Hot pot with pulsation is still a little worried.

"It is estimated that Meng Wang has started to play a dungeon now. This new dungeon is expected to be particularly powerful. After Meng Wang comes out, we are luring other bosses to go there. At the same time, we are selling it. How about killing Meng Wang?"

Hot Pot with Sprite Hearing the plan of Hot Pot with Pulse, I think it is feasible after thinking about it!

After all, the BOSS is so powerful, if you add them, you can't believe that a cute king can't be destroyed!

"Brother! What do you think of the idea of ​​hot pot with pulse? I think it's pretty good!"

"As long as I make good use of this opportunity, I don't believe that this cute king can not only block the attack of the boss, but also block our attack!"

Hot Pot with Red Wine Hearing Hot Pot with Sprite said this, and after thinking about it carefully, it is indeed possible to use the boss in the forest this time to kill Meng Wang.

"This plan is indeed good and can be implemented."

"I'm going to contact Kuanglong now, and ask you all to bring some powerful people to help!"

"This time! Whoever kills the first level of Meng Wang will be rewarded!"

Lin Feng, who was still ignorant at the moment, came to the door of Sky Wings and walked in.

"Do you want to enter the copy Sky Wings?"


A panel appeared before Lin Feng's eyes

Sky Wings

Copy requirements: level 60

Remaining times per day: 1 (Player Mengwang extra +1, remaining times: 2 times)

Difficulty selection: normal mode, elite mode, abyss mode, hell mode, death mode

At present, only the normal mode is on, and the four behind are all dim and cannot be selected.

"Choose normal mode."

As soon as he entered the instance, Lin Feng got a map overview of Sky Wings.

The map this time is not much different from the map of Zhao's Tower.

But the journey of Wings of the Sky carries the hell fire, if it falls into the hell fire, the player will be directly burned to death by the hell fire, and the attempt fails.

Lin Feng directly entered the first floor of 207.

Looking around, it is approximately circular, with a diameter of more than 400 meters, which is more than 100 meters less than the Zhao's Tower.

The rest of the place was burned with scorching heat, surrounding the entire battle position.

The monster came out from the teleportation array.

Looking closer, twenty three-to-four-meter-long bats, all covered in tattered armor and thorns, flew towards Lin Feng's direction.

When the twenty monsters came out, another monster that looked like a jackal, with red fireworks on its body, and drooling fangs came out from the inside.

Lin Feng looked at the two monsters in different forms,

It really is a new dungeon, even the monsters look a little bit longer.

But this BOSS has not come out yet, there are probably other monsters.

Sure enough, just as Lin Feng expected.

Another ten jackal-like monsters came out, but this monster was different from the one that came out just now, with black sparks all around its body, except for a red firework plant on its head, and dark armor on its body.

Finally, a monster with two heads, half red and half blue stepped out. It was more than ten meters long and stared straight at Lin Feng.

The other monsters are all around the two-headed monster.

I guess this should only be the BOSS.

The attributes of the monster are also displayed at this moment.

Extremely hot bat

Grade: 60

HP: 22000

Extreme Flame Warcraft

Grade: 62

HP: 24000

Jilin Warcraft

Grade: 65

HP: 27000

BOSS · Chilling Monster Beast

Grade: 68

HP: 300000

These monsters are a piece of cake for themselves (cgdh)!

"Go pull monsters."

The four pets stepped forward one after another and pulled all the monsters in front of Lin Feng.

The Jiyan bat grabbed Lin Feng, and the ear-piercing cry echoed around, making Lin Feng's eardrums feel a little annoyed by the stimulation.


Lin Feng unleashes the dance of the dead!

Self HP -500

A hundred hell undead crawled out of hell and rushed into the monster's body.

I saw that their blood was rolling down and retreating.

for five seconds....


Lin Feng used death knockback now!

A dark black light flashed directly from their bodies!


All the minions and the boss died together between the two moves.

Lin Feng began to count the gold coins, a total of 120 gold coins.

The system prompts: "Congratulations to the player "Meng Wang" who successfully passed the test on the first floor, do you need to go to the second floor?"


I saw the portal with the magic pattern glowing again...

Lin Feng stood in the portal and came to the second floor in an instant.

All the monsters still look exactly the same as the monsters on the first floor, but they are much bigger.

The attributes of the monster are also displayed at this moment.

Extremely hot bat

Grade: 65

HP: 32000

Extreme Flame Warcraft

Level: 70

HP: 39000

Jilin Warcraft


HP: 45000

BOSS · Chilling Monster Beast

Level: 80

HP: 500000

Lin Feng found that the blood volume of monsters on the second floor was several times higher than that on the first floor. He estimated that if this continues, the blood volume of the boss he will fight will definitely be a lot.

The Extreme Flame Demonic Beast raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, opened its bloody mouth, and came to bite Lin Feng's body at a very fast speed!

For its attack, Lin Feng is indeed a little speechless......

Didn't know it was a dog...

The Jiyan bat also made piercing calls around it, and its calls had a dizzying effect.

Lin Feng immediately summoned Shuang'er, and began to avoid the attack of this extremely flaming monster, the most important thing of which was to make a shop!

So it takes a little longer.

It has to be said that the speed of this extremely flaming monster is indeed extremely fast.

As long as you don't pay attention, you will be attacked by them, and there are still twenty of them!

Twenty extremely flaming monsters are chasing and biting Lin Feng crazily!

In order to get gold coins quickly, I must end this ordinary trial as soon as possible.

Seeing that Lin Feng is being attacked by the extremely flaming monster, Xiaohei, the Dragon King of Taiyin, used the Frozen World!

-45000, -45000, -45000...

Thin ice spread on the ground, slowing down the speed of the extremely flame monster.

The speed of the Extreme Lin monster is not as fast as the Extreme Flame Monster, but its defense and attack capabilities are stronger than the Extreme Flame Monster.

-42000, -4200042000...

Seeing this, Lin Feng immediately released Star Fragmentation!

The golden holy light accompanied the meteorites from the magic circle, continuously hitting the group of monsters within five meters!

-367370, -367370...

There were more than forty Jiyan bats and Jiyan monsters, all blood volume was cleared, and gold coins were scattered all over the place.

Now there are only Jilin Monster Beast and Boss Chilling Monster Beast left with only a little HP left.

Seeing that Lin Feng had killed all its mobs, the blazing cold monster radiated two attacks towards Lin Feng!

One came to Lin Feng's left side with flames, and one came to Lin Feng's right side with ice, this flanking attack made Lin Feng dodge again riding on Shuang'er!


Unexpectedly, when he was dodging, he was hit by the attack of the Jilin monster on the shield!




All the attacks of the blazing monster were in vain.

Lin Feng releases the skill Ghost Claw again!

A dark black mist condensed into ghost claws, and grabbed the blazing cold monster and the extreme lin monster!


Within two seconds, the blazing cold monster was restrained in place, trying to break free but unable to break free no matter what.

The blood volume of Jilin Warcraft was cleared to zero, and fell to the ground, dropping out many gold coins.

Now there are only blazing monsters with a little blood left.

Lin Feng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, holding the Archangel's sword in his hand, and used the Crescent Moon Ghost Scythe!

Self HP -100

The dark black misty sickle slashed at the bodies of these rock giants!


The blazing cold monster whimpered, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Suddenly, a lot of gold coins burst out again.

Lin Feng counted all the gold coins, a total of 240 gold coins.

At this time, outside the instance of Sky Wings, Hot Pot and Sprite are leading people to the direction of the instance of Sky Wings where Lin Feng is!

Hot Pot and Sprite said triumphantly: "This time, we must kill Meng Wang! I don't believe it, really no one can touch him!"

The hot pot partner pulsed: "That's right! I don't believe it anymore, we can't kill Meng Wang this time, I believe our plan this time will be foolproof!"

"That is, that is! This time, the Kuanglong, the president of the Mad War Alliance, has sent us so many powerful masters. I believe that as long as we join forces, we will definitely be able to kill the cute master."

At this moment, Murong Wuwu and Murong Yiyi also learned that Hot Pot City is now rushing to the direction where Lin Feng's copy, Sky Wings, is located.

In the chat group of the guild, everyone began to discuss this matter.

"Vice President, you said that Hot Pot City is like this, should we also go there?!"

"That's right! Vice President! Now that the president is in the dungeon, it is estimated that most of the skills on the body must have been released after the president grows up... Will our president fail?

"I think the president is so powerful, he shouldn't need us, right? After all, we are not very powerful either?"

"I think the president is in trouble now, we have to help!"

"I'd better read the vice president's orders. I heard that Hot Pot City has joined forces with the Berserk Alliance this time!"

Murong Wuwu also became anxious, and immediately sent a private message to Murong Yiyi.

"Do you think we should help Meng Wang?"

"I heard that this time it's the alliance between the Berserker Alliance and Hot Pot City!"

Murong Yiyi was also thinking.

He is currently entering the dungeon, there are so many of them, there must be some plans this time.


"But to deal with these little scumbags, the two of us are enough.

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