National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 365 Drunken Murong Wuwu


Ye Qingqing and Li Yuan said in unison.

Seeing that Murong Wuwu was a rather shy girl, Ye Qingqing handed her the wine in front of her specially.

"do not be shy."

"We're all friends."

"There's nothing to be ashamed about."

Murong Wuwu glanced at Lin Feng beside her, and seeing Lin Feng also nodded, she silently drank the wine Ye Qingqing handed her.

Alcohol can get people excited.

A blush gradually appeared on her face that could not be dissipated.

"Don't drink too much." Lin Feng reminded.

Thinking of her drunken appearance when she drank last time, I still feel that I can't let her drink too much.

Furthermore, if Murong Er'er knew about it, he would probably kill himself directly.

Murong Wuwu nodded, but Li Yuan beside him said.

"Oh, isn't he here?"

"It's not a big deal to drink some wine, it's hard to come out, Lin Feng, you drink it for me too! Then go sing a song for everyone."

Lin Feng is not drunk as a thousand cups, and he is completely unambiguous when drinking.

After gulping it down, he picked up the microphone.

Seeing that everyone wants to hear me sing so much, it's true that I haven't sung for a long time, and it's not bad to sing a song.

Li Yuan looked triumphant, clapped his hands and said!

"It can be "one seven zero"!"

"Lin Feng!"

"This is also the first time in my life, your brother, that I have heard you sing."

"I'm wondering whether I am your real brother or not!"

The four people's eyes fell on Lin Feng, and they were also very curious about what song Lin Feng would sing.

Randomly clicked on a song, and the beautiful melody rang throughout the KTV.

Before the beginning, everyone has gradually entered the environment of this song...

"The lights are shining in the distance, and you are alone on the road with your head down. The bigger the city, the more frightening it is, the longing, the longness..."

"I have experienced too many injuries along the way, and I have forgotten the first smile. Time has made us fragile and strong. Let me sing to you softly again..."

"I wish I could stay with you one more time, and tell you the scenery of the first half of my life. In every silent night, I would think about the long love and hatred about you..."

"I also want to be able to illuminate you, leave sunshine in your life, accompany you through the mountains and rivers, and grow together with you..."

Everyone is immersed in it...

Murong Wuwu never expected that Lin Feng would dare to sing so well...

The whole person's emotions were drawn by the song he sang, and there were tears in his eyes.

Lin Feng put down the microphone in his hand, and looked at Murong Wuwu who hadn't recovered yet.

It never occurred to her that she would burst into tears the next second when she was completely moved.

Li Yuan also did not recover for a long time.

Lin Feng has always played the image of only knowing to eat in KTV.

He never sings because of others, and he never does what others think of him...

This time his singing is absolutely amazing!


"I never thought you could sing so well."

"Sure enough, there are other girls, they are just different."

Li Yuan couldn't help but teased.

Murong Wuwu finally came back to her senses, and looked at Lin Feng at this time.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "It's just that you let me sing.

"Okay, let's sing."

After speaking, he put the microphone on the table.

Originally, Li Qianqian planned to show off her singing voice, but when she found that Murong Wuwu's singing voice was so beautiful, she was inexplicably disappointed.

I had to give up on this idea......

Li Yuan handed the microphone to Li Qianqian, but Li Qianqian refused.

He also couldn't understand his inexplicably angry younger sister.

Li Qianqian began to drink the beer on the table one mouthful at a time, and drank each glass in one gulp.

Murong Wuwu sat beside Lin Feng, looking at Li Qianqian who was constantly drinking, she also understood very well.

"She's been drinking..."

"Anything you're not happy about?"

After Lin Feng heard Murong Wuwu's question, he refocused on Li Qingqing.

"There should be nothing unhappy, right?"

"Besides, isn't it a very righteous thing to be unhappy when you're such an adult?"

This sentence is simply the existence of vomiting blood......

Li Yuan has long been used to straight male cancer like Lin Feng, but he doesn't understand how Murong Wuwu tolerates it.

"Well, I want to ask if you usually have any problems communicating with him?"

"If there is really a problem, don't pay too much attention to him, he is more straightforward..."

Murong Wuwu listened with a dazed expression, completely unable to understand what Li Yuan was talking about...

Lin Feng silently rolled Li Yuan's eyes again.

I usually exist in a normal way, okay...

Why does it feel like he is describing himself as abnormal.

"Okay, let's see what time it is now, don't you two want to sing? Hurry up and sing."

"I'm going back soon."

Murong Wuwu's phone rang at this moment.

She walked out with a bad face and answered the phone.

Looking at her figure, Lin Feng guessed that it was probably Murong Erer's call.

What Murong Er'er is most afraid of is that her younger sister will meet bad people, and she always feels that her younger sister will never grow up.

Murong Wuwu is also the youngest among the five sisters, so naturally she will think more and manage her more strictly.

Li Yuan and Ye Qingqing sang a love song together.

Lin Feng listened to the sweet love song sung by the two of them, and suddenly found that time flies so fast...

Thinking of when they were together just now, it seems like a blink of an eye.

Usually, I have no time to fall in love or do my own things.

Now you have everything you should have, but you don't want to do what you didn't have time to do now.

Murong Wuwu returned to the box from outside the door, pouted with an unhappy look.

"What's wrong?"

"Have you quarreled with Er Er?"

Lin Feng asked.

The word "unhappy" was written all over her face, so there was no need to guess.

Murong Wuwu nodded heavily, her heart was full of resentment towards Murong Erer!

I didn't expect that she still didn't want to play with others by herself...

After so long, she has obviously grown up... She still treats herself like a child...

"She still sees me as a child..."

"I am obviously an adult, but I don't have the freedom of an adult!"


He directly picked up a glass of wine on the table and drank it sullenly.

In fact, in his heart, he really felt that Murong Wuwu should not act like a child

No wonder Murong Er'er was worried, if she was his younger sister, it would be impossible not to worry based on her IQ...

But seeing how she wanted to be an adult, she didn't tell the truth......

"you say!"


"Why is this happening!"

"How can I become an adult!"

"I think I'm pretty good at everything, but Er Er always treats me like a child!"

Murong Wuwu kept complaining in Lin Feng's ear.

Swallowing down a glass of wine.

Lin Feng originally wanted to stop Murong Wuwu, who was now planning to drink away her worries, but now she doesn't listen to herself at all.

"you say!"

"Do you think I look like an adult!"

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng seriously, the blush on her cheeks became more and more rosy.

Ding dong.

Lin Feng's cell phone rang.

When he opened it, he didn't expect it to be a message from Murong Er'er.

In fact, I don't know when it started, but everyone trusts Lin Feng very much.

The message said: Take good care of Wuwu for me, if anything happens to her, I will kill you!

Lin Feng was a little speechless about this news...

I don't know why I always feel like I am Murong Wuwu's guardian now.

Murong Wuwu saw Lin Feng ignoring her, and under the control of alcohol, her most emotional side was also aroused.

"Why don't you talk to me?"

"Do you also think that I look like a child now?"

"You just feel right?"

Lin Feng shook his head and comforted: "No, whatever

"I've always thought you were a grown-up, and a great, great grown-up at that."

After Murong Wuwu heard Lin Feng's praise of herself, she was completely unbelievable.


"Do you really think I'm a great grown-up?"

"What tell you that I'm a great grown-up?"

This is undoubtedly a huge problem for Lin Feng...

Sure enough, it is difficult to open your eyes and say 5.5 nonsense!

After much deliberation, I finally thought of one.

"You are very obedient when you play games, and you don't listen to others."

"For another example, you know how to buy vegetables? You know how to wash dishes, make cakes, and do housework."

Although she bought a lot of vegetables, all the dishes she washed were broken, the cakes she made were not cooked in the middle, and the housework she did was not mopping the floor...


Overall it is good!

After Murong Wuwu heard Lin Feng's praise of herself, she finally smiled happily and drank a glass of wine.

"Is what you said true?"

"I thought so!"

"I'm going to call Er Er now, and tell her the answer you told me!"

"In this way, she won't always control me in the future!"

Lin Feng quickly dissuaded him: "Don't, don't, now is not the time..."

"Actually, you need to do these things in front of Er Er, otherwise, no one else will see them."

"Some things are just useless to say."


If Murong Er'er knew that he didn't stop Murong Wuwu from drinking, he would probably come over and take Murong Wuwu away...

In fact, Murong Wuwu is like this, just wanting to break free from the shackles. .

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