National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 283 Six-Person Battle! Beginning!

After seeing the message from Lin Feng, Murong Er'er couldn't believe it...

I thought he would make a special arrangement, everyone's positions, etc., but I didn't expect that it was just such a simple sentence in the end...

"Captain, don't you think this is too simple?"

"I just saw that some teams are preparing seriously. Where do the archers stand...We only have one support behind us?"

Murong Sisi said: "I don't have any ideas. The president can arrange it as he pleases. When he wins all the six-person and ten-person competitions, just treat us all to dinner."

Murong Sisi's foodie attributes were exposed again.

Murong Wuwu said: "In fact, I quite agree with the idea of ​​the president. After all, we are so powerful, and the combined attack power doesn't know how much... There is no need for the same formation as others."

Lin Feng said: "Yes, it is indeed as Murong Wuwu said, our levels are all very high together, and we don't really need any other formations.

"Their formations can't actually achieve much effect. Everyone still depends on the situation and the form will be much better than these."

Murong Shanshan said: "What you said is actually quite right. No matter how formidable those formations look, in fact, if you meet a formidable opponent, if you don't know how to be flexible and have a tacit understanding, you may still lower the opponent."

Li Yuan thought about it carefully, and felt that what Lin Feng said was indeed not unreasonable.

"Then we don't need any special formations. When the time comes, we can beat whoever it depends on. If we can't win, we will change to another person to continue to support."

Everyone also agreed with the method Li Yuan said.

"Now everyone is ready? If you are ready, then let's do a six-person stand!"

"OK!" Everyone gave an OK gesture!

Lin Feng led everyone to join 283 in the six-person stand of the world's number one martial arts conference.

A white light appeared, and everyone appeared together on the scene of the world's number one martial arts conference.

The system sounded a notification sound: "Congratulations to the six players for participating in the six-player battle of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament!"

"Each time you defeat an opponent, you will get one victory point. Can the six continue?"


Everyone's attributes -- emerged.

Lin Feng checked his attributes.

Captain: Meng Wang

HP value: 692160

Mana: 20000

Teammate: Murong Xiaoer


Mana: 18450

Teammate: Murong Xiaoshan


Mana: 17650

Teammate: Murong Xiaosi

Blood value: 500032

Mana: 16500

Teammate: Murong Xiaowu

Blood value: 600000

Mana: 18770

Teammates: a steady stream


Mana: 18660


"Automatching completed..."

The six people stood on the martial arts arena, with a kind of self-confidence and arrogance that people could not ignore.

Murong Xiaowu and Lin Feng are walking recently, everyone is very excited when they see it!

"Oh my god! Why do I feel that this Murong Xiaowu is really a good match with Meng Wang! Don't you guys feel this way?"

"Yes! I think so too. I feel that they are really a good match. It's rare to see such a good match!"

"I don't know how this Murong Xiaowu's combat power is, but I feel that it shouldn't be too bad. I heard that she is also one of the players who can solve the solo stand and two-player battle the fastest.

"I've seen her fight, and she is indeed very powerful. It's rare to have such a powerful person, but I think Meng Wang is the most powerful among them. A Meng Wang can actually beat two or three teammates...... ..."

"I think that as long as there is Meng Wang, the chances of winning will definitely increase, not a little bit. I really envy them who can form a team with Meng Wang...but except for Meng Wang, the others are indeed masters .

"I know this. The others are indeed masters. It seems that most of the top ten players on the list are in Meng Wang's team. For example, the one who keeps on flowing is also a very powerful master!"

"After being mentioned by you, I finally remembered it, and I said why this continuous name seems to have been seen somewhere before, and I feel that I really received it. Now that I was mentioned by you, I just remembered it .”

"It feels like there is such a strong team like them, and it is a dream to win. I want to see who the first team that is so weak..."

Only six opponent players came to Lin Feng.

Kuanglong laughed loudly, and looked at Mengwang in front of him with his hands on his hips.

"Meng Wang, it's been a long time! I really didn't expect to meet you in the first round of six.

When Lin Feng saw the team of the Berserk Alliance, a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth...

I really didn't expect to meet the Berserker Alliance.

Murong Shanshan couldn't help but let out a cold sigh.

"It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia. I didn't expect to meet you at this time."

Kuanglong narrowed his dangerous eyes slightly.

"Wait, I will never let you go easily this time.

Murong Wuwu couldn't help but chuckled softly when she heard their Berserker Alliance speak like this.

"You guys really like to say some fart-like words, don't you have a long memory?"

"Okay, if you don't have a long-term memory this time, we will definitely let you learn what a long-term memory is."

The attributes of the players on both sides were displayed in front of each other.

Opponent: Kuanglong


Mana: 17000

Opponent: arrogant


Mana: 15680

Opponent: Mad Moon

Blood value: 580789

Mana: 16590

(cgba) Opponent: Dazzling


Mana: 17990

Opponent: Fanatic


Mana: 17845

Opponent: Crazy Heart


Mana: 18000

The system prompt sounded at this time.

"Please prepare the six players on both sides, the six players will start immediately, and the time will enter the countdown..."


Li Yuan said to Lin Feng.

"Leave this arrogance to me, and divide it among yourself!"

After hearing what Li Yuan said, everyone always felt like they wanted to divide up good things for some reason...

When Kuangao heard Li Yuan say this, his eyes were filled with anger towards him!

In the first individual stand and double battle, Li Yuan defeated the arrogant, which also made him hate Li Yuan.

Arrogance summoned a huge ax and came to Li Yuan's body!

Li Yuan looked at the arrogance that was burning with anger, and smiled lightly.

"No matter what you do, you are nothing more than my defeated opponent."

Kuangao sneered, this time it was no longer an individual battle, and the team battle would have a much greater advantage for him.

Fan Fan saw that Arrogant's ax couldn't hit Li Yuan at all, so he immediately used the rattan weave to grab Li Yuan's footsteps.

"It's up to you, I'll make you crazy!" Fan Fan said coldly.

Seeing this, Lin Feng knew that Li Yuan was so excited that he didn't take other players seriously at all, and probably thought it was a personal contest.

Immediately, he swung the sword of the archangel in his hand, and directly cut off the rattan tied to Li Yuan's feet.

"Now it's not a personal battle, pay attention."

The frantic rattan weaving was pulled back in an instant, and he gave Lin Feng a vicious look.

The mad dragon radiated a powerful attack wave towards Lin Feng!

Like a tiger with its mouth wide open, it bit Lin Feng's head!

Lin Feng swung the Archangel Sword in his hand again, and swung it down with a bang!

With one move, the Kuanglongsuo unleashed a powerful attack wave, cutting it in half.

Lin Feng standing in front of everyone now is like the upper half of King Yama, and the aura on his body makes people feel scared...

The madness and fanaticism of fighting Lin Feng for the first time, I am also a little surprised by Lin Feng's strength......

They only heard about the strength of this cute king from other people's mouths, but they never thought that it was even stronger than what everyone described!

What kind of existence is this!

As the king of instant kills, Murong Shanshan naturally wouldn't let go of such a good opportunity to attack, and instantly disappeared from everyone's sight, secretly going to Kuangxin's position.

In her eyes, this crazy heart is the best instant kill right now.

Kuanglong noticed Murong Shanshan who was walking towards Kuangxin at this moment, immediately turned his head, and radiated two punches to Murong Shanshan's position!

Murong Shanshan looked at the two fists flying towards her, and hastily dodged them, appearing in everyone's eyes again.

Didn't expect it to be discovered...

I have to say that this group battle is really difficult.

When Murong heard this, he didn't expect Murong Shanshan's attack to be deciphered. He originally thought that this group of hot chickens could be dealt with without his own actions.

In an instant, a magic wand was summoned in his hand, and a magic circle was summoned in front of him!

Boom boom boom!

A series of blue fireworks continued to hit the direction where Kuanglong and the others were!

After seeing the magic attack emitted by Murong Er'er, everyone started to avoid it.

I saw, wishing Rong Er Er's whistle suddenly raised a smug smile.

All the blue fireworks she summoned would actually run after people!

Lin Feng looked at them who were being chased around, and released the skill, Guardian Angel Cross Slash!

The two attack waves hit the Kuanglong's position straightly!


Before everyone could recover, Lin Feng's attack was about to hit Kuanglong...

Kuangxin immediately summoned a move that uses his own blood volume as a defensive shield, blocking Lin Feng's attack for him!


More than half of the blood volume was wiped out by Lin Feng's moves. .

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