National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 333 Doing Missions With Yue Linglong

Lin Feng quit the martial arts field, at this time a reminder appeared for the friend application!

Seeing that Yue Linglong added her, she immediately approved the friend request.

Murong Sisi sent a message to Lin Feng at this time.

"At two o'clock this afternoon, let's fight with ten people standing!"

"I'm going out to eat now."

Lin Feng replied: "Okay."

Yue Linglong sent a message to Lin Feng.

"I'm just free today. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm usually very busy with work. Can you teach me fighting skills?"

"Don't worry, I will give you whatever money you want.

"You bid!"

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Although my current life can be described as well-off, but for the development of my later city, I really need a lot of money...

Such a good opportunity was placed in front of him, and he definitely couldn't refuse it casually.

And judging from what this Yue Linglong said, it is estimated that the fee she can pay herself is very high.

"Say it?" Lin Feng replied.

Yue Linglong thought for a while, and sent a message: "Forty thousand yuan per class, how about two hours per class?"

Lin Feng was slightly startled, he never thought that Linglong's bid would be so high this month......

Forty thousand yuan per class, if she let herself teach a few more classes, wouldn't she get money again soon?

If you think about it, it's really cool!


Seeing that Lin Feng was so forthright, Yue Linglong asked again.

"I'm usually busy with work, so I may ask you to teach me some moves in the shortest possible time, or accompany me to complete some tasks...

"Don't worry, if it delays you for some time, I will give you more money!"

Lin Feng frowned again. Suddenly, 427 was curious about Yue Linglong's job...

Usually very busy...

Looks like a strong woman!

"Then when do you usually go online?"

Yue Linglong sent a sighing emoji, and replied: "I... I mainly look at the arrangement of personal work.

"Sometimes I don't have time for a month, and I may not be able to register..."

"Sometimes it will be idle, and I may be online for several days in a row."

"May I?"

Lin Feng replied: "Yes."

"You seem to be quite busy with your work.

"Then when do you need me to teach you?"

Yue Linglong said: "I need you to teach me now!"

"I still have two hours to play games today, do you have a quick way for me?"

Lin Feng listened to the question she asked, and thought about it silently. He wanted to teach others some moves within two hours...

This is indeed a difficult task. After all, learning the same skill has a certain relationship with one's own talent.

Besides, the degree to which everyone learns from experience is different.

"It is really difficult for you to easily master the same move within two hours..."

"You should change to something else...

Yue Linglong thought about it, and it seems that it is true, it is indeed so difficult to learn the same move in such a short period of time...

Suddenly, I remembered that I still have some tasks to complete...

It would be great if I could finish all these tasks in two hours!

"Then... then let's do the mission together!"

"I still have a lot of tasks to complete here."

Lin Feng replied.

"Okay, I'm at the teleportation array in Yashan City, come and find me."

When Yue Linglong heard this, Meng Wang agreed to her so quickly, and immediately came to the side of the teleportation formation, and teleported to Yashan City.

Yue Linglong came to Lin Feng's side and greeted him.

"We meet again."

"I'll send you my mission right now."

Lin Feng let out a "huh".

Received the task from Yue Linglong.

Mission reminder: Please invite player Yue Linglong to invite a player, the two of them will become the grave guard, and go to the graveyard together to check the main content of the mission.

Mission rewards: After receiving the content of the main mission, it will be displayed. If the player cannot complete it within 12 hours, the mission will be considered abandoned.

"Then let's go to the cemetery now and accept the task!" Lin Feng said.

Yue Linglong looked at the time, and now she can only play the game for two hours, and now the task she accepts still has a time limit, so she is inevitably a little anxious...

"Are you sure you can complete the task with me in such a short time?"

"I usually need four or five hours to do tasks..."

Lin Feng listened to Yue Linglong's questioning of herself, and replied lightly.

"Don't worry, my business level is still very high."

"Besides, I can complete your task in one go, and it doesn't take you two hours at all.

Yue Linglong was skeptical, but since she chose him, and Meng Wang is still the top five masters, Ying Ai's ability will not be too bad...


"Then let's go to the cemetery now!"

The two took the teleportation array to the cemetery.

The surrounding environment here is gloomy, and the moon hangs in the sky, illuminating this cemetery...

There are still many white bones placed on the ground, and the crow stood on the withered branch, making a chilling cry... …

The whirling branches also look very strange under the moonlight

I have to say that the entire screen of this game is full of sense.

Walking in this cemetery, I really felt as if Sadako was following behind me...

Facing such an environment, Yue Linglong has always been very courageous, but, for no reason, she still has an eerie feeling of being trapped...

"Now we just need to find the npc who will take on the task with us." Lin Feng said. (cgaa) "Why don't we look for it separately?"

Yue Linglong shook her head, her eyes still glanced at the pasture with some fear.

Like this kind of place where the birds don't shit, I guess it will be the last time I come out in this life......

In the future, I have to look at the point to pick up the task better.....

"I think it would be better if we were two..."

"For two people, if one of them is in danger, they can help each other faster, right?"

Hearing what she said, Lin Feng felt that there was indeed some truth.

But, from the look in her eyes at the moment, it can be seen that she is afraid of this place.

It is said that girls are more afraid of these more terrifying things, and it seems that they are true.

"Actually, there is nothing to be afraid of. After all, this is in the game, not in reality."

Sure enough, straight men are straight men!

These words deeply hurt Yue Linglong's heart...

As soon as Yue Linglong heard what he said, he who wanted to save face immediately jumped out from behind Lin Feng, pretending to be strong, and said with his hands on his hips!

"You say I'm scared?"

"Do you think I'm someone who's scared?"

"Do I look like someone who is afraid of all this?"

Lin Feng nodded silently, and replied solemnly.

"It does look scary..."

"Actually, it doesn't matter. It's normal to be afraid."

"After all, it is true that most girls are afraid of such a scary place."

At this moment, Yue Linglong was completely defeated by Lin Feng...

She really doubted whether King Meng's brain was made of wood......

How can you be so ignorant of a girl's heart...

"Then let's find each other separately!"

"In this way, the task can be completed faster!"

After finishing speaking, Yue Linglong left Lin Feng's side angrily, and began to search for the location of the NPC this time...

Just, from time to time there will be a few crows flying over the whirling branches

The shade of the trees in the night sky is also extraordinarily scary, and it also makes Yue Linglong feel that danger is everywhere...

However, Lin Feng calmly looked for...

Facing the frightening shade of the tree, it seems that there is still not much ups and downs in my heart...  


Yue Linglong's cry pierced the sky! The crows were so frightened that they flew away from the branches...

Lin Feng rushed to her side after hearing her cry...

I saw that Yue Linglong's face seemed to be blue and purple from fright, she stood still and did not dare to move, her body trembling involuntarily.

Lin Feng looked at her feet, and saw a hand sticking out of the dirt!

Could it be that the NPC was triggered?


If it is really a trigger, it shouldn't be just one hand, right?

And looking at the hands that grabbed Yue Linglong's feet, they seemed to be motionless, without any lethal force...

"Don't be afraid, just take your feet off first."

"I think it's just a broken hand."

But to be honest, this man's hand is quite real, and there is blood hanging on it.

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Yue Linglong silently moved her foot away from the hand holding her...

This hand was also pushed out of the soil by Yue Linglong's movements!

Yue Linglong was so frightened that she immediately closed her eyes, kicked her hand aside, and hurriedly ran behind Lin Feng.

She can be said to regret it to death now...

I really don't know if I have a brain problem to accept this kind of task!


This game is so real!

It looks like this hand is real...  

Whether the atmosphere of the entire cemetery is good or not, the environment is even more creepy.

"I swear, I will never come to such a scary place again in my life...

"I'll follow you..."

"What if I step on someone's feet, head, or any organ on my body later..."

Now Yue Linglong is completely convinced, silently following Lin Feng's side...

Seeing that Yue Linglong was so scared, Lin Feng frowned silently.

"That's fine..."

I had no choice but to silently take Yue Linglong to find the NPC this time...

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