National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 371 Second Level! Pass!

Li Qianqian looked at the basalt ghost and basalt tortoise hiding in the turtle shell.

"Now they are all hiding in the turtle shell, how do we kill them?"

Lin Feng replied: "Kill it hard."

Li Qianqian originally thought that Lin Feng would use other methods, but she didn't expect to say such a simple and rude sentence.

"Hard kill?"

"How to kill hard?"

"This is basalt! Their tortoise shells are much more resistant to beating than real tortoise shells..."

For Lin Feng, these are simple things.

If they can't be killed, it's entirely because of lack of ability. If they have enough ability, who cares what method to use to kill them?

Suddenly, both hands made a defensive gesture, and saw a white light formation began to flash under them, releasing the move Holy Light Fall!

After singing softly, the white light formation also began to rotate and flow inside at this moment, and began to drop one after another holy light!

Boom boom boom!

The holy light began to continuously hit the group of basalt spirits and basalt tortoises.

At this moment, their blood volume is still constantly emerging from their heads.




All the basalt ghosts and basalt tortoises were smashed by the holy light and were wiped out with only a small amount of blood left.

Now there are only four elders of Xuanwu left.

Li Qianqian never expected that this was really what he said. Directly use strong methods to destroy these monsters...

Think about it this way, it seems that there is really no technology that can resist the attack of the cute king.

What's more, the attack played by the boss Meng Wang is still 26 million, one million...

No wonder everyone in the entire forum worshiped him as if he was himself.

Seeing that his subordinates were instantly killed by Lin Feng, the Fourth Elder of Xuanwu was very dissatisfied in his heart!

"You actually killed so many of my subordinates! I want your life!"

Lin Feng looked at the Fourth Xuanwu Elder who was now in a state of rage, and chuckled lightly.

"Then I want to see what you can do to kill me!"

The voice fell!

The Archangel Sword in his hand slammed down on its body again!

The powerful force seems to subvert the imagination of others.

The Fourth Elder of Xuanwu yelled after being hit by Lin Feng's move, and the blood flowed out of his head.

In two or three strokes, the Fourth Xuanwu Elder was already dealt with.

Li Qianqian looked at the Xuanwu Fourth Elder who had been killed so quickly, and asked.

"Brother Meng on earth did you manage to kill such a powerful character so quickly?"

"It really has a million HP! This is much more difficult than his subordinates."

"Why does it feel like he is not as powerful as his men when fighting?"

"According to this principle, it shouldn't be......"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "That's because this NPC is too conceited. If he dodged my attack, he wouldn't be instantly killed by me."

"At least it must be able to last a few more rounds."

Li Qianqian nodded understandingly...

I didn't expect this NPC to have an IQ like a human... It's really surprising.

"Congratulations to the two of you who successfully passed the first level of the Water Mirror Chamber of Secrets. The second level is about to open, please prepare yourself."

Lin Feng led Li Qianqian to continue walking into the depths of the water mirror chamber.

The boundless and empty water mirror secret room makes people feel a little inexplicably chilly.

Li Qianqian stayed in this universal pocket, looking around.

"Do you think the monsters coming this time will be more powerful than the ones just now?"

"Is it true that the higher the level, the higher the IQ of these NPCs?"

Lin Feng said: "Yes."

"It is true in principle, but sometimes you may encounter monsters with not very good IQ. y

"Even if his level is higher, he still looks like a fool."

Li Qianqian suddenly realized that she really didn't know anything about this second world.

It is estimated that even after I have really evolved, I will be bullied by wild monsters if I go to farm wild monsters by myself...

"Then I still need to improve my attack ability a lot in the future!"

Lin Feng replied: "Yes."

"Now you don't have to worry about your lack of defense at all. As Xuanwu, you have the greatest defense and power."

"When your life is in danger, you just go straight into the turtle shell.

Although the battle scene may not be so thrilling at that time, at least no matter how powerful the opponent is, he can still save his life.

Li Qianqian snorted, seeing that Lin Feng looked down on her so much, she said.

"Boss Mengwang, I think I'm much more powerful than you imagined!"

"Besides, after seeing the attack you performed just now, I don't think I'm safe even if I hide in the turtle shell.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "It's all right."

"There are very few people who can have a move like mine. Let's say you won't find another one in the entire Second World."

Although this sentence is a bit ironic...

But it makes sense to think about it.

Everyone can see how powerful he is, so it is normal to be able to kill the enemy in a simple and rude way.

"After you say that, I feel refreshed in my heart!"

"At least I think, as long as my tortoise shell doesn't touch you, I'm very safe."

Lin Feng smiled lightly, and looked at the teleportation array that was glowing with white light at this time.

All the basalt monsters of the second level also ran out of the teleportation array.

This time the number is twice as much as before, and the size of the Xuanwu spirit monster has also increased a lot.

Li Qianqian added a lot of basalt spirits, and couldn't help sighing.

"Boss Meng Wang... This monster is getting bigger and bigger..."

"Can you still perform instant kills like just now?"

"Yes." Lin Feng said without thinking.

These basalt monsters are still a bit weak for themselves.

Immediately afterwards, in the teleportation formation, the Xuanwu turtle also ran out from it,

This time the basalt tortoises look the same as before, but their body color has become red and their body size is much bigger.

Now it is as tall as a small villa.

" god..."

"How did this basalt tortoise become so big..."

Li Qianqian couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

If I was not in Lin Feng's omnipotent pocket, she would have died if I was stepped on casually.

"I...I don't know why, but now I feel scared..."

"It's a good thing you're here, Mr. Mengwang, otherwise I'd be trampled on and I'd probably die..."

Lin Feng looked at the tiny Li Qianqian in his pocket, and the Xuanwu tortoises and Xuanwu ghosts in front of him, and I have to say that they are really very different.

" are really like a tortoise compared to them."

Such ruthless people made Li Qianqian silently retract her head into the turtle shell, a little suspicious of life.

The second largest boss also ran out of the teleportation array!

It looks a bit similar to the Xuanwu Fourth Elder just now.

However, the overall figure is taller than the fourth Xuanwu elder, and there is fierceness in his eyes.

"I didn't expect someone to pass the first level after so many years."

"It seems that I, old man, can finally display my true strength!"

Lin Feng smiled lightly: "The person who came here is really a noob... He can't even pass such a simple level."

All the monster attributes of the opponent appeared in Lin Feng's eyes.

Basalt ghost

Grade: 85

HP: 900000

Basalt tortoise

Grade: 90

HP: 990000

The Three Masters of Xuanwu

Grade: 95

HP: 1500000

Xuanwu three masters?

No wonder, they look a bit alike, so they are brothers!

Lin Feng looked at the change in blood volume, but still felt a little uninterested.

It's only 293 and the most is 1.5 million...

Li Qianqian became even more restless...


"One and a half million blood volume! My God!"

"This... how to fight this?"

"The weakest one has only 900,000 HP, and there are still so many..."

"Boss Meng Wang, can you really do it?"

Regarding Li Qianqian's worry about her, Lin Feng's attitude has always been that she doesn't take it seriously at all.

"I was able to kill them in seconds just now, what do you think?"

"Just relying on these few monsters, you want to stump me?"

Li Qianqian couldn't help reminding.

"The blood volume just now is not as much as these, and the number is also less than this time..."

"Brother Meng Wang, you must pay attention to safety!"

"If you really need me to go up, you can just put me down."

After finishing speaking, Li Qianqian acted as if she wanted to die with the monster in front of her.

Lin Feng complained: "Just stay in my universal pocket..."

"You don't even think about it, with your small body, you probably won't know where you will go if you get kicked by someone casually.

"At that time, it will be troublesome for me to save you."

Li Qianqian snorted and stopped talking...

At this moment, Xuanwu Turtle launched the water-type sharpshooter at Lin Feng!

The water spray spit out this time is also different from the basalt tortoise encountered in the first level, it is still the kind with green venom.

Lin Feng immediately released the power of steel and the guardian star shield.

Greatly enhanced their own defense.

The venom released by the Xuanwu turtle directly stuck to the guardian star shield cast by Lin Feng.




The venom of the Xuanwu turtle has a very powerful continuous damage, but for the current Lin Feng, all damage is immune to him.

All the basaltic tortoises were a little shocked to see that the venom they emitted was actually immune...

There was a "hiss hiss" sound from his mouth. .

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