National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 319 Six-Person Battle! The Fifth Round Begins!

Lin Feng hastily clicked on the news, seeing the dense news, couldn't help but smile...

It turns out that the pet received by the glacier yesterday has evolved today...

From a frog to a Ziyan beast, it was a heavy blow to Glacier himself and Wu Ri who had a psychological shadow on this pet at that time!

At this time, the glacier at noon is on the verge of collapse...

"Meng Wang! Are you here?"

"Didn't you say that it couldn't be the Yinyu Ziyan Beast?"

"What am I supposed to do now!"

Lin Feng replied immediately: "It's okay, actually, the Rainy Purple Flame Beast has quite strong attack power, and its continuous damage is also good, overall it can be regarded as a good pet in all aspects.

The glacier at noon, at this moment, I only feel like crying~......

"That's what it says!"

"But, when this pet looks like this to fight, I dare not let it out......

"It feels like my face is going to disappear!"

"Do you have any good way to change this pet for me? I don't want this pet. I can't accept her appearance. Do you have any good way to change this pet for me? I don't want to be so ugly, I can't accept its appearance."

Lin Feng thought about it carefully for a while, and found that there seemed to be no way to change the pet he chose.

"According to the current pet system, the pet you choose cannot be replaced."

"When the Yinyu Ziyan Beast evolves into the Yinyu Blazing Cold Ziyan Beast, its appearance will no longer be the same as before."

"This pet is very useful to you, at least in this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, it is a very powerful existence."

After listening to Lin Feng's comforting words in the afternoon, Bing Chuan finally felt less disgusted with his pet.

"Well then, you can't lie to me..."

"What if he can't evolve?"

Lin Feng assured her confidently.

"Don't worry, it will definitely evolve, but the evolution time is different and not uniform."

"All you need to do is to take him to play hard and carefully. If this is the case, it can also speed up the time for it to upgrade."

The glacier in the afternoon, seeing that I have no choice but to replace it, since I have drawn it, it is my destiny.

Destiny cannot be violated, and now you can only obey when you encounter it.

Murong Wuwu also sent a message at this moment.

"When will you come back, everyone is still waiting for you to continue the 6-player battle of the world's number one martial arts tournament.

Lin Feng replied, and immediately returned to the martial arts arena where the 6-player battle of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament was held.

Everyone saw that Lin Feng came back and became active again.

"Meng Wang is finally back, I thought they would fight today!"

"There are still 14 days before the end of participating in the No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament. During this period, in order to ensure that I can successfully reach the first place in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, I must continue to maintain a 100% winning rate [to fight.

"Based on this method of calculation, Meng Wang should have been participating in the battle of the world's number one martial arts conference in the past few days. Besides, Meng Wang has not started yet, the ten-man battle of the world's number one martial arts conference."

"I heard that the ten-person battle of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is more difficult than the six-person battle. After all, it is ten people fighting ten people."

"I heard about this at the time. It seems that there are indeed very few teams participating in the 10-man battle. Most of the teams are still in the six-man battle."

"I can't help it. After all, the 6-player battle is the hottest right now. After that, it's a two-player battle. After that, it's a solo battle. So in order to be on the list, it's actually a little difficult. You have to fight hard for these 4 battles. Get points, and the person with the most points can go up.

"According to the current ranking list, Meng Wang and his team are the strongest and the one with the most points, but this time they are not far from the second place.

The system beeped at this moment.

"May I ask if the Mengwang team will continue to hold the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, with 6 players fighting until the fifth round?"

"Need." The six people said in unison.


"Automatic matching complete."

Everyone was very curious as to which team would meet Meng Wang's team this time.

The 6 people who appeared in front of them surprised everyone.

I didn't expect that the opponents this time would be the six people in the Palace of Seven Dragons!

Zu Long was also very shocked when he saw Lin Feng!

Unexpectedly, they actually met the Mengwang team. After so long, they actually wanted to have a good confrontation with them.

"I didn't expect such a coincidence to meet you."

Lin Feng nodded with a smile. It seems that the battle this time is interesting, because it actually encountered the Palace of Seven Dragons.

The big fierce dragon looked at Lin Feng in front of him with a smile, looked at the teammates around him, and said with a smile on his face.

"This time, don't think that everyone will be merciful because they know each other. In fact, we have long wanted to have a good duel with you.

Li Yuan smiled and nodded, but everyone in their eyes maintained a serious attitude towards this battle.

"Don't worry, none of us will show mercy."

Although they are indeed friends, they also help each other a lot.

But the most important thing now is the ranking. In front of each other, the friendship of friends can indeed be put aside for the time being.

The fiery dragon and the big fierce dragon have been waiting for Lin Feng for a long time.

After all, the entire forum is stating how powerful he is.

But there is no chance to meet each other by chance, how can we not seize such a good opportunity when we meet now?

If they can really defeat him, it will be another improvement in their overall reputation of Seven Dragon Palace.

Lin Feng saw that the six of them were all staring at him, it seemed that they were all looking at him this time.

Seeing that their eyes were fixed on Lin Feng, Murong Wuwu also frowned slightly [said to Lin Feng.

"It seems that this time, you have to pay attention to safety, they are all here for you."

Li Yuan also said: "That's right, this time you really have to pay attention to safety, this time they have a purpose."

In fact, Li Yuan didn't think he would lose this game, but he was afraid that if Lin Feng's subordinates showed mercy, it would be bad if the whole situation changed.

"Don't worry, I know everything clearly."

In fact, [ Lin Feng knows the strength of Seven Dragon Palace better than all of them.

Although they did come for themselves this time, generally speaking, it's good to have this kind of goal.

…… Ask for flowers…………

At least it can give myself a higher level of pursuit in the experience of the game.

Murong Shanshan, and Murong Erer also began to look serious, staring at the people in the Seven Dragon Palace in front of them.

After all, no one wants to lose.

The attributes of both parties appeared in each other's eyes.

Player: Zulong.

HP: 799990

Mana: 19990

Player: Water Dragon

HP: 699999

Mana: 18880

Player: Fire Dragon

HP: 699990

Mana: 17770

Player: One Dragon

HP: 599999

Mana: 17660

Player: Little milk dragon

HP: 599998

Mana: 17550

Player: Big Dragon


Mana: 17450

Now everyone has a general understanding of the attributes of both parties.

"Why don't we discuss how to defend this time?"

"I think this time they are all here for Meng Wang, maybe we also need to use some formations to cooperate.

Murong Er'er also nodded in agreement, this time it was not an ordinary team fighting.

We have also fought together, and we still know some of each other's skills.

So to win, it does take something else...

"I agree with what the stream keeps saying."

"Then let's discuss temporarily, how we want to play this time."

However, Lin Feng didn't have any suggestions for these, and just spoke slowly.

"Actually, you don't need to take the win or loss this time so important, the main thing is whether you can catch each other's loopholes.

Murong Shanshan frowned slightly, some of them couldn't understand what you just said, grasping the loopholes, could this be the key to victory?

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi still looked like they were doing nothing, imagining everything was very simple.

Seeing that they all seem to have imagined this battle to be very complicated, they couldn't help complaining.

"You guys have to think too much about this battle, you don't have to think about it that much."

"Do you not have any confidence in your own recruiting? Or do you feel that you don't have any confidence in your teammates?"

Lin Feng listened to Murong Wuwu, what he said did not expect this little girl to say such meaningful words, it is indeed worthy of praise, grown up.

Everyone has to think too much, just like Xiao Wu. "

But Murong Shanshan, Murong Er'er and Li Yuan had no choice, just like Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi, completely relaxed to experience the whole battle process.

"It's fine to adapt."

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

After all, I still have some understanding of my own strength.

They think too much and are afraid of failure, all because they don't understand their own strength enough to guess who will have an advantage in this match.

But yes.

Not everyone can understand themselves in a special way, nor can everyone fully understand their own strengths.

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