National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 26 Change The Shotgun And Become Stronger In An All-Round Way

Ban Hua asked him to go to her house to play games?

This request!

"Ah! Don't get me wrong!" Murong Wuwu said with a smile: "My family has an extra game room, and it's not just me, Sisi and the others are also in my house. You don’t have to play for a while to be forced out by the game helmet.”

The game helmet of the second world is that every time the game lasts for 6 hours, it will be forced to log out, and it can only be logged in again after half an hour. It is to prevent the player from experiencing physical discomfort due to lack of real hunger when playing the game. Simply put, don't starve to death.

For example, Lin Feng is about to be forced to quit now.

Nutrient solution can be placed in the game compartment to directly supply water and nutrient solution to the body. At least it can last for 24 hours without quitting the game, and you will still not be hungry or thirsty.

This is also the reason for the large price difference between the two.

"That's it!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "When you have time, go over and experience the game cabin."

"Okay, we start school at the beginning of September, now at the beginning of July, there are about two months left, you can relax and play games. I have a lot of time, if you want to come, tell me anytime!" Murong Wuwu said.

"no problem."

Afterwards, Murong Wuwu quit the game.

"Game cabin! I really want to try it. Since playing the game, I have never felt what a game cabin is like." Afterwards, Lin Feng also quit the game.

It's time for him to have lunch too.

Today, I suddenly earn 18,000 yuan. If I have more money, I won’t eat instant noodles anymore.

I went directly to the supermarket and bought five catties of pork ribs, planning to cook a pot of ribs for myself.

You can eat ribs unscrupulously, this life is very beautiful.

After eating, it was already past 8:30 in the night, Lin Feng transferred 5,000 to a bank card, and then sent a message to a WeChat account with a picture of a book: "Grandpa, I made money, I just transferred to you 5000, buy wine and drink (grin)."

Soon, WeChat replied: "You child, just mess around. I will save the money for you, and you will definitely need it when you marry a wife in the future. I have already saved 32,500."

Lin Feng typed quickly: "I really don't need to save anymore, I really made money."

Afterwards, there was no reply, Lin Feng was helpless.

The orphanage where Lin Feng lives is very small. When he was in high school, because there was a new and larger orphanage, all the children here went there, and the old director retired. He is now 80 years old.

As long as Lin Feng has more money, he will transfer points to the dean. He knows that the dean's family does not lack this, but it is just a little bit of his heart.

After taking a shower, I went out for a run for half an hour. After nine o'clock, Lin Feng logged into the game again.

In six hours, Lin Feng rose to level 21. Now you can finally wear a gold suit.

He now has four sets of gold-level suits, two sets of armor, one set of cloth armor, and one set of leather armor. The giant bear suit mainly adds physique, and the giant lion suit mainly increases strength.

"Just wear the giant bear! At the same time, you can also equip it with the giant bear sword." Lin Feng thought.

Gold Class·Giant Bear Greatsword

Requirements: 20

Physical Attack: 220

Magic Attack: 80

Constitution +15

Gold Class·Bear Heavy Armor

Requirements: 20

Physical Defense: 80

Magic Defense: 50

Constitution +10

(Five-piece sets can form a bear suit: bear heavy armor, bear helmet, bear leggings, bear armguards, bear boots)

Gold Class · Dire Bear Helmet

Requirements: 20

Physical Defense: 60

Magic Defense: 30

Constitution +8

(A five-piece set can...)

Gold Grade·Bear Gauntlets

Requirements: 20

Physical Defense: 55

Magic Defense: 25

Constitution +6

(A five-piece set can...)

Gold Grade·Giant Bear Leggings

Requirements: 20

Physical Defense: 55

Magic Defense: 25

Constitution +6

(A five-piece set can...)

Gold Class·Bear Boots

Requirements: 20

Physical Defense: 45

Magic Defense: 25

Constitution +4

Dexterity +2

(A five-piece set can...)

Special effect of giant bear suit: life value +1000

Putting on five pieces of armor, Lin Feng changed from a tattered bronze armor to a majestic golden armor in an instant, and the roar of the big bear on the chest of the armor looked even more domineering.

"After upgrading from level 13 to level 21, I have 72 more free attribute points, let's distribute them again!"

"Intelligence +20, Constitution +10, Strength +10, Spirit +10, Dexterity +22"

Many games played by Lin Feng are locked, even if you add more agility, it is not 100% dodgeable, only a certain probability.

But there is no lock in the second world, but as long as you dodge fast enough, you can be harmless.

So here, agility is still very important.

After killing monsters and PKing, Lin Feng realized several things.

First of all, my movement speed is really not enough. Every time I fight, I can't dodge the attack at all, and I just resist hard.

Then, because of his low agility, his reaction speed was slow and his movements were also slow. As a result, if he encountered an assassin with a high agility, he might be killed without being able to see the opponent.

Then the spirit increases the magic resistance, and at the same time his light guardian consumes mana very quickly.

Strength plus basic attack, after all, you can't fight a mob in the future and you have to use skills.

Intelligence and physique have always been the main points, naturally the most.

After everything was done, Lin Feng took back the death sickle and directly equipped it with the giant bear sword. At this time, his attributes changed a lot.

Player: Meng Wang

Grade: 21

HP: 6912

Mana: 400

Physical Attack: 40-45

Magic Attack: 360

Physical Defense: 848

Magic Defense: 214

Strength: 20

Physique: 119

Intelligence: 70

Spirit: 20

Agility: 31

A set of gold equipment made his attributes soar.

Afterwards, Lin Feng looked at his new skills. At level 20, trainee Reapers and Guardians of Light can learn new skills again.

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Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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