National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 246: Spawn Monsters! Get Gold Coins!

At this time, Lin Feng had no idea that all the posts in the second world were discussing him.

After scanning today's copy, I went to the forest outside Yashan City.

Walking alone in the forest, some small wild monsters will come to die from time to time!

The deeper you go in the forest, the more powerful the wild monsters come out!

But the more gold coins and equipment burst out.

Along the way, the gold coins and equipment I harvested are definitely not enough for me to buy the soldiers I need.

Suddenly, there was a hissing sound in the jungle beside him...

Seven or eight rock trolls ran out of the jungle, with angry red eyes, attacking Lin Feng.

Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that there are other boss lairs around, and his appearance was regarded as an intruder.

But just right!

As long as they come out by themselves, it can save some time, because of looking for wild monsters.

Lin Feng squinted at the rock troll that was attacking him.

Seven or eight rock trolls surrounded Lin Feng, biting Lin Feng's body with their bloody fangs!

Rare* Rock Troll

Level: Level 52

HP: 220000

Looking at the attributes of these rock trolls in front of him, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, really not paying attention to these characters...

My main purpose is to pull out more wild monsters. If I kill these rock trolls with one move, I still have to find other wild monsters by myself.

Lin 26 Feng immediately summoned Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of the Lunar Moon, and Xiao Ha, the Blood Moon Sirius.

Let the two of them defeat the rock troll instead of themselves, and according to their current attack capabilities, at least kill them without being able to move.

Xiaohei, the Dragon King of Taiyin, unleashes the frozen world in the direction of the rock troll!

In an instant, a thin layer of ice formed on the ground, freezing the giant rock beast in place...

-51800, -51800...

At this moment, Blood Moon Sirius Xiaoha also unleashes Blood Moon Howling Sky!


A wolf's howl resounded in all directions, as if running through the entire forest...

Lin Feng smiled proudly.

As long as there is a bigger movement, it will definitely attract the attention of more wild monsters.

The blood volume of the frozen rock troll disappeared in an instant, and it fell to the ground. With a bang, the equipment and gold coins burst out!

Before Lin Feng could pick up all the equipment and gold coins, more than 50 rock trolls ran out one after another, their eyes full of killing intent!

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng immediately asked Xueyue Sirius Xiaoha and Taiyin Dragon King Xiaohei to pull all the rock trolls in front of him!

Lin Feng immediately unleashed his newly learned skill Star Fracture!

In the void within five meters, a huge magic array appeared!

The golden holy light accompanied the meteorites from the magic circle, and kept smashing fiercely at the giant rock beasts enclosed within five meters!


After releasing it, Lin Feng released the Crescent Moon Ghost Scythe again!


The dark black misty sickle slashed at the bodies of these rock giants!

The rock monster let out a whimper!



More than fifty rock trolls fell to the ground, and with a bang, equipment and gold coins burst out again!

Lin Feng immediately began to count the equipment and gold coins that exploded, and got: a set of bright holy clothes (bright holy clothes) (bright helmet) (bright armguards) (bright leggings) (bright boots), 500 gold coins!

After counting, Lin Feng saw that there was no sound around, so he continued to walk deep into the forest.

Suddenly a huge cave appeared on the side, and Lin Feng immediately took Lunar Dragon King Xiao Hei and Blood Moon Sirius Xiao Ha into the huge cave.

The structure inside the entire cave is unusually high and wide. In such a cave, powerful bosses are most likely to appear.

Legendary* Ogre Lord

Level: Level 54

HP: 1150000

Lin Feng was very excited, finally found the big boss!

The ogre king also realized that there was an enemy invasion, and immediately walked out from the depths of the cave.

The body of more than ten meters is like a tall building. It has only one eye on its head, and it stares at Lin Feng angrily. Under the copper-blue skin, it looks very strange. It is wearing red gold tattered armor. With a golden hammer.


Ogre Dynasty Lin Feng roared, and the golden hammer in his hand smashed towards Lin Feng's position!


Lin Feng dodged the ogre king's attack and released the skill Patron Saint Hammer!


In an instant, the blood volume of the ogre king has been reduced by more than half.

The ogre dynasty roared into the sky!


The whole cave was roaring, and the surrounding small rocks were rolling and falling.

The copper blue color on its body turned into copper red, and it entered a berserk state!

The ogre dynasty Lin Feng came, and the golden hammer in his hand smashed down on Lin Feng again!

bang bang bang!




Lin Feng dodged three of his attacks!

Seeing that all his moves had failed, the ogre king angrily summoned many ghosts!

Seeing this, Lin Feng immediately released the guardian star shield!

I saw a shield appearing in front of him!

The Nether Dark Flame locked onto Lin Feng's direction and fell on him.

-20!, -30!, -10!, miss!

Immediately, Lin Feng released the Guardian Angel Cross Slash again!



The ogre king fell to the ground, his body returning to copper blue.

Lin Feng counted the equipment and gold coins that exploded: 500 gold coins, a dark gold-level lich bracelet.

Although there are not many equipment and gold coins that burst out, it is definitely better than nothing.

Now if you want to follow the equipment and gold coins, you need to find a more powerful BOSS.

Just as Lin Feng was about to leave, there was a rumbling sound from the depths of the cave...

This made Lin Feng, who originally wanted to leave, stop, and his eyes fell on the cave at the corner ahead. …

From the outside, the cave inside is very dark, and it is impossible to see what is in the depths.

But the rumbling sound just now also proved that there must be something else inside.

Lin Feng slowly walked into this dark cave, and in this cave, there was only a faint light illuminating the road ahead.

I don't know how long I walked, and finally saw the light not far ahead.

Going forward to take a look, it really is something special.

The entire hole is extremely huge, forming a circle, and a pentagram-shaped water pool is formed in the middle. Looking down from the air, it seems that something is imprisoned in this water pool.

Lin Feng fell from the sky and walked in the pool, but didn't find anything unusual...


Did I hear wrong?

However, recalling the rumbling sound just now, it was indeed coming from inside.

Is there some sort of agency here?

However, if you take a closer look, the surrounding rock walls are well sealed, and there is nothing wrong with it.


Blood Moon Sirius Xiaoha, suddenly started barking towards the rock in the east!

Lin Feng set his sights on the Blood Moon Sirius Xiaoha at this time.

But I carefully checked the place where it called, but I didn't find anything...

This little Husky can't be a husky's temper...

Seeing that Lin Feng still didn't react, Xueyue Sirius Xiaoha ran directly to the rock wall, spread his legs, and peed...

Lin Feng looked at it, a little speechless.

But if you think about it carefully, Xiaoha can scream so excitedly on the rocks in the east, it must have noticed something, but he didn't.

Looking carefully at the place where it had urinated, suddenly found that several ancient characters appeared on the rock wall.


Lin Feng knows what's going on......

Flying to the west, towards the calm pool, released the stars to fall!

The rock surrounded by golden light hit the pool water, and the pool water splashed 250 meters to the entire rock wall!

Sure enough, the ancient text on the rock wall—was displayed!


Something seemed to wake up under the pool, and there was a particularly loud sound...

"Who, who woke me from my long sleep?"

A fierce and resentful voice echoed around...

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, as expected, there really is a more powerful BOSS!

A huge vortex began to form in the pool. Lin Feng looked down at the huge vortex in front of him in the air, and saw a huge, ugly monster with a height of more than ten meters running out of it.

It has a human face, but the face is covered with various scales and black rotten liquid, staining the entire face, and there is a giant fish tail under the body.

This is a mermaid?

Lin Feng thought for a while...

No way! It's so ugly!

Monster attributes appeared in front of him.

Legendary Boss·Troll Mermaid

Level: Level 100


Eight million blood volume!

This also means that after this monster is killed, more powerful equipment and more gold coins will definitely come out!

Maybe, after killing such a powerful BOSS, something else will appear!

The giant mermaid's eyes fell on Lin Feng's body, and there was a hint of resentment in his fierce eyes!

"Human, you will regret waking up my long sleep today!"

"Gimme it!"

As soon as it finished speaking, more than forty small mermaids emerged around it, and they were similar in appearance and ugly.

Rare*Giant Stone Mermaid

Level: 40

HP: 60000

Lin Feng smiled, seeing this situation, he directly transformed into a Seraph!

A strong holy light enveloped Lin Feng's body, and then, the Seraphim's blood in his body awakened, and six wings bloomed behind him, exuding a holy aura.

Immediately summoned his remaining two pets!.

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