin Feng, grinned happily and said with a smile.

"Hee hee, it's also rare to have this kind of double happiness."

"Let's have a drink! I hope we will continue to work hard and continue this glory!"

After finishing speaking, Murong Wuwu raised the wine glass that was filled with red wine again, touched Lin Feng's wine glass again, and drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing that Murong Wuwu was happy, Lin Feng didn't say much, and drank the red wine in the glass.

Murong watched Murong Wuwu at this time with his ears and ears, and reminded him in a low voice.

"Wuwu, don't drink too much alcohol, otherwise, it will be easy to metabolize."

Lin Feng looked at Murong Er'er's worried expression, and glanced at his mouth

For Murong Er'er, all these seem to be dangerous things.

…… Ask for flowers………

Murong Sisi looked at Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu at this time, and said with a smile.

"Sure enough, sisters are like bubbles in front of important people."

"How is it? Lin Feng, do you think Wuwu is different from usual?"

Her gossip eyes fell on Lin Feng.

When Murong Wuwu was told by Murong Sisi, she quickly replied.

"How can there be!"

"I'm also celebrating Lin Feng, okay..."

"I really don't know what you're thinking..."

After being told by Murong Er'er, Lin Feng carefully considered Murong Wuwu's attire today, and it was indeed different from usual.

However, they are indeed very beautiful. After all, her foundation is there, so she must be more beautiful when she dresses up.

Murong Wuwu saw Lin Feng's gaze staring at her, a slight blush appeared on her playful face...

I don't know why, but I always feel a little nervous.

"Yes, today's dress is indeed different from usual, but it is still very beautiful."

Murong Wuwu's face instantly flushed red from what he said, and she faltered.

"Should, should

Murong Wuwu once again lifted the wine that was filled by the waiter again, and said nervously with a smile on her face.

"This glass of wine, I thank you for taking me with you all the time, even though you are no longer my teacher, you will not dislike me.

After finishing speaking, before Lin Feng could speak, Murong Wuwu drank the red wine.

Lin Feng knew that Murong Wuwu didn't drink a lot, if she continued to drink like this, she would probably be drunk after a while.

"Be careful of getting drunk." Lin Feng reminded kindly.

Murong Wuwu let out a muffled snort, perhaps because she was a bit overwhelmed after drinking a few glasses of red wine just now, and said coquettishly to Lin Feng.

"It's okay, I won't get drunk."

"Do not worry."

Murong Er heard that Murong Wuwu was a bit up, so he got up quickly and said.

"Wuwu, don't drink any more, you've had enough wine today."

Murong Wuwu shook her head and said.

"Aren't you happy today!"

"Everyone is celebrating, drinking some wine, and besides, I just drank a few glasses, how could I get drunk."

When Murong heard Murong Wuwu say this, he felt helpless...

But what can I do, I can only worry silently aside.

The waiter also started to put all the dishes that Murong Sisi ordered on the table, and soon the whole table was covered with the dishes she ordered...

Murong Sisi didn't care about other people's eyes at all, and started to eat.

She feels that she has a big appetite and is a foodie. Everyone has known about it for a long time, so there is no need to hide anything at all.

Murong Yiyi and Murong Shanshan have always been relatively silent, looking at their sister.

Murong Er'er's face was always filled with a gentle smile, but this gentle smile was full of worries.

Seeing that Lin Feng hadn't eaten food, Murong Wuwu asked.

"Lin Feng, you eat vegetables, why don't you eat vegetables?"

"Isn't this dish to your liking?"

Lin Feng nodded and was about to speak...

Murong Sisi said with a smile.

"How could these dishes be unappetizing!

"If you just serve him food, it's over!"

When Murong heard it, he said worriedly.

"It's not good, let yourself eat it"

However, some Murong Wuwu above picked up the chopsticks, picked up food for Lin Feng, and put it in his bowl.

"You eat, I see you haven't eaten anything tonight..."

"This almond-flavored cake is indeed a pretty good one."

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