National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 354: An Incredible Blow!

Lin Feng noticed the shock in Sunflower Yizhen's eyes.

It seems that he really thinks too highly of himself.

This is actually very error-prone.

Because I always feel in my heart that the other party will not defeat me, and I will always be the best~.

So I will always follow all the previous attacks.....

However, sometimes, this kind of arrogance will make him lose.

With one needle of sunflower, the eyes were darkened, and it flew directly into the void, shooting out many long needles of ice toward Lin Feng!

This long needle of ice seems to have surrounded half of the void...

Under the transmission of sunlight, a ray of light was reflected.


One after another, long needles of ice pierced his body!

Sunflower Needle is also manipulating the power of its own Ice Needle, trying to kill Lin Feng directly with one move...

It's just a pity...

Life is full of surprises...

From the moment he planned to kill Lin Feng with one move, he had already failed.

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

This girl is really planning to kill herself in seconds...

However, it just couldn't do what he wanted.

Immediately summoned Shuang'er!

His needles are so fast, and he can also make her angry, let her know what it means to know what it means to have someone outside of a person, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

The Gemini Guardian Unicorn appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng immediately rode on Shuang'er's body!

"Shuang'er, dodge these attacks!"

After hearing the order, Shuang'er immediately led Lin Feng to dodge Sunflower's long needle of ice!

Everyone can only see that a white light followed by a white light is like a small snake walking in the air, circling around...


All the long ice needles pierced the Martial Dojo, emitting bursts of cold air, and pierced the Martial Dojo with several patterns.

It can be seen how powerful his ice needle is.

One shot of sunflower, full of complacency.

An ordinary person wouldn't be able to dodge his attack full of needles!

But Lin Feng landed in front of Sunflower Yizhen on his Shuang'er steadily, and looked at Sunflower Yizhen with a smile.

English letters reappeared on the head.


One shot of sunflower, originally full of complacency, withered instantly at that moment...


"what's the situation!"

"How on earth did you escape my attack!"

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders.

"That's it?"

"What else?"

How emboldened are the words, so Sunflower doesn't know what to do

One shot of sunflower is also fried at this moment!

Skills released!

Ice Feather!

Snowflakes actually began to appear in the void...

The entire martial arts field is gradually covered by snowflakes...

I saw that the snowflakes floating in the air stopped and fell in the air.

"Fry me!"

Unexpectedly, with a whistling sound, the snowflake radiated a brilliant light towards Lin Feng!

This ray of light pierced towards Lin Feng's body quickly!

As if Lin Feng's body was about to be pierced in the next second...  

The people of the May Alliance looked at him with disdain for Lin Feng in their eyes.

"It is estimated that this cute king can't even avoid our captain's move."

"But this cute king has a long life after all, and he even escaped our captain's attack.

"Oh, these are all illusions. You really think that he can remain undefeated. If you think too much, once our captain makes a move, there will be no one who can promise us!"

"It can't be helped, our captain is really amazing, and they were also unlucky to meet us.

"Recently, the reputation of this cute king is really great, and it's time to end his reputation.

The big stone in the hearts of Murong Wuwu and Diablo Mingye was raised again...

Everyone else looked at Lin Feng and Sunflower very nervously.

Murong Wuwu asked with some worry.

"Xiao Si, do you think the captain will lose?"

"One shot of this sunflower is not so easy to deal with..."

Seeing that Murong Wuwu cared so much about Meng Wang, Murong Sisi pouted and said.

"I think they should win, and you don't even think about whether Meng Wang is very powerful in normal times.

"Besides, it's not like we haven't encountered powerful characters before, isn't it just a Five Sacred Sacred Alliance, you shouldn't be worried about becoming like this, right?"

Murong Wuwu snorted, silently put her little hand on her heart.

"I hope, I hope the captain will..."

The smile on Murong Er'er's face never disappeared, it was always overflowing.

"Xiao Wu, don't worry."

At this moment, the audience also started to shout, wondering whether Lin Feng could escape this sunflower attack.

This attack was an attack that once destroyed a guild.

Not everyone can dodge casually, even if someone really dodges.

That is to say, there is only a little amount of blood left, and it is no different from not hiding.

"Do you think this Meng Wang can beat this sunflower shot? Why do I feel a little overwhelmed? Is it my illusion? Although Meng Wang has always been very powerful, but the sunflower shot is the same Those who fought for a long time.

"I think it's completely OK! I think Mengwang is so powerful, and I have met some very powerful players before and have never lost. How could he fail just because this person is a sunflower?"

"If Meng Wang can win this time, I think everyone will worship Meng Wang even more, but the winning rate may be ten points. After all, not everyone can survive the attack of ten sunflower needles!"

"That's right, it's not like I haven't seen how powerful this sunflower needle is. There are so many masters who have challenged other people's sunflower needles, and all of them have been wiped out by sunflower needles, so it's mysterious!"

"I still think that Meng Wang will win! Meng Wang can be regarded as a character who has fought for a long time. Everyone knows the name of Meng Wang, and there are still people who haven't heard of the sunflower needle. I think Meng Wang can definitely win!"

"I also agree. It must be Meng Wang. I will always fight on Meng Wang's side! Who made Meng Wang my president? Moreover, when he destroyed other people's cities by himself, this sunflower was as powerful as a single needle. not on."

Everyone is discussing.

Play this with the light emitted by the snowflakes.

Lin Feng rode Shuang'er and flew around inside without any worries at all.

At first I thought how powerful this sunflower needle is...

In fact, it is nothing more than that.

Perhaps changing to a more ordinary person can reflect his strength.

Just, unfortunately...

His own strength seems to be stronger than he imagined.

However, it is indeed possible to play with him.

"Shuang'er, fly behind him."

After all the light has dissipated...

A needle of sunflower, a proud smile.

No one can dodge his own attack.

In fact, he always felt that Lin Feng was just a vain name.

However, at the position where he radiated, there was no trace of King Meng for a long time.

Sunflower Yizhen frowned slightly...

I wouldn't have turned this cute king into ashes, would I?


This is impossible!

When did this game turn the opponent into ashes?

Everyone was also in a daze, and they didn't notice Lin Feng who was riding Shuang'er behind Sunflower Needle at all.

"No way? The president's ability won't be improved, right? He actually chopped others into ashes... But when will this game be able to chop others into ashes? It seems impossible!"

"Oh, maybe there are some bugs in this game. For so long, no one has been able to avoid his attack. So, it's impossible, so don't think too much about it."

"I've always heard that this cute king is really much stronger than the average player...I don't think it's possible...I think the president probably doesn't have the ability to turn others into Ashes. 11

"I also think...but, it's impossible! Our president's attack has never missed! How could this be wrong, think about it, right?"

"That's right... Maybe this Mengwang team is really much stronger than we imagined, at least from the current point of view, this Mengwang does have some heaven-defying abilities.

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

While everyone is thinking about something, unleash the attack!

Guardian Angel Holy Hammer!

I saw a golden iron hammer appearing in the void!

He slammed it on Sunflower Yizhen's head!


Everyone didn't react.

I still can't believe it after the sunflower injection, but I was attacked!


"When did you hide behind my back!"

"How on earth did you dodge my attack!"

A needle of sunflower is completely at a loss right now...

He doesn't know why, this cute king is different from others

I saw his blood floating on his head.


A full three hundred thousand blood volume!

One shot of sunflower is completely unbelievable...

From the originally confident eyes, it has now become cautious and cautious.

Because he discovered that this cute king is stronger than all the opponents he has encountered......

Murong Wuwu smiled pleasantly when she saw that Sunflower's blood volume dropped by more than half in one injection.

"Little Si, you are really right!"

"I thought how powerful this sunflower would be with one shot."

Murong Sisi smiled triumphantly.

"of course."

"Speaking of which, it's not like we haven't encountered any masters, haven't we defeated all of them?"

Lin Feng's attack gave everyone more confidence!

Diablo Mingye let out a long breath when he saw that Lin Feng had cut the opponent's HP by half.

"That's good...that's good..."

The Five Sacred Sacred Alliance can't believe it at all......

No one thought that this cute king is really powerful. .

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