National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 309 The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament With Six Players! Start!

"Welcome players Lin Feng, Murong Xiaoer, Murong Xiaoshan, Murong Xiaosi, Murong Xiaowu, and continue to participate in the six-player battle of the world's number one martial arts tournament!"

"I hope that the six of you can go all out to get the honor you have always wanted."

"The third round of the six-player battle is about to start, players are requested to make all preparations."


"Automatic matching complete!"

Six opponents also stepped onto the martial arts arena.

Seeing that the man in front of him was the famous Meng Wang, the aura of the six people walking on the stage was drenched by more than half in an instant...

Now that the personal attributes of both parties have not been shown, I know who the person I am facing will be...

"Oh my God.....I didn't expect to meet the King Meng. I thought our whole six-player battle would go on smoothly...It seems that this time it will be smooth. It's time to start again." One of the female players couldn't help complaining, her eyes full of helplessness.

Lin Feng was actually a little helpless when he heard his opponent say that about him. After all, he never felt how powerful he was...

It feels like as long as I see myself, I feel as if I really want to eat people...

The attributes of both sides appeared in the eyes of both sides.

Opponent: Dragon One


Mana: 18900

Opponent: Shenlong II


Mana: 18780

Opponent: Shenlong III

Blood value: 500000

Mana: 18690

Opponent: Shenlong IV

Blood value: 400000

Mana: 18660

Opponent: Shenlong V

Blood value: 300000

Mana: 18550

Opponent: Dragon VI


Mana: 18440

Li Yuan saw that the mana values ​​of the pair were only slightly different, and said softly.

"This is the first time I've seen other team members have the same magic value as me."

"Everyone should pay attention, this mana value must have been designed, otherwise it won't meet such a standard.

Shenlong VI seemed to surrender without a fight, and said with a pouted mouth.

"I still don't have any confidence in myself..."

"Otherwise, Captain, I'll choose to quit... I feel like I'm dragging you down a bit."

Shenlong No. 1 saw that Shenlong No. 6 had not yet fought, and was already intimidated by his opponent Meng Wang, and he was very angry in his heart!

"So what if the player we meet is number one in the five rankings?"

"This is a six-player battle, not an individual battle. You can't go backwards just because you met a master!"

"Your interests don't just represent you alone!"

Shenlong VI still looks timid...

Lin Feng listened to what Shenlong No. 1 said, and felt that he was indeed a good captain.

In fact, when forming a team, it is inevitable that some members will not have enough confidence in themselves.

Murong Wuwu looked at the timid Shenlong No. 6 and Shenlong No. 1 who was giving psychological counseling to his teammates, and said with a small mouth.

"Captain Meng Wang, when will you give us all a dozen of stimulants!"

"Look, other captains will say such touching words to their teammates.

Hearing this, Li Yuan couldn't help but chuckled lightly.

"Xiao Wu, you are dreaming. It is simply impossible for you to let him say inspiring words."

"At that time, what he said will be like a needle, and it will be easy to pierce others' hearts.

"My Meng Wang is a straight man of steel."

Lin Feng heard Li Yuan describe himself like this, and silently rolled his eyes...

"You five, can you concentrate a little bit, this is a competition."

The system rang again at this time.

"The six-man battle begins immediately!"

"Time is counting down!"


Shenlong No. 6 took a deep breath, and looked at Lin Feng with erratic eyes.

This also made Lin Feng somewhat unable to deal with her...

I'm also drunk in my heart

Fortunately, none of my team members have no confidence in me, otherwise, it would be an even more difficult task to provide psychological counseling to my team members.

The face of Shenlong No. 1 exudes excellence, and the eyes are full of unwavering determination.


"Although I know whether our team is really strong, we will also earnestly complete every game. I hope you will not see that our team is indeed inferior to you and not show our strength. "

Lin Feng nodded, and said lightly.

"Don't worry, our team will do our best to deal with any Belgian match."

Afterwards, seeing that Shenlong VI still didn't dare to look at him, he smiled lightly again and comforted him,

"No matter who your opponent is, sometimes it's more exciting to enjoy the process, and there is no need to make yourself so nervous."

Shenlong No. 6 heard Lin Feng say this, she was still a little trembling, but her eyes were slightly moved...

" strength is indeed that of my teammates..."

Lin Feng knew what her worries were, so that everyone would be normal when they attacked later, and there would be no accidents, so he comforted her again.

"Since you can join their team, it must mean that your ability is recognized by them."

"After all, this is a competition, not a friendly game, so why put yourself lower than the dust?"

Shenlong No. 6 didn't say a word, she really didn't expect Meng Wang to be so gentle, to say such words to herself...

"Thank you, I will play seriously!"

She took a deep breath and looked at them with firm eyes.

Shenlong No. 1 also nodded gratefully.

The eyes of Shenlong No. 2 and Shenlong No. 3 are indeed extraordinarily calm.

When Murong Wuwu heard that Lin Feng actually comforted other girls, she felt a little unhappy again.

"Captain, I think you also need to replenish us with fresh blood!"

"Instead of just letting us play."

Lin Feng turned his head, looked at Murong Wuwu beside him, and glanced at everyone around him.

"Do you need any fresh blood?"

"Play the game well for me, just play the game seriously for me."

Li Yuan couldn't help laughing, and said to Murong Wuwu.

"I told you already, he is a big straight man, and he wants to give us new blood."

"Everyone, let's play the game well! This is the most important point, everything else is fake.

Lin Feng nodded in agreement.

...asking for flowers...

Murong Wuwu at the side let out a muffled snort, and fixed her eyes firmly on Shenlong VI.

Murong Shanshan also looked at Shenlong VI.

After all, it seems that she is the weakest existence in the entire team. Anyway, if she dies sooner or later, she is dead, so it is better to kill her as soon as possible.

Shenlong No. 6 already felt that all the opponents were staring at him.

In this kind of six-person battle, it is like an animal competition, everyone will make a fatal attack on the weak first.

Murong Er'er's face was still filled with a gentle smile, but his eyes flashed a cold light that was completely opposite to the smile on his face.

"Shanshan, go and destroy the weakest one first."

"It's useless to keep it anyway."

When Murong Wuwu heard it, she quickly opened her mouth to speak.

"Leave this person to me, and you should go and solve other people."

Murong Sisi instantly understood something and said with a smile.

"Er Er, Shan Shan, you should listen to others dance."

"After all, Wuwu's wings are stiff now."

Shenlong VI knew that he was being targeted, and felt that he couldn't be so timid, so he released two red and delicate flowers with both hands!


The two red and delicate flowers beside her fiercely moved towards Lin Feng and the other five people's positions, and started to mobilize!

According to the current situation, the attacks released by her two flowers are completely aimed at Murong Wuwu!

Murong Wuwu saw that she was also targeting him, and the corner of his mouth raised a smug smile.

Exactly what I imagined!

She simply jumped backwards, dodging her attack, and two magic arrays began to appear between her hands, spinning in the palm of her hand......

A powerful jet of water spewed out from the magic circle in her palm, and radiated towards the position of Shenlong VI!

Two jets of water seemed to be like snakes, pouring towards the position of Shenlong No. 6!

Shenlong No. 6 looked at the two jets of water, which were extremely fast, and panic flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure. With one hand, he summoned a large red flower as a protective shield, and avoided the attack. Murong Wuwu's attack.

Murong Wuwu's water column hit the protective shield she released...

Unexpectedly, the shield she summoned directly absorbed her two water jets!

"what happened!"

"My attack, why is it gone..."

Murong Wuwu is a little confused...

This time, Murong Wuwu's attack and Shenlong No. 6's attack belong to the mutual generation of attributes.

If you use it well, you can win the opponent. If you don't exercise well, you will be easily crushed by the opponent.

In this battle, Murong Wuwu occupied a relatively small position.

Lin Feng said: "Your attributes are born with each other, so it's normal for its skills to absorb yours.

Murong Wuwu fell into helplessness...

I also think that this battle can be as easy as the last one, and I will fight......

Murong Shanshan said: "Otherwise, just let me assassinate her..."

"Anyway, your attributes are born together. Faced with this kind of battle, it is better to eliminate the opponent earlier, so that we can focus on other opponents.

Murong Wuwu shook her head, but her nerves were stimulated, and she felt that she must take down this opponent!


"let me!"

"I don't believe it, I can't kill her Chuan!".

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