National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 29 Advanced Death Sickle

Lin Feng said: "8 silver weapons, 50 silver protective gear. 3 level 25 weapons, 5 level 20 weapons. 34 level 20 protective gear, 16 level 25 silver protective gear."

What Lin Feng actually got was 8 silver weapons and 90 silver equipment. He didn't say it all, for fear of saying too much, it would be more high-profile.

The water dragon was surprised again, not only their seven elders came to the Seven Dragon Palace, but thousands of members from all over the country entered.

He roughly calculated that in the past two days, all the members of their guild owned only 20 pieces of silver equipment, and only seven of them had silver weapons.

"Brother, you didn't kill all the level 20 bosses around the main city, did you? There are so many silver equipment!"

"No, it's just that we spawned a lot of monsters, and it exploded." Lin Feng said: "After all, we all work together, and the speed is faster."

"Everyone...together." After hearing the core words, Shuilong breathed a sigh of relief. If one person can do this, then there are thousands of them, how useless they are? Not as good as a person.

"Brother Mengwang, please make an offer! We want all of these from the Seven Dragon Palace." Shuilong said.

Lin Feng said: "I have seen the exchange, 15 silver weapons are about 2 gold coins, 8 silver weapons regardless of level, 4 gold coins each."

"Level 15 silver protective gear, the most expensive coat is 50 silver coins for 1 gold coin, and the average value is 125 silver coins. Let's mix my level 20 and level 25! One silver pack is 2.5 gold coins. Total: 157 gold coins, Still according to the value of 109,900 yuan."

"Bought it!" Shuilong said happily: "With this batch of equipment, our Seven Dragon Palace can rise quickly. Brother Mengwang, the price is 120,000, and we can trade it now. By the way, in the future, if there is equipment, you can find it." For us, money is not an issue."

"Okay, let's trade now!" Lin Feng said.

"Um..." Shuilong said awkwardly: "My backpack only has 20 slots, which is not enough. Let me call Yilong and Fiery Dragon to get the equipment together. You go to the exchange to hang the gold coins first, and I will transfer the money first."


Later, Lin Feng got another 120,000 yuan.

About a quarter of an hour later, two more youths came to form a team, and at the same time they also joined Lin Feng and others.

Lin Feng directly traded those silver equipment with the three of them.

After the transaction, the fiery dragon with the tomahawk on his shoulder grinned and said: "Brother is the nobleman of the Seven Dragon Palace. Is your team big? If not, come to my Seven Dragon Palace. The equipment and gold coins you play will be paid by us." If you buy it at the original price, it can also help you fight more difficult bosses."

"No need for now." Lin Feng shook his head slightly, and said, "But we may cooperate in the future, after all, as the level increases, the boss becomes more and more difficult to fight."

"I'm a hidden professional Beastmaster. If there are more babies in the future, I will be more powerful. Mengwang, you should also be a hidden professional, right? Let's work together when you have time!" A dragon, wearing animal skin equipment, stretched out his hand boldly.

Lin Feng shook hands with the latter: "No problem, I can't stay up late, I plan to watch the exchange for a while and then go to sleep."

"Brother Meng Wang, you are busy first, we are going to kill monsters."

Afterwards, Lin Feng entered the exchange again, and the three turned around and left the exchange.

While walking, the chat group of seven people had already started talking about it.

One dragon: "If this cute king is in a team, it is also a ruthless team. The server opened at 12 o'clock the day before yesterday, and it has not been here for 36 hours until now. I have so many equipment."

Fiery Dragon: "Yes! I saw that he is already level 21, and the upgrade speed is fast enough. We have been working day and night, and the boss of Zulong is already at level 18, which is already an exaggeration."

Zulong: "After level 15, experience needs to increase several times. Leveling up is much slower. After level 20, it should be more difficult. Suilong has time to check Mengwang. See which game he used to be a master. Also Yes, the commercial value and popularity of the Second World are obviously beyond fantasy. I decided to introduce 90% of the members of my Ancestral Dragon Hall into the Second World, leaving only 10% for maintenance."

Water Dragon: "Hey... I've already finished contacting. My Water Dragon Hall will enter the second world at 0 o'clock. If you are slow, you will be overtaken by me! When the time comes, remember to call me Water Dragon Boss."

Big Fierce Dragon: "The youngest of the water dragon, just those idiots in your hall, you can't upgrade, PK can't, and you can't come. I'm going to contact you now. Meow, you should also contact your people quickly."

"Let's divide up the equipment first! At least the seven of us can wear silver all at once, that's great!"


Lin Feng didn't care about how the Palace of Seven Dragons worked. At this time, he returned to the exchange, naturally to buy something.

The death sickle is still at the bronze level, and it is not very easy to use at level 20.

Lin Feng had tried it long ago, absorbing a piece of bronze equipment would increase the advance progress of the death sickle by 1%.

Now with 7% progress, that is to say, get another 93 pieces of bronze equipment, and you should be able to advance.

So he planned to come to the exchange to buy a bronze suit.

They are selling level 10 and level 15 bronze equipment here, which is quite cheap for Lin Feng.

1 piece of 10th grade bronze is about 2 silver coins.

Later, Lin Feng spent a total of 1 gold coin and 86 silver coins to buy 93 pieces of bronze suits. Fortunately, his backpack has 200 slots, which can hold more equipment, otherwise he would have to buy a batch and use a batch.

Afterwards, Lin Feng took out bronze suits at the exchange, smiling continuously and being controlled by the death scythe.

Just when the 93rd piece of bronze equipment disappeared, the death scythe emitted a strong black light, and then quickly grew in size.

In two or three seconds, the death scythe, which was originally only one meter long, turned into a large black scythe with a handle two meters long and a sickle blade that was nearly one meter long.

Death Sickle (Growth Type)

Grade: Silver Grade

Requirements: Apprentice Reaper, level 20

Physical Attack: 130

Magic Attack: 160

Features: 1. Execute the skills of trainee god of death, and the attack will increase by 20%.

2. You can grow and advance by absorbing other weapons, and the current advancement progress is 0%.

"Although the physical attack of the gold-level sword is weaker, the magic attack exceeds it. Compared with the original bronze-level sword, it has more than a hundred attacks. It's better to advance!" Lin Feng went to the exchange to buy a bronze suit. .


"Reminder: The use of equipment cannot be lower than level 20."

"Your father!" Lin Feng was speechless, he just bought a level 10 bronze outfit, it's useless.

After hesitating for a moment, he faced a level 20 silver equipment.


Reaper's Scythe: Advanced Progress 1%

"1%! Damn, then I have to come up with at least level 20 silver packs for 100 pieces! This is all money! If you advance to a death scythe, you will lose almost 200,000 yuan, okay, don't worry now. If Advance early, and suddenly ask for level 30, then I will fool myself, so I have to calm down."

Afterwards, Lin Feng left the exchange and ran straight out of the city...

Running to a dark place, Lin Feng first activated the dark form and cast the gate of hell.

24 hours have passed, and there is one more time to die, so he wants to go to hell, find a big boss, send a head, maybe he can level up to level 30

"Hell, here I come!"

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Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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