"I really don't know how you did it. You are so calm about everything. If it were me, I would be anxious to death. If it weren't for you, in fact, if I encountered this kind of situation, I would have given up directly. .”

In fact, there are some glacier at noon at this moment who want to give up the treasure that is about to be obtained in front of them.

But after thinking about it, it was hard to reach the last level, and I also bet on my beauty sleep time.

Wouldn't it be the biggest loss if it was wasted in vain?

Others say that time is money, if I don't get this guarantee, wouldn't the money be regarded as dung by myself?

I am not a god!

Lin Feng saw that the glacier was in a brainstorm at noon at this moment, so he didn't bother much.

Just continue to face silently, this is the lion's release skill!

Noon's Glacier also figured it out, came to Lin Feng's side, and followed him to release his skills.

With a bang, the stone lion split open!

Wuri's Bingche and Lin Feng put away their attacks in a hurry, and the system prompted at this moment.

"Congratulations to the two players who successfully passed the level!"

"You will get a treasure."

After Lin Feng and Wu Ri's glacier counted the "770" equipment, they became curious and came to the stone lion.

Looking at the golden light in the sky and the huge treasure, the eyes of the glacier in the afternoon are full of yearning for this treasure chest.

"I didn't expect that we would go through this dungeon. My God, I thought it would take a whole night of fighting to defeat this stone lion. I didn't expect it to be such an explosion. y

In the afternoon, Glacier spoke excitedly.

Lin Feng still looked calm, paying attention to the glacier at noon in front of him.

"Okay, you open this box, I really want to see what's in this box."

I saw the glacier opening the treasure chest at noon, and a thousand zhang rays of light bloomed in it.

I saw a white pet egg placed firmly in it, and now there are a few gold coins on the side.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, thinking that there would be some equipment hidden in the treasure chest, or a lot of gold coins, but unexpectedly, it was just a white pet egg

Wu Ri's ice cart looked a little embarrassed and set his eyes on Lin Feng's body, his little face turned pink instantly.

After all, he got this treasure chest by his side all the time, helping him overcome obstacles.

"What about the one with only one pet egg? How do we divide the two..."

"Or I'll give you all the other gold coins. I want this pet egg, can I?"

"If you think it's not enough, I can give you all the gold coins. I want this pet egg."

Lin Feng nodded and said.

"It's okay, you can keep this pet egg here for yourself, just give me the other gold coins, after all, it's useless if I want this pet egg.

Noon's Bingchuan didn't expect Mengwang to be so good, so he agreed to this request.

"Thank you so much, then give me this pet egg, you can't snatch it from me.

Lin Feng silently rolled her eyes, I really don't know what this girl is thinking. She already has 4 pets, so what kind of pet eggs should I snatch from him?

"Okay, okay, hatch it yourself and see."

In the afternoon, the glacier began to hatch eggs in front of Lin Feng.

The white pet egg started to crack...

At this moment, the glacier at noon still couldn't hold back the little impulse in his heart, and asked Lin Feng curiously.

"You have so many pet eggs, can you guess for me what kind of pets I have inside?"

Lin Feng thought, after all, everyone gets different pets in every place.

But according to what I said to the monsters he met just now, the progress rate of the monsters in this dungeon is quite high.

"According to the calculations, the probability of where you get the pet egg and the pet you get is the monster you encounter the most."

This sentence made Wuri's glacier Zheng Ran, thinking that all the monsters in this dungeon, except for Yin Yu Yunyun, are cuter, and the others are extremely ugly, especially the Yin Yu Ziyan...

"No... No way, I don't want that Rainy Purple Flame Beast..."

"That looks too ugly, what should I do if I get him? Can this pet be thrown away!"

Seeing Lin Feng, he silently shook his head.

"According to my current understanding of pets, they really cannot be thrown away."

For a while, the glacier at noon only felt that his head was struck by a thunderbolt, and he was still full of sleepiness at first.

But now that I thought that I was about to face a particularly ugly pet, I felt an inexplicable sense of fear in my heart.

Seeing the anxious look of the glacier at noon, Lin Feng comforted him.

"Actually, that monster just looks a little uglier."

"But in terms of damage, it's really quite high. If it's really him, you should train him better."

"He's a really nice pet."

However, the glacier in the afternoon is completely a face control, and he doesn't want ugly pets at all.

How could Lin Feng not know what was in her little thoughts? After all, all women control their appearance.

"Is there really no other way?"

Lin Feng saw that the white pet egg was not completely cracked, and said with a smile.

"Your pet egg hasn't cracked yet, and it doesn't have to be the Ziyan beast you despise now."

I saw that the glacier in the afternoon immediately made a gesture of joining hands together, and placed it in his mouth, chattering.

Seeing the white pet egg crack open, Lin Feng frowned slightly as he looked at the little pet emerging from it.

He looks a little bit similar to the Yinyu Ziyan Beast, but seeing how the afternoon glacier despises the Ziyan Beast, he must not be able to express this observation.

If I didn't guess wrong, this little guy looks like a little frog, and his pet should be the original body of Ziyan Beast.

In the afternoon, Glacier looked curiously at the little frog inside the white pet egg, and there was a big heart in his eyes.

"Oh my God, I thought it would be some kind of ugly pet, but could it be a little frog, it looks so cute.

Lin Feng also didn't expect that the glacier in the afternoon would like the little frog, but seeing how she accepted the Ziyan beast's original body, he didn't say anything for a while, just clapped his hands and said.

"As long as you like it, as long as you like it."

After all, once people have feelings for pets, they will become Xi Shi in their eyes...

Besides, monsters are monsters, pets are pets, and there is a special difference between the two.

Glacier at noon, hereby solemnly said to Lin Feng.

"Really, thank you so much tonight, if it weren't for you, I definitely wouldn't get my pet, and I wouldn't be able to pass my mission, thank you.

"Then I won't bother you now, I'm going to sleep first, I'm sleepy, remember to come to me tomorrow when the ten-man battle is over."

After finishing talking about the glacier in the afternoon, he left the instance of Demon Wings and went offline.

Lin Feng counted all the gold coins he had harvested, and it was 10,000!

Seeing that the time has come now, he also went offline and walked out of the game room.

At this time, the hot pot city is also very restless.

Hot Pot with Coke told Hot Pot with Red Wine about this, and he was furious.

"Why didn't I think that this group of people really turned them into a reconnaissance team, and they didn't do a good job of reconnaissance for me!"

Hot pot with coke nodded solemnly beside him, thinking of the side of hot pot with red wine, nodded heavily.

Recalling the bad things that group of people had said about Hot Pot City in front of him, he started yelling again.

"Let me tell you, President, they don't just say they don't want to be a member of our scouting team, they also want to leave our city.

"There are still a few speakers who want to join Mengwang's city. I didn't expect this group of people to stare so much. Hmph, from now on, our Hot Pot City will make you unable to climb high."

Pairing hot pot with red wine, I heard that Meng Wang's eyes were burning again, the anger of resentment!

"The King of Meng is the King of Meng again!"

"I'm at odds with you!"

"Now you immediately summon all the people to me. I wanted to see who wanted to get out and tell them to get out."

Hotpot with Coke immediately began to fill the hotpot city, and everyone was anxious in the main city.

Everyone looked ignorant, looked at each other's noses, and their faces were in a state of bewilderment.

"What's the situation? If you don't go to 5.4 to practice well at night, why are you summoned to this main city again? Is there any plan?"

"It shouldn't happen. Even if there is any plan, it shouldn't be now. Besides, didn't they all send a reconnaissance team? If there is any plan, it must have been said a long time ago."

"I don't have any feeling about their plans anymore. It seems that their plans have always failed. It's better to level up, fight monsters and clear dungeons."

"I really don't know what the process of this group is like. I used to think that this process was really good. I didn't expect it to become more and more broken.

"Suddenly, it really seems like I want to join Meng Wang and the others, but since I have come, I definitely have no regrets. After all, I am not particularly good, and they will not agree to join Meng Wang and the others."

All the people were shouting about hot pot with red wine, and they heard these words clearly. They slapped the group of people hard, and everyone took a few steps back.

"Whoever you want to leave me, I really want to get the hell out of here right now, and get blocked immediately after leaving, and you will never be allowed to enter our hot pot city!"

"Is our hotpot city the place where you mess around?".

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