Lin Feng saw that he was surrounded by so many bullets, and it was completely covered. It seemed that the Feiyan Shuangying had really played hard.

But just relying on these attacks to take him down, how is it possible?

But surrounded by so many bullets, he will definitely be attacked more or less.

Lin Feng immediately displayed the power of steel and guarding the cross to heal.

"Shuang'er, break out!"

After hearing Lin Feng's order with both ears, he led Lin directly towards him.

Lin Feng also dodged most of the bullets in the void, and only a few hit him.

The bullet hit Lin Feng's body, making a bang bang bang.

Waves of white mist filled the Martial Arts Field, making it impossible for everyone to see clearly what kind of situation Lin Feng is in right now.

In fact, this also surprised everyone.

The corners of Feiyan Shuangying's mouth raised a smile.

Silently blowing on his long spear, it seems that after all, this cute king is nothing more than that, he can't even dodge such ordinary moves as himself.

Feiyan Shuangying quietly waited for the system broadcast at this time, but they couldn't wait for a long time.

Suddenly there is an ominous premonition, it is possible that this trick of his own did not annihilate Lin Feng!

How is this possible? The attack he launched just now has already occupied most of the places where he can avoid it. Even if he really avoided one, how could he pass the second one?

The audience in the audience began to discuss.

"No way, it's impossible for King Meng's strength to be killed by Feiyan Shuangying like this, but now Mengmeng's figure is nowhere to be seen. Could it be that Mengwa was seriously injured?"

"How could it be possible that Meng Wang has already dodged the bullet of the flying sound, so Meng Wang should not lose?"

"Actually, I also think it's impossible. Maybe the current Meng Wang has already started preparing for other attacks. Otherwise, how could he not be seen?"

"I feel that he can easily dodge the bullet so fast. One can imagine how fast he is. The attack just now is definitely nothing to him.

"But the current Demon King hasn't appeared yet, which means there must be something unexpected about this Meng King, or else his blood volume is insufficient."

"Yes, yes, I think it's the same, but Meng Wang's attack is so high, and his defense is so strong, how could he be defeated by a few simple bullets?

"Everyone, wait a little longer. When Meng Wang appears, he will naturally know everything. I don't believe that there will be such a person who can instantly kill the top five rankings."

Lin Feng noticed that the smoke surrounding him at this moment made a faint smile rise from the corner of his mouth, just in time to use the smoke as a cover for himself.

Judging from Feiyan Shuangying's attack just now, he should be able to know where others will be earlier.

In such a situation, he must be frozen in order to have a chance to kill him.

Lin Feng immediately summoned Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of Taiyin.

"Xiao Hei, go! Use the Frozen World!"

I saw Xiaohei, the Dragon King of Taiyin, entered the state of battle, and released his own move, Frozen World!

Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of Lunar Yin, appeared in the mist, and instantly released his skills towards the position of Feiyan and Shuangying, freezing the world.

The martial arts arena was instantly covered with thin ice.

When Feiyan Shuangying was about to dodge, he didn't expect that he was a second late, and was instantly frozen in place by this skill.

Lin Feng instantly released the guardian skill, and within a range of 100 meters, one even fell from the sky and hit the Feiyan Shuangying hard on the head!

In an instant, the blood volume of Feiyan and Shuangying was cleared to zero!

Only at this time, he released the skill that can restore blood volume at a critical moment, and the blood volume recovered to 99%.

And I didn't expect that the blood volume of the cute king who was bulleted by himself was still full, this is too heaven-defying!

Everyone was very happy to see the appearance of Meng Wang, and they all stood up from their positions and clapped their hands.

The freeze on Feiyan Shuangying's body also disappeared, and he didn't expect Lin Feng's moves to be so ruthless.

Immediately, he ran quickly again and disappeared in place, wanting to use the method he killed him just now, and give him another blow!

Lin Feng also rode Shuang'er to start a battle without gunpowder, and the speed of the two was even more comparable.

Everyone looked at it and felt that it was a war without gunpowder...

Well now, when I go, I can't even see anyone......

"No... Where is Meng Wang? What about Feiyan and Shuangying? Is there something wrong with my eyes?"

"I didn't expect that the speed of these two people has already reached the speed that disappears in the eyes of others. It seems that if anyone meets the two of them, it is really a kind of evil fate.

"Yeah, yeah, this is the first battle I've seen. It's a war that disappeared from everyone's eyes. I guess the two of them are fighting secretly, but I think King Meng will win. After all, Feiyan Shuangying is now There is only a little blood left.

"That's right, how do you beat this little blood? If someone cries, any ordinary thing can take him down directly, unless he can turn against the wind."

"In a short period of time, it is unlikely to come back against the wind. If it is really going to come back against the wind, it is absolutely impossible to be this Feiyan Shuangying."

"I just want to know where they are now. I also want to see how they get them and learn some skills from them. What do I think now."

A faint smile rose from the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and he also noticed where he was going later, and immediately cast Star Crash.

I saw a magic circle glowing golden light on the Martial Arts Field.

With a bang, one by one, the rocks surrounded by golden light smashed down towards Feiyan Shuangying, and his meager blood volume reached 0 in an instant.

At this moment, Feiyan and Shuangying haven't had time to think, they didn't expect to be defeated so quickly, they are also surprised!

The system prompts a sound at this moment.

"Congratulations to the player Meng Wang for winning the third round of individual battles and gaining a victory point."

Lin Feng stopped, and summoned Shuang'er back, looking at Feiyan's voice in front of him, a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

In fact, he didn't seize the opportunity to defeat himself, mainly because he was too arrogant.

If he had launched another attack at that time, he would definitely have injured at least half of his blood.

...... Ask for flowers 00

It's just that he was too self-confident at the time, didn't seize such a good opportunity, and had too many illusions about his own strength.

At this time, Feiyan Shuangying still couldn't believe it, and didn't expect that he was really defeated.

"Why? Why didn't your blood volume decrease at all, no one can escape my move just now!"

At this time, Feiyan Shuangying was very puzzled, and there was an aggrieved light in his eyes.

Lin Feng looked at his appearance at this time, and said indifferently.

"You are in too much of a hurry."

"It is important to be ruthless on the battlefield, but if you are too confident, if you don't care about your own moves, the enemy's defense and blood volume, you will definitely make such mistakes."

At that moment, Feiyan Shuangying realized that his attack was nothing at all, and smiled ironically.

"I'm convinced of you too, I hope you can keep fighting and keep fighting."

"Don't worry, I will never let you go, next time I meet you again, I will never show mercy.

Feiyan Shuangying left the battlefield after speaking.

Everyone clapped their hands for Lin Feng's victory this time. At least Lin Feng did not live up to everyone's expectations.

The system prompts: "The player's cute baby has now obtained 4 points. Do I need to continue the game for the victory points of the individual battle?"



"Match complete."

The opponent players of the 4th round also entered the martial arts field.

The attributes of both parties are displayed in the eyes of the other party.

The players in the fourth round are wearing golden armor, and their bodies emit holy light.

Player: Qianyu Muchen.

Blood value: 500000

Mana: 2344

Lin Feng looked at the attributes of the fourth player, Qianyu Muchen, and couldn't help frowning. The blood volume and magic value are not at the same level, okay?

And seeing that he was wearing gold-level armor, it seemed that his magic value was not just over 2,000.

Seeing that she was matched with Meng Wang, Qianyu Muchen was shocked, and said hastily.

"No way! How did I say that, how did I match Mengwang? God, I didn't expect that I would end up in this fourth round of the competition.

Listening to what he said, Lin Feng couldn't help frowning, was it really scary?

What is unexpected, can only end in this 4th round of the game.

Not such a cowardly character, if so, how did he persist until the 4th round of the competition.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't speak, Qian Yu Muchen begged for mercy.

"Otherwise, when you kill me later, don't say too much."

"I know, I have no chance of winning at all, so why don't you let me live, and I will surrender now, okay?

Lin Feng was speechless for a while, not knowing how to communicate with the player in front of him...

Tmd, I haven't even played this yet, so I immediately admit to being cowardly.

"It hasn't even started yet..."

"Aren't you giving up and fighting the same result? Zero?".

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