National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 314 Violent Lolita Group

Shenlong No. 1 greeted them, and disappeared into the martial arts field with his team members.

Li Yuan said to Lin Feng with self-doubt.

"Now I always feel that when I meet our team, I seem to have given up at the beginning... This makes me really have no desire to challenge!"

"Didn't everyone say that the more you get to the back, the harder it is to fight? The more masters you meet...why I still don't feel it."

Murong Wuwu- Instead, she pouted and said.

"Then you should thank our Captain Mengwang well, if it weren't for him, our team would definitely not have passed so quickly+.

"Everyone says that Meng Wang alone can stand up to the two members of our team!"

After finishing speaking, she still couldn't help but stare at Lin Feng with the eyes of a little fan girl, all of whom are full of admiration for him.

Lin Feng also lowered his head, looking at Murong Wuwu who was staring at him all the time.

"This battle is not bad, and you have made great progress."

When Murong Wuwu heard it, she didn't expect that Lin Feng would start to praise herself, she was very excited, but because her sister was by her side, she just lowered her head shyly......

"Actually, it's okay..."

"It's mainly because of teaming up with you..."

These sweet words made people feel goosebumps, which made everyone a little envious and a little jealous.

Murong Er'er also praised Murong Wuwu: "Wuwu, it seems that you have improved."

"When the time comes, Yiyi will definitely think you are great when she sees your ability."

"However, in the future, don't go on it casually. In case you meet someone who is really a master or a villain, you were really too dangerous just now."

Murong Wuwu nodded, in fact, she understood that Murong Er'er cared about her, but she just didn't want to let herself suffer any harm.

The system prompts: "Player Mengwang team, do you want to continue the next round of the six-player competition?"

"Go on." The six people said in unison.


"Automatic matching complete!"

"Players, please make all preparations, the game will start immediately!"

The entire Martial Arts Field cheered, and amidst everyone's enthusiastic cheers, there was an extraordinarily lively atmosphere.

"It's the fourth round! I didn't expect Meng Wang and the others to reach the fourth round so soon...I guess no one can reach such a speed! At least I have watched so many games and the fastest is really Meng Wang. couple!"

"Of course, you don't even think about how powerful the Meng King is? After all, it's pretty good for him to win this time, okay? At least from the current point of view, this They will definitely win the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament next time."

"Actually, you don't even need to think about it. It must be the Meng Wang who won the victory. Those opponents seem to be too weak, and the Meng Wang has made such a big concession. He gave the opponent three tricks. I didn't expect them to be so weak. Still lost in the sucks."

"If you say this, you are really hitting other teams too hard! It is obvious that the matched team is too weak, that's why it's like this... If it is stronger, it probably won't happen, three Such a good opportunity has never been seized.”

"That's right! If the three moves just now were mastered, it would probably shock the entire forum... But they were still defeated by the King of Meng in the end. It seems that sometimes things need luck."

"No! No! What is luck? Luck is for those who are prepared. If you are not even prepared, even if luck really arrives, you will not be able to catch it.

Li Yuan still felt a little unenthusiastic about these people, and complained to Lin Feng.

"You said when will we meet a better team!"

"It feels like the team we met is not as powerful as I imagined..."

"I really hope to meet a group that can compete with our strength."

Lin Feng smiled and looked at Li Yuan at this moment without saying a word.

He knows better than anyone else that it is really difficult to meet people who are comparable to his own team. …

At least judging from the current situation, if you want to meet any masters, you need to continue...

Six beautiful girls walked into the martial arts hall from the outside. They were wearing the most popular contrasting colors, all in Lolita, with two double ponytails......

Judging from their overall aura, it doesn't look like they are coming to fight at all...

Li Yuan immediately recognized the six beautiful girls.

"I heard that their team is called the Violent Lolita Team."

"On the forum, I also saw the battle video, this team is quite powerful.

Lin Feng looked at these beautiful girls and frowned slightly...

Although their dresses are indeed very beautiful, but, in fact, judging from the clothes they are showing now, they wear this kind of clothes just to get a little love from each other.

Most of the boys will hold back when they see such a cute girl, and they don't want to make heavy moves.


Seeing that Lin Feng was still as calm as a cloud, Li Yuan was also speechless...

Murong Wuwu saw that Lin Feng's eyes just glanced at them briefly, and her heart felt inexplicably sour...

Li Yuan looked at the six beautiful girls in front of him, his eyes began to straighten...

I have to say that the six girls in front of me are all sweet and sweet in appearance. When they greet each other, they all have sweet voices.

The audience present looked at these six girls, and many nerds fell under their skirts.

"Wow! These beautiful girls are really good-looking! But dressing like this for a competition won't be too sensational, right? Although they look pretty good, I still prefer girls who dress more everyday."

"Don't you understand? Their clothes are the mark of their entire team. You can go to the forum to find out how powerful they are. The violent loli group is not blind random take."

"I didn't expect that Meng Wang and the others would meet the violent lolita group. It seems that there is really a good show to watch. Although they are really cute in clothes, they don't look like they are here to fight, but their strength is really good. very strong!"

"That's guesswork... After all, this is the fourth round. If they are not strong, they may have been eliminated in front of them. These six lolis are all good-looking. I prefer the youngest in their team." that one."

"Sure enough, a group of men have already been confused by these goblins. I actually think they are just average-looking. Why are you so excited one by one? If you are capable, the team that met Meng Wang this time is also the same. It's over.

...asking for flowers......

"There's no need to say this, your own strength is not as good as others'. Although it may not be possible to really win against the Mengwang team, but! Generally speaking, it is already a matter of luck to have a PK with Mengwang It's a very lucky thing."

Everyone began to discuss their looks.

For some reason, the entire martial arts field has become a beauty pageant...

But in Lin Feng's heart, compared with the four sisters Murong Shanshan, Murong Sisi, Murong Er'er, and Murong Wuwu, their looks are still far inferior.

The six beautiful girls narrowed their dangerous eyes, their faces brimming with confidence.

"If Xin can meet you, I'm still worried. We won't meet you this time."

One of the beautiful girls said, although she had twin ponytails and a loli face, the tone of her voice and the breath on her body formed a huge contrast.

Murong's ears were still filled with a gentle smile, but the more hostility in his eyes, the more moved he was...

"It's really another matter whether you can go on smoothly after meeting Gui Encounter."

Murong Shanshan is completely disdainful...

For her, strength is the most talking part.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi didn't take the six beautiful girls in front of them seriously at all.

Li Yuan said: "It seems that this time the visitor is really not kind."

"But regardless of whether the visitors are unkind or not, seeing their clothes makes me feel good!"

"Mengwang, what about you? Which of these six beauties do you think looks the best?"

At this moment, the other four Murong sisters looked at Lin Feng curiously.

The six beautiful girls on the opposite side wiped their hair with their hands, and they were also very curious about what their whole attire was in Meng Wang's heart...


"This is a competition, and I will only treat them as my opponents."

Lin Feng replied calmly, without any other emotions mixed in...

This sentence made Li Yuan admire him very much, silently raised his thumb...

"You are really amazing..."

"Such a cute and beautiful girl, in front of you, you can still say such words without blushing or beating!"

"Wannian is single... There is no one else..."

Lin Feng frowned slightly when he heard Li Yuan complaining to him.

"It seems that you are very interested in these six beautiful girls?"

"You are not afraid, Ye Qingqing..."

Originally, he was still admiring the six beautiful girls Li Yuan in front of him, but suddenly he became serious when he heard Lin Feng mention Ye Qingqing...

Murong Wuwu was very proud of Lin Feng, a straight man, and what he said just now.

At this moment, Ye Qingqing, who was sitting in the auditorium, had already snorted angrily, and couldn't help talking to herself.

"You wait for me..."

"It seems that you are really punished to kneel on the keyboard, so you know it's wrong."

Li Yuan's eyes began to look at the entire auditorium...

He knew that if Ye Qingqing found out, he would probably kill himself......

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