National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 316 Six-Person Battle! During The Battle, Violent Florets Attack!

Lin Feng set up the Archangel Sword in his hand among the vines, and began to condense the power of thunder in the air.

The entire Martial Arts Field was also because Lin Feng released the power of thunder, and the sky became the same, as if there was going to be a big storm in the next second.

Seeing this situation, Violent Meow frowned slightly. In fact, he had been researching Lin Feng's attack some time ago.

But now that the entire Martial Arts Field has started to change because of the skills it released, I don't know why I still have some fear in my heart...

I saw one thunder after another began to chop down in the void, smashing violently on the vines summoned by Violent Xiaosiao, and all the vines were smashed to pieces by the power of the thunder!

Murong Wuwu hadn't reacted yet, she didn't expect Lin Feng, the power of thunder had already wiped out all these vines.

Suddenly, Violent Xiaohua sensed something was wrong, and instantly released a powerful ball of light to surround herself and Violent Meow in it as a protective shield.

With the Thunder Strike released by Lin Feng, a more powerful thunderbolt slammed directly on Violent Xiaohua and Violent Xiaomiao.



Simply, the protective shield used by Xiaohua during the violence blocked the attack of Thunder Strike.

Otherwise, the water volume of the two of them must have been weakened to 0.

This time they escaped Lin Feng's attack.

Everyone in the auditorium was a little surprised to see that Violent Xiaohua and Violent Xiaomiao avoided Lin Feng's thunderous attacks one after another, although they still lost 10,000 HP.

"I really didn't expect their violent loli group to be so powerful. I thought 26 was just joking."

"How can it be a joke, their violent loli group is indeed one of the most powerful teams [at least in terms of combining the entire Tenth World No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, it is a powerful team."

"Actually, I think they should have seriously explored Meng Wang's skills to respond in such a short time. Otherwise, the Dao Lei must not be on them, and their blood volume must have been killed. 0.

"Of course, everyone in the entire forum will discuss Meng Wang's skills. It can be considered that they are also summed up and used.'

"But the options of the two of them are simply not enough to support them to go through all the attacks in the second half. After all, besides himself, the Meng Wang pair is also very powerful."

"That's right, this time the king of instant kills hasn't come out yet, why do you all start to care about everything like this?"

"I feel that Meng Wang seems to let them both, maybe it's because they are girls, so he let them, after all, seeing such a cute girl

As a boy, he still has a certain gentlemanly demeanor. "

"Of course, according to the previous battlefield, according to Meng Wang's judgment, girls will be treated lightly, so it is actually quite normal, but it is estimated that the attack will not be light in the future."

Lin Feng saw that the blood volume of the two of them was running low, and his gentlemanly demeanor was in place now, so he instantly released the skill guardian angel cross cut!

Gently waving the Archangel Sword in his hand, two powerful attack waves directly swept across their bodies again.

Violent Meow saw Lin Feng swinging the Archangel Sword, and immediately released his Shengyushield.

The huge vines held both of them in it, blocking the attack released by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also thinks that the reaction ability of the two of them is very good.

At least among the many opponents I have encountered, the two of them can be regarded as relatively powerful existences.

Li Yuan was staring at Lin Feng at the moment, but he didn't expect this battle.

It would have been extended for so long, if it hadn't been done again.

They should really study Lin Feng's attack tricks carefully, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to react so quickly.

"I'll help you." Li Yuan said.

In an instant, Li Yuan also launched his own unique move, and began to control his sword rain, slashing at them!

Seeing this situation, Violence Xiaocao released a black ball of light, which hit the sword rain released by Li Yuan.

Shockingly, her black ball of light directly eroded Li Yuan's sword rain.

This time, he finally met a formidable opponent.

Li Yuan was no longer what he was just now, his brows and eyes showed seriousness.

"It seems that I can only deal with you first."

Murong Xiaocao integrated her whole body, Li Yuan said.

"Then see if you have the ability to deal with me."

In an instant, Li Yuan began to condense his sword rain aura, and summoned a huge long sword aura in the air, and slashed down in the direction of Murong Xiaocao again.

Violent Xiaocao can once again summon his own protective shield, the barrier of darkness.

A black ray of light wrapped it in it, as if isolating everything.


The blood volume of 10,000 was killed by the long sword summoned by Li Yuan.

Violent Xiaocao frowned. She didn't think that her blood volume would be deducted by him 10,000. It seems that this opponent really grabbed a little bit more than she imagined.

But it can also just arouse her desire to win the opponent!

At this time, Violent Meow and Violent Xiaohua summoned the vines back to the magic circle.

Violent Xiaohua released her own skills at this moment, Surrounded by Light!

In an instant, two rays of light like ropes flew out from behind him, flew towards Lin Feng's body, and circled around him incessantly...

Lin Feng looked at this, and wanted to wrap himself in the light, and swung the sword of the Archangel again in his hand.

The two rays of light struck out privately, trying to trap Lin Feng at first, but they were directly wiped out by his ordinary attack.

Violent Meow and Violent Xiaohua frowned slightly, and there was a little eagerness in their eyes.

In fact, at first they wanted to imprison Lin Feng, and then let him launch an aggressive trick to kill him.

But it never occurred to Lin Feng that their attacks were just scratching the surface.

"What should I do? What should I do now, my attack can't trap him at all..." Violent Little Flower Violent Meow asked.

The violent little meow shook his head and said.

"It seems that we can only use plan 2."

When Lin Feng heard that they actually had a second plan, it seemed that they had really worked hard on themselves.

At this time, Li Yuan was constantly resisting Violent Xiaocao's attack, and he found that Violent Xiaocao's attack was of the dark type, which happened to be in opposition to his attack.

Neither of them had finished occupying the other's advantage.

Violent Xiaocao suddenly stretched out her hands and began to release a magic circle. Her magic circle expanded into a 200-meter magic circle between her hands.

Violent Xiaocao released the pressure to induce labor, and after she opened her mouth slightly and sang a few times, the magic circle began, and shadow attacks began to blast out one after another!

bang bang bang!

Li Yuan began to unleash all his skills in this shadow attack.

The skills of the two are equal and cancel each other out.

Murong Shanshan seized the opportunity at this moment, squinted his eyes, and ignited in the direction of the violent grass in an instant.

Seeing Murong Shanshan disappear, the violent little sun began to close his eyes this time, and listened carefully to where Murong Shanshan was at this time with his ears.

Murong Shanshan also realized that the existence of the violent little sun instantly changed his action plan.

It seems that this battle is really a little more responsible than imagined.

The entire battle has entered a white-hot stage, and neither side has an advantage.

The violent little sun sees that Murong Shanshan has changed his attack plan, so he doesn't stay where he is anymore, and releases the skill, Blessing of the Wind!

A gust of wind kept blowing towards Murong Shanshan's position!

Murong Shanshan is like a blade that wants to hurt continuously.

Murong Shanshan secretly watched the violent little sun that summoned out the wind attribute.

She is the most difficult to act in the wind. He never thought that she is of the wind attribute. It seems that he can only change his battle plan.

Everyone in the auditorium became anxious when they saw their battle.

"Why hasn't anyone left? Generally speaking, according to the current time, there should be one person. How could there be none? It seems that this violent loli group is really a powerful existence."

"Maybe the Violent Lolita Group is the only team that can compare to Meng Wang and the others, but I think that although the Violent Lolita Group is indeed powerful, it is still not as powerful as Meng Wang's team."

"Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can see that playing like this is purely because you haven't released your most powerful trick yet, and you are just giving way.

What about the two people on the opposite side. "

"Sure enough, Mengmeng has a gentlemanly demeanor. No matter how powerful the opponent's attack is, he is still so gentlemanly. Alas, it would be great if someone could find such a boyfriend."

"Wake up, wake up, stop dreaming, Meng Wang, but there is no shortage of women around him when he grows up, look at the Murong Xiaosan, Murong Xiaowu, Murong Xiaowu, Murong Xiaosi, and Murong Xiaoer next to him, what kind of person is he?" The presence."

"Please, don't you think about it now? Although he is big, it doesn't stop me from having fantasies about him.

"Let's discuss who will win this violent loli group and Meng Wang. I feel that this round of cute and ugly is a little turbulent."

"Impossible, in fact, it is just the beginning now, although on the surface it seems that the attack power of the two is similar, in fact the most important thing is just the beginning.

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