National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 363 Description Of Li Qianqian

Lin Feng looked at Li Yuan's disgusted look, and was also a little curious about what Li Qianqian didn't understand about the game, and even Li Yuan couldn't answer it.

"If you don't understand anything, just ask me directly."

Li Qianqian also said completely bluntly.

"I was doing a task, and I fell into the lake while fishing. I met a Xuanwu. It asked me if I would like to be the heir of the Xuanwu clan, and I agreed!"

"Now I have somehow turned into a turtle, unable to change jobs and evolve, and soak in water every day..."

"I'm going to die!

Li Qianqian vividly talked about the things she encountered in the second world.

In the second world, everything is possible.

It's not uncommon to become a turtle, but she can't change jobs and evolve because she hasn't found a way.

Everything is caused by a causal cycle, and the second world, a large-scale online game, has been going on for so long, and there will be no major BUT.

Li Qianqian looked at Lin Feng for help at this moment.

"What do you think I should do?"

"Can you help me..."

"I heard from my brother that you are very powerful. If you don't help me, I guess I can only stay in the water forever."

Lin Feng was so aggrieved that Li Qianqian laughed at the look of wanting to cry without tears in front of her.

"Okay, tonight you ask your brother to give you my number and add me as a friend."

Another reason is to see what kind of mission she triggered.

When Li Qianqian heard that the junior college was willing to help her, she clapped her hands gently and said.

"Thank you so much!"

"By the way, what's your level now?"

Seeing that Li Qianqian had no idea about her identity in the second world, Lin Feng smiled and said.

"You'll know when the time comes."

Li Jianjian had a faint smile on his lips, for some reason, he always felt that Lin Feng was sure that 630 was not an easy estimate.

With its help, I can definitely stop being a tortoise.

"This time the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, I couldn't participate because I couldn't change my profession. It was caused by evolution. I could only stay in the water and not participate."

"I'm really envious of some people who can participate in this World's Number One Martial Arts Tournament.

"You said, if I participate now, is there still time?"

Lin Feng nodded, now the number one martial arts conference in the world has only passed three days.

The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is held for 15 days, and there are still 13 days left. It is completely possible for everyone, but if you want to get a certain ranking, you will definitely need to put in more effort.

"Now as long as you want, you can directly get on the update list, but if you hold the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament in the last few days, it will be very difficult to get on the list.

"But to be on the list, the most important thing is to see your real strength."

Li Qianqian smiled knowingly.

Seeing that Lin Feng and Li Qianqian were chatting so well, Li Yuan and Ye Qingqing didn't interrupt, but watched the two chatting.

The two started beating Lin Feng and Li Qianqian quietly.

"I have to say that the two of them seem to be a good match. I think if they can be together, of course they can have a beautiful relationship." Li Yuan said.

Ye Qingqing also nodded approvingly, looking at the state of Li Qianqian chatting with Lin Feng, she remembered the time when she and Li Yuangang met.

"Then let's go to ktv tonight!"

"Anyway, we've already finished our games today, and maybe we can make do with the two of them and make some sparks."

"Both of us haven't played well in a long time."

Ye Qingqing and Li Yuan had exactly the same idea.

Li Yuan quickly asked: "Oh, you guys, now is not the time to play games, why do you keep discussing games.

"We have to discuss life in normal times."

"Lin Feng, we haven't been to KTV for a long time, why don't we go to KTV tonight to relax?"

When Li Qianqian heard what Li Yuan said, she was so innocent, her eyes shone with light!


"Brother! I also think we should really need to have a good time."

"Then, Lin Feng... shall we go to KTV tonight?"

Lin Feng was a little embarrassed to refuse the invitation of the three of them, and he really had nothing to do tonight.


Li Yuan patted Lin Feng's shoulder with his hand, and looked at him with a triumphant look.

Li Qianqian quietly glanced at Lin Feng's cheek.

She also never thought that this is the first time her brother has been so reticent...

This man was exactly her type.

It's just that, she also clearly felt that Lin Feng was a piece of wood.

The waiter brought all the dishes to the table.

Li Qianqian paid attention to the dishes Lin Feng ate.

However, Lin Feng did not notice the change in Li Qianqian's eyes towards him at all.

For him, if he chooses the girl he likes, he will still prefer the type of Murong Wuwu.

However, it is still important to make money now.

After all, the main city still needs to be upgraded, and this time because of the upgrade, my wallet is empty.

I also have to make two-handed preparations for the next upgrade.

Who has so much free time to fall in love.

Li Qianqian saw that Lin Feng was silent for a long time, so she took the initiative to ask.

"Lin Feng, what do you usually like to do?"

"Except for playing games."

It's not hard to see, yes, an otaku like Lin Feng usually plays games.

So she specifically emphasized the game again.

Lin Feng thought about it carefully and realized that besides playing games, he really doesn't have any other personal hobbies...

"I usually play games and don't have any personal hobbies."

Li Qianqian nodded in understanding.

She thought that Lin Feng would also ask her some questions, but who knows, the two of them were speechless again.

(cgda) Li Yuan felt helpless seeing this situation...

He really doubted Lin Feng's flirting skills more and more!

How can you kill the sky without moving?!

Lin Feng didn't think much about it now, but ate the meal seriously.

The most important thing before the experiment is to eat and drink enough.

"Lin Feng, don't you usually talk to me a lot?"

"Why do you have nothing to say in front of girls?"

Li Yuan said.

In fact, he just wanted to let Lin Feng and Li Qianqian talk more.

Lin Feng frowned slightly after hearing this [looking at Li Yuan with fruity eyes.

"I think you usually talk a lot, don't you?"

Li Yuan was speechless...

I ate in silence....

He has given up talking to Lin Feng, the straight man of steel.

Instead, Li Qianqian was aroused by Lin Feng's curiosity.

She herself looks pretty good, so she will be a more popular existence in school.

Anything she wants, she can get.

It's a pity that I haven't been able to find someone I like...

Finally met this time, and she didn't want to let him go!

"Actually, I think it's quite interesting for Lin Feng to talk like this."

Such a rainbow fart makes Lin Feng a little speechless......

After eating and drinking, he finally fixed his eyes on Li Qianqian.

I don't know why, but it seems that I have nothing to say to her.

The atmosphere at this moment also became a little inexplicably awkward.

If he had known that Li Yuan would call his sister over, he should have brought Murong Wuwu over.

At this time, Murong Wuwu was going to be bored to death...

She originally thought that she could find Lin Feng to play with, but she didn't expect that no one was here now.

My sisters are also out...


"I would have called earlier if I had known!"

My mind is full of the shadow of Lin Feng now, I want to forget but can't forget.....

Looking at Lin Feng who hadn't called back for a long time, he frowned.

"I don't know where he went at night..."

"Will it be boring?"

The bored Murong Wuwu called Lin Feng again.

Seeing that it was Murong Wuwu calling him, Lin Feng pressed the phone to answer.

"What are you doing?"

"When will you come home?"

"I'm so hungry, I want to eat your cooking..."

Murong Wuwu's complaining voice rang through the phone.

The pitiful feeling made Lin Feng's heart soften instantly.

"We are going to KTV tonight, do you want to come?"

When Murong Wuwu heard it, she, who had been tossing and rolling in bed bored, was instantly refreshed!


"Where are you now?"

Lin Feng silently sent the address to Murong Wuwu.

With her here, I think it's much more interesting.

As for Li Qianqian, she didn't know why she didn't feel anything at all.

After hanging up Murong Wuwu's call, Lin Feng said to Li Yuan.

"By the way, I called a friend just now, okay?"

When Li Yuan heard it, a gossip expression appeared on his face!


"Male or female?"

Lin Feng said silently: "Female."

Li Yuan let out a "wow" when he heard it, and started to shoot.

Originally, I was thinking about the marriage between Lin Feng and Li Qianqian, but I forgot it at that moment!

This is also the first time, in reality, Lin Feng took the initiative to bring girls out to play!


"You boy!"

"I thought you were abnormal!"

"I didn't expect you to have a girlfriend secretly without telling me, you are not mean enough."

Lin Feng silently rolled his eyes and said.

"You think too much."

"If you say that a friend is a friend, what do you think?"

"I just feel that she is in a panic at home alone."

Li Yuan didn't believe Lin Feng's words at all, but seeing that he had no expression on his face, he was so cold as hell, it's really not like seeing someone he likes...

When Li Qianqian heard that Lin Feng called another girl, she was inexplicably disappointed.

Lin Feng immediately asked the waiter to order some of Murong Wuwu's favorite dishes. .

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