National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 378 The Beginning Of The Little Rookie's Battle

Li Qianqian heard that, in such a short period of time, now she can only upgrade to where she can go.


Seeing that Li Qianqian replied to him so quickly, Lin Feng also replied immediately.

"Then let's go to Zhao's Tower first, and brush up the dungeon."

The two made an appointment to meet at the gate of Zhao's Pagoda.

Li Qianqian and Lin Feng appeared in the teleportation array of Zhao's Tower.

"Boss Meng Wang, I'm counting on you then."

Li Qianqian looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile on her face.

Lin Feng nodded, and led Li Qianqian directly into the Zhao Clan Tower.

The pattern plate also appeared in front of the two of them.

Li Qianqian looked hesitantly at the four copies of different levels in front of her.

Although if you choose the hell mode, you can get the most things, but the danger is also the greatest.

I can't choose the hell mode so ignorantly just because there is a big boss named Meng Wang.

In case of death, it would be a step back.

"Then let's choose the normal mode?"

Compared with the simple mode, the normal mode is quite satisfactory for her.

Seeing her thinking so much, Lin Feng felt a little helpless in his heart.

I really don't know what kind of thoughts are in her mind, she still chooses the normal mode when she is beside her.

"Let's choose hell mode."

"Swipe all the hell modes three times, and you should be able to reach the level you want."

Li Qianqian shook her head quickly when she heard this.


Hell mode..."

"Isn't the hell mode only available to players above level 40?"

"If I go, even though you are such a powerful boss by my side, I'm also afraid that I will die!"

"In order not to hold you back, I think it's better to choose the normal screen mode."

Seeing Li Qianqian's hesitation, Lin Feng said directly to the game system.

"Enter Hell Mode."

"It is detected that the partner of the host is at level 2420 and 15, do you need to continue entering hell mode?"

The sound of the system is also constantly reminding Li Qianqian and Lin Feng.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Let's talk about it. If you really keep going at your speed, you may still be doing dungeons after the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is over."

Li Qianqian had no choice but to follow Lin Feng's advice.

After all, it is a very good thing to let such a great god lead him.

Lin Feng continued to choose hell mode without any hesitation.

The two entered hell mode together.

Li Qianqian looked at the flames surrounding the edge of the battlefield, and followed Lin Feng with some fear.

Lin Feng turned his head, looked at Li Qianqian who was a little scared and said.

"You just need to stand where you are and don't move. Although you don't gain a lot of experience, you still have some experience."

"Everything that falls, you and I will share equally."

He has already gone through the copy of Zhao's Tower many times.

I also don't care about the dropped things at all.

But, thinking about it carefully, I wasted so much of my time, and if I didn't get some tips, I would really feel sorry for myself.

When Li Qianqian heard this, she nodded heavily!


After hearing Li Qianqian's words, in an instant, Lin Feng's gaze was filled with killing intent and landed on the position of Chuanzhen.

Many mobs ran out of the teleportation array.

Lin Feng summoned the sword of the Archangel, and swung it quickly, and the technique was so invisible that it was impossible to see clearly.

I haven't seen clearly where the Archangel Sword in his hand is now, the next second! A huge force directly slashed across these little monsters who ran out



The blood volume of the mobs floated out on the head (cged).




Kill all!

In less than a minute, the first wave of mobs were all wiped out by Lin Feng's move.

Many gold coins and equipment fell on the ground.

From behind Lin Feng, Li Qianqian looked at the way he turned his hands into clouds and rain, with admiration and shock in his eyes.

It has long been beyond her imagination, what kind of ability this man has reached now, he can kill these little monsters directly with ten moves.

The sound of the game system also rang at this time.

"Congratulations to you two for successfully passing the first floor, please go to the second floor."

Lin Feng quickly counted the equipment and gold coins that exploded, and put them into his backpack.

"At the last moment, I'm giving you yours."

Li Qianqian hadn't walked out from the body of Lin Feng's move that instantly killed the mobs on the first floor, she stammered.


"I see....…"

"it's okay no problem."

Lin Feng took Li Qianqian to the second floor.

The teleportation array opened up again, and Zhou Chao looked at more and more mobs, with a disgusted smile on his lips.

These little monsters are a small thing that can't be smaller for oneself.

Seeing that there were so many mobs on the second floor than the first, Li Qianqian said to Lin Feng worriedly.

"Boss Meng Wang, I see that there are so many mobs on this floor, you must be careful."

Lin Feng smiled faintly, and summoned the Blood Moon Remnant Wolf.

This was also the first time in a long time that the Blood Moon Remnant Wolf was allowed to fight alone.

"Pull monsters."

After hearing Lin Feng's order, Blood Moon Remnant Wolf Xiaoha ran up to the little monster who came out and simply attacked.

All the mobs were attracted by Xiao Ha, and they followed Xiao Ha to Lin Feng.

Seeing this situation, Li Qianqian felt that Lin Feng could kill all these with one move, maybe these little monsters would not be so powerful in front of her.

Moreover, standing behind him is him who has been fighting monsters. If he doesn't output a little bit, the experience he has gained is indeed a bit small.

"Boss Meng Wang, let me come to the second floor!"

"I want more experience and actual combat experience, so that I won't be instantly killed by my opponent during the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament."

"But you must save me when I am about to die!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Qianqian rushed in front of Lin Feng and began to exert her power.

Lin Feng didn't stop Li Qianqian either, after all, this time she came to brush the dungeon [in itself] to let her level up faster.

I saw two groups of green flames appearing in Li Qianqian's hands.

This is also the first time she has displayed her true strength, and she is a little nervous.


Li Qianqian directed the two balls of flames in her hands towards the positions of these mobs, and they surged up!

"Green Flame Attack!"

Two green rays of light hit the mobs directly!

There was blood on the mob's head again.




The mobs that were completely attacked by Li Qianqian's green flames had their blood tanks emptied in an instant.

But more than half of the mobs were not affected by her attack.

Lin Feng could also see from her back that her attack mainly dealt the most damage to the mobs in the front.

On the contrary, the mobs that are farther away will not receive any fluctuations, which can be regarded as a kind of magic attack for melee attacks.

Li Qianqian looked at the few mobs that she had killed, and laughed excitedly!

Looking at his palm, he said excitedly.

"I really didn't expect that I would become so strong now!"

"I guess if it was the same as before, I would only be crushed!"

"Hahaha! I finally made it through!"

Seeing how excited she was, Lin Feng had to say that her current abilities were completely out of line with her level.

This is estimated to be the strength of the Xuanwu Guardian.

It seems that this time she participated in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, she has a chance to squeeze into the front list.

However, there are still too many shortcomings in her moves.

If the opponent finds out that her moves are completely ineffective against distant enemies, she will probably be completely crushed.

Furthermore, if she encounters a long-range attacking opponent, and she still doesn't know how to move with the most precision, she will be crushed even if she thinks about it.

"how is it going?"

"How was my attack just now?"

"Do you think I'm really good?"

Li Qianqian opened her round eyes and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded approvingly.

"Indeed it is.

In the end, he decided to tell her about her weaknesses after finishing this layer of hell mode.

"You have to work harder."

"I'll leave these mobs to you."

Li Qianqian smiled proudly.


"rest assured!"

"It's all on me."

After finishing speaking, she began to release her green flame attack again.

This time is different from the green flame attack just now. There were only two green flames that came out just now, but now they come out to swallow four.

This also surprised Li Qianqian.

Lin Feng saw all this in his eyes, this should be the attack bonus.


Li Qianqian violently released all the green flames!

Four green rays of light rushed straight at the mobs attacking her.

The amount of blood began to appear on the head, just like before, all the mobs standing in the front were instantly killed by Li Qianqian's move.

However, the difference is that this time her attack also affected some mobs behind.




It's just that the amount of blood lost is not a lot.

The mob carried the iron sword and slashed down at Li Qianqian's position.

Li Qianqian took a step back, and "miss" appeared on her head.

All of a sudden, the eyes turned green, with a green light, and six green flames appeared around him.

"Green Flame Light Wave!"

The six flames hovering around her emitted six beams of light, which unexpectedly formed a six-pointed star pattern in the air.


The mobs surrounded by the six-pointed star retracted with the six rays of light, directly reducing their blood volume.





It lasted a full three seconds.

The mobs with the remaining half of their health were strangled to death by the six rays of light, and the mobs with full blood now only had half of their health left.

It's just that Li Qianqian's mana is seriously insufficient now, and it's not enough to support her next attack. .

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