National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 311: Constantly Killing Opponents In Seconds!

Murong Erer saw other people's angry eyes towards Murong Wuwu, who had defeated Shenlong VI at this time, and also darkened his eyes!

Want to bully my sister?!

There is no such thing as a door at all!

Instantly summoned his magic staff!

A huge magic circle was released in front of Shenlong II!

The magic circle began to rotate non-stop, and just as Shenlong No. 2 was about to escape, the six-pointed star in the magic circle radiated six beams of light directly into the air, imprisoning it in its own demon king!

"Let you know what it means to be powerful!"

Murong Er heard that his moves imprisoned Shenlong No. 2 in his own magic circle, and a powerful magic circle appeared on his head again!!

After singing a few times softly, the magic circle also began to blast out light that seemed to shake the entire void!

Boom boom boom!

The entire Martial Arts Field was surrounded by the sound of this attack launched by Murong Er'er...

I just feel like my eardrums are about to be shattered by it...

Seeing that she was imprisoned in her attack, Shenlong No. 2 also wanted to break free from the cage she released!

"Small shirt!"

Murong Er Er turned to Murong Shan Shan's position and called out!

Murong Shanshan immediately knew what Murong Er'er meant.

In this case is indeed the best time to assassinate!

Using his instant killing skills, he disappeared from everyone's sight...

Seeing this, Shenlong No. 3 immediately maintained a vigilant heart.

In order to make Murong Xiaoshan's attack succeed, Li Yuan controlled Jian Yu in the air to assassinate Shenlong No. 3!

The skills in the void are mixed together, and the effect presented is also extraordinarily amazing

Jian Yu came to the position of Shenlong III in the void, covering the sky and covering the earth!

Murong Xiaoshan approached Shenlong No. 2, and before Shenlong No. 2 could react, her skills had already been used!

Kill instantly!


A total of 600,000 blood volume!

Just like that, it disappeared in an instant, and the blood bar dimmed.

When Shenlong No. 3 came back to his senses, he never thought that Shenlong No. 2, who was the second most powerful player in the entire team, would be instantly killed just like that!

"What a powerful attack..."

At this time, Shenlong No. 1 also noticed that two of his teammates had been eliminated, and he became anxious in his heart!

"Tiger! Shoot fireballs!"

There was a mysterious smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, half a smile but not a smile, as if he knew the whole situation like the palm of his hand.

The sword of the archangel in his hand also waved, seeing the fierce tiger that kept spitting fireballs at himself, he also swung his sword of the archangel accordingly!

bang bang bang!

At the same time, the skill was released, Guardian Angel Cross Slash!

Two attack waves slammed into these fireballs, cutting them in half in the void.

Only at this moment did Shenlong No. 1 realize how terrifying Lin Feng's move was, and he could cut his own fireball in half...

For so long, none of the opponents he has met can do this...

I thought how powerful my fireball was, but it wasn't like that at all, it's just that I didn't meet a strong opponent.

Now that I really met it, I realized that my attack was only superficial to others.

Lin Fengjian seems to be giving up on Shenlong No. 1 Taoism.

"The battle is not over yet. As a game, the rules of the game should be respected."

Shenlong No. 1 recovered and took a deep breath!

I saw that Shenlong No. 1 driving the fierce tiger approached Lin Feng again at this moment...

He still intends to give it a go!

Lin Feng looked at the Tiger and Shenlong No. 1 rushing towards him, and took a step back behind him...

The two axes of Shenlong No. 1 smashed down on Lin Feng's body!

In the air, there is still the flame of Shenlong No. 1 swinging the ax

Seeing that Shenlong No. 1 was going to give him a go, Lin Feng simply squinted his eyes...

"Unfortunately, your attack is still weak."

Suddenly, he transformed the sword of the Archangel in his hand and set it up in the sky!

Unleashed the Guardian Angel Counter Slash!

The sword of the Archangel directly absorbs the skills emitted by Shenlong No. 1 into it...


A dazzling light directly blasted Shenlong No. 1 out!

Shenlong No. 1 still hasn't reacted......

How could the attack that had already been hit bounce back to him inexplicably!


A total of 700,000 HP was directly reduced to 0 by Lin Feng's guardian angel counterattack!

The audience in the audience clapped their hands and applauded when they heard this situation.

"Meng Wang's strength is really too strong... I don't know who else can continue to compete now. Isn't this six-player battle different from individual battles and two-player battles? How do I feel that Meng Wang is against you?" Its power has not been weakened, but strengthened."

"Actually, this is not your illusion. After all, Meng Wang alone can withstand the two members of the whole team. Judging from the current situation, there is indeed no one who can stop Meng Wang's attack... "

"Fortunately, I took advantage of the six-player battle last night when Meng Wang was away. Now everyone's motto is to avoid the time when Meng Wang participates in the six-player battle. In this case, there is still a small chance of winning of."

"Please, you sound like you're really cowardly when you say this. After watching Meng Wang's attack for so long, I think whoever can avoid Meng Wang's attack has a little chance of winning, but I still haven't seen it for the time being. Who can avoid it."

"So... it's better to avoid it. Although matching with other teams may not necessarily win, but! At least there must be some chances of winning, but matching with Mengwang It’s different, the outcome has been decided from the very beginning.”

"Let's discuss how long it will take for the Mengwang battle to end! I think it's about the same, and it should be over within five minutes."

"Five minutes? Impossible, probably three minutes, and now the most powerful members of their team have been eliminated, which also shows that their team is now leaderless

Seeing that she was defeated, Shenlong No. 1 just stepped aside and looked at the only three teammates left in her team...

Although it is true that the current victory or defeat has been fixed, it is already lucky in life to be able to fight with Meng Wang like this.

Li Yuan controlled the sword rain, and constantly exerted his own pressure on Shenlong III, crushing it under his own sword rain!

The rain of arrows all over the sky continuously sends out huge energy waves...

Although it is said that the current Shenlong No. 3 is fighting desperately, but there is no counterattack result at all...


At this moment, Shenlong No. 3's defensive power disappeared, and all of Li Yuan's attacks hit Shenlong No. 3's body!


With a blood volume of half a million, not a single trace of it was killed by the overwhelming sword rain in an instant...

Seeing this situation, Shenlong 4 and Shenlong 5 felt nothing but fear in their hearts...

The eyes of the six people fell on the two of them...

Judging from all their attacks just now, it seems that the ending of everything has already been written.

Li Yuan looked at the two trembling people and said with a smile.

"Don't shake, there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Now I think there are only two of you left in your team. Don't make it seem like we are bullying you."

"Give you the last chance to choose your opponent."

Lin Feng stood by Li Yuan's side, sizing up the two opponents in front of him, as a sign of respect, he didn't say anything...

In fact, according to their current choices, they would probably choose Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi.

After all, the appearance of Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu to everyone is a bit weak

However, those who really know them clearly understand that the attacks of the two of them are not weak at all.

It's just that compared with the five sisters, their explosive power is not that strong.

In fact, everyone has the characteristics of everyone and some shortcomings.

Shenlong No. 5 and Shenlong No. 4 silently cast their gazes at each other. Sisi's body.

"Then I'll choose the two of them..."

As expected, it was exactly what he thought, and in the end he really chose Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu.

Li Yuan looked eager to try and saw that he was not chosen, but felt as if cold water had been poured on him, and he was cold to the soles of his feet.

"Why didn't you choose me?"

Seeing Li Yuan complaining, Lin Feng said with a smile.

"According to the current trend of their entire team, it is a choice to choose Murong Xiaosi and Murong Xiaowu in our team who seem weak on the surface.

"That's also, they made one of the biggest mistakes."

When Li Yuan heard it, he looked at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth that seemed to be smiling, but he couldn't understand what he meant...

"What do you mean by that?"

"Could it be that neither of them has unleashed their true strength?"

"No way!"

Lin Feng still looked at Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi in front of him without saying a word.

Murong Sisi was also a little surprised, she didn't expect that she would choose to fight with herself in the end?

Shenlong No.4 mustered up his courage, and spoke to Murong Sisi.

"Then let's go to war right now!"

Murong Sisi nodded, her eyes were full of dismissive smiles.

I saw that Murong Sisi took out his cannons from the backpack, and put the cannonballs into these cannons in an orderly manner with ease.

Seeing Murong Sisi holding the cannon at this moment, Shenlong No. 4 only felt a trace of fear...

It seems that this decision I made was the worst decision I ever made...

But words that are spoken are like water that is poured out. .

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