National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 344: All The Way To The Individual Competition!

"Welcome the player Mengwang to participate in the individual competition of the world's number one martial arts tournament."

"The game starts now!"

"Please prepare your players."

The sound of the broadcast just came out, and the entire Martial Arts Arena was full of people.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng at this moment and clapped their hands together.

"Finally, I can watch Meng Wang's second person again! This is simply a kind of great happiness!"

"That's right! It's really a great happiness to be able to watch Meng Wang Miao Ren, I hope this kind of happiness can last forever.

"I thought this second place would surpass Mengwang's ranking, but I didn't expect Mengwang to come to the Martial Arts Field at the first opportunity. It seems that this second place will be a waste of joy.

"It is estimated that Meng Wang will pass the second place on his back because of his own ranking, so he suddenly came to the solo station of the certification station."

"I feel that this single-player station is simply abused scum for Meng Wang. Everyone just needs to count Meng Wang to solve a game within a few minutes."

The game begins immediately.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng expectantly.

"The opponent is automatically matching..."

"The opponent match is complete."

Lin Feng looked at the opponent who came up calmly, with a faint smile on his face.

Now there is still an hour before I open a ten-person station, and these ten hours are enough for me to solve ten battles.

On average, a battle must be controlled within six minutes.

What I met among the contestants turned out to be a famous boss, and I was scared for a while...

"Boss, please be merciful!"

The match hasn't even started yet, this player begged Lin Feng for mercy

In the auditorium, Yue Linglong also took a very inconspicuous position, staring at Lin Feng on the battlefield.

Although the posts are now talking about her and Lin Feng, she doesn't regard these things as bad.

Lin Feng saw that he was holding his hands now, and he almost didn't raise a small white flag. The opponent in front of him had already lost interest.

The current him is also in a hurry, and he has no intention of showing mercy to these people.

"The game starts now!"

"Time is counting down!"


Lin Feng summoned his Archangel Sword!

In an instant, he launched a move towards the opponent in front of him!

Guardian Angel Cross!

Two powerful attack waves blasted out powerful forces directly from her sword rain!


The two attacks suddenly landed on the opponent who was not prepared at all!


The blood volume was taken by Lin Feng's simple move, and there was not a drop of blood left in seconds...

A battle is only resolved within three minutes.

Regarding this result, Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction.

However, I still feel a little lonely in my heart, and I hope that the opponent I meet will also be a powerful character.

Yue Linglong, who was sitting in the auditorium, swallowed her saliva involuntarily when she saw that Lin Feng lost a person in just three minutes...

This man is simply too scary......

Even buy Karma!

It's just scary, isn't it a little bit......

Recalling that when I went to the cemetery with him to fight the group of grave robbers, it took me half an hour...

It seems that the one who is still alive is that he is holding him back.

Although I really don't want to admit that he is indeed strong, but

If you don't admit it, you have to admit it!

"The game is over, congratulations to Meng Wang for winning."

"Moe King will get a little victory point!"

"May I ask if Meng Wang will continue to compete in the world's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament?"


Lin Feng said lightly.

"Players are automatically matching..."

"Automatching completed..."

The second player also came.

The second contestant came to Lin Feng slowly.

Lin Feng looked at the second contestant with a mysterious smile on his lips.

I thought that the player I met would not surrender to me directly like just now...

Unexpectedly, it is...

The second contestant looked at Lin Feng, and suddenly, he knelt down in front of Lin Feng and hugged his thigh!



"Please do it!"

Such a contrast is really surprising...

Lin Feng was a little taken aback...

Do you really eat people?

Why do people who see themselves automatically surrender before they even try?

It's just a pity....

The world's number one martial arts conference did not surrender.

"The game starts now!"

"Players please play hard!"

"Time is counting down!"

Lin Feng listened to the countdown, his eyes flicked with cruelty.

The Archangel Sword in his hand waved, and in an instant, a flash of light flashed across his neck.


The opponent's blood volume has dropped by more than half...

Before the opponent had time to react, Lin Feng followed up with the second move...

Another brilliant light flashed...

More than half of the remaining blood volume was also lost in seconds...

A game without suspense.

Then, one after another...

"Congratulations to Meng Wang for winning! You will get a little victory point!"

"Congratulations to Meng Wang for winning! You will get a little victory point!"

"Congratulations to Meng Wang for winning! You will get a little victory point!"

According to Lin Feng's calculation, it only takes less than six minutes to solve these people...

Originally, I planned to score ten victory points within an hour, but now it's twelve games...

"Congratulations to Meng Wang for obtaining a total of eleven victory points..."

I almost met opponents, all of them came up and begged for mercy

This also made him a little depressed......

And there's still twenty minutes left...

Are there no stronger players?

The audience is also a little tired after watching...

After all, what everyone wants to see is the duel between masters. These people are simply too good for Meng Wang...

Even the food has reached a certain level.....

"I'm going to sleep looking at it, how can these players be so useless, there is no one who is serious about fighting the King of Meng......

"Yeah, I think they don't respect the game at all. So what if they know they're going to lose? Is it a shame to lose? I've always wanted to be matched with Meng Wang, but I didn't have that luck. These people are just do not cherish!"

"From what you said, I think it's true. Although the end point is very important, the process is also very important, okay...why don't you think you're going to lose, so you don't fight hard?

"No way, who made Meng Wang too strong? Now who will put the process more important? Everyone is going to win, and when they meet a strong player, they must be begging for mercy. After all, no one is good at it , It's nothing to be able to stretch and bend when you meet a master......"

……… Ask for flowers…

"Why are you all paying attention to the competition? Let's see if that is the president of Linglong Pavilion, Yue Linglong. I heard that she has some relationship with Meng Wang during the competition. Do you know?

"After you mentioned it, I just remembered, it seems to be, no way, I didn't expect that Yue Linglong, who was rarely encountered in the rumors, would sit in the audience and watch the match of Meng Wang? There must be something! "

Originally, everyone was discussing the fact that the opponents Meng Wang met were all weird softies...

As a result, the moment he saw Yue Linglong, all the conversations and topics turned to Yue Linglong at this moment.

Yue Linglong was sitting in the auditorium, talking to herself sullenly.

"This cute king is really lucky, all he meets are softies!"

"Why! Why! All I meet are characters who want to fight me hard!"

suddenly. The people around me are staring at me with strange eyes...

Listening carefully to what everyone is discussing......

Even buy Karma!

What the hell are they all!

Why are there still people fabricating rumors that they are having an affair with Meng Wang?!

Isn't it just that there were some mistakes during the battle...

What about these people!

At this time, the Linglong Pavilion chat group is also going crazy...

Everyone was discussing about Yue Linglong and Lin Feng.

Yue Linglong could only watch them chatting helplessly.

In the chat group, everyone started eating melons.

"Now the whole forum seems to be blown up, everyone is discussing about the president and Meng Wang, you said [is it really the same as what they said? Meng Wang has an affair with our president? "

"Don't talk nonsense, how is it possible? Our president has been online for so little time, and the name and name of Mengwang was only found out later, so there shouldn't be an affair?! But I was watching in the audience It's also heartbreaking to watch!"

"Look and see. I said it all, it must be more than one person who is so itchy?! I have always felt that this is true. Although the two of them may not have anything, I hope they have something... ………”

"I've always heard that our president is a golden single dog, and now there are also CPs in the game! Maybe, reality will come to light, and everyone may really be together..... "

"That's right, I think the president is pretty pretty. There shouldn't be any man who wouldn't like it, right? Although I haven't met him in person, the models of the game should be similar. I hope the president will leave the single dog."

"If you say this, I don't know how the president feels when he sees it. I feel that the president is so beautiful that there must be no shortage of others to chase after him. Although this cute king is indeed very powerful, there are too many people who like him. We Let’s forget about the president.”

Yue Linglong eats her own melon, and her heart is full of MMP!

What are these...

What does it mean to be a golden single dog?

I seem to have been mother-fetal single-handed...

What is it called, let's forget about our president?

Are you bad?

After all, he is also a superstar, okay?

At this moment, she had no choice but to close the chat window of the guild silently...

Out of sight, out of mind, continue to watch Lin Feng's game seriously.

"Will the player Mengwang continue to play singles?"

"Continue." Lin Feng said.


"Automatic matching is complete.".

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