National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 388 Team Ruhua's Tactics

Now the only way to defeat her is to kill her with one move!

Murong Sisi thought about it carefully, from her attack to fighting him, she still hasn't fully released her lethal moves...

Perhaps, if I want to defeat this person quickly, I must let her quickly use lethal moves against me.

But this is also a difficult task, after all, it seems that now she wants to fight with her attrition.

Suddenly, a ghostly idea flashed through her mind.

I saw that she suddenly slowed down her speed, deliberately letting the other party see her figure.

Seeing Murong Sisi's speed getting slower and slower, Team Ruhua's second team seems to have caught her some trick!

"court death!"

next second!

Two purple flowers appeared in her hand, and two purple rays of light flickered towards her and struck her where she was!

These two purple rays of light were also much faster than before, Murong Sisi smiled triumphantly, and suddenly accelerated her speed and jumped directly behind her!

Before waiting for Ruhua's second team member to turn around, bang bang bang!

Two shells have already shot directly at her position!

Team Ruhua No. 2 realized in the next second that they had been tricked by Murong Sisi, and hurriedly wanted to unleash their defensive moves again, but! Murong Sisi's shells hit her!


Directly blow her up to 100 meters!

The amount of blood on the head emerged.


Afterwards, the blood bar also dimmed.

Everyone saw that Murong Sisi had defeated Ruhua's second team member, and they all started clapping excitedly!

"Wow! I didn't expect her to be so powerful! It's completely strong to a certain extent! But I guess if she didn't come up with this trick at the end, I'm afraid that she would not be able to fight with this Ruhua second team member." will be delayed."

"This must be well remembered. In fact, when the two sides are fighting, high combat power is not the strongest. Sometimes when encountering a master who is stronger than oneself and must turn defeat into victory, strategy is also very important.

"Of course, sometimes strategies are important. If there is no strategy, you can only resist because your own strength has reached the level of the king of Mengmeng. You don't even need to think about other strategies. You can use your own moves. Can get rid of each other!"

"However, this kind of estimate is also very rare. After all, the Meng Wang boss is a powerful existence now. It is simply a difficult thing to reach his level. Everyone should think about more normal attacks. .”

"That's right! I think so too. If you have time, everyone should think about what to do when you really meet a stronger opponent than yourself... Or in normal times, think about what to do if you encounter a stronger opponent. What kind of moves can the opponent use himself."

"I don't know how the boss Meng Wang is so powerful. But after such a long time, I guess this is the first time I have seen such a powerful existence. I believe Yin must be very rare."

Everyone is talking about this incident.

Captain Ruhua No. 2 sighed and looked at his captain guiltily.

At this moment, Captain Ruhua is still fighting Murong Wuwu, and the two sides are still in a state of no advance.


Murong Wuwu unleashes the wave backflow to Captain Ruhua!

A powerful big wave hit Captain Ruhua directly again, raising her by a full three or four meters, and with a bang, it wanted to cover it!

(cgfb) Upon seeing this, Captain Ruhua immediately manipulated his own nine-tailed demon fox to do the same move at Murong Wuwu.

Two big waves stood upright and directly hit them!

The two forces collided together, shaking out a terrifying history.

The entire battlefield seemed to tremble slightly from the attack just now.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu now, and felt that her current situation was actually a little dangerous.

Although this person does not seem to be as strong as her, but his control is much better than her.

Now, this person also transformed his own nine-tailed demon fox into the appearance of Murong Wuwu Yushuilong. Now, the attacks of the two have become exactly the same.

In fact, according to this method, as long as you know where your weaknesses are, you can defeat the opponent very well, but obviously Murong Wuwu didn't think of this idea.

Another way is to wait for the other party's illusion to pass, and this is the only way she can think of now.

Captain Ruhua looked at Murong Wuwu in front of him with disdain.

"I want to see how you can beat me!"

Murong Wuwu gritted her teeth secretly.

You must not hold back the whole team!

Now they are in second place, if they lose this time...

The audience looked at Murong Wuwu and clapped their hands, wanting to give her strength.

Captain Ruhua pointed at Murong Wuwu at this moment and shouted!

Nine-tailed demon fox, use the copy move to take down this person!"

Captain Ruhua sneered.

Murong Wuwu suddenly felt an ominous premonition, fearing that if this continues, she will definitely have to lose!

She doesn't want to lose!

All of a sudden, I felt a powerful force bursting out of my body!

Lin Feng was also a little surprised when he saw Murong Wuwu who had suddenly entered a berserk state.

But that's okay, before she thinks of a way to deal with the opponent, it is a little easier to destroy the opponent in a berserk state. In every aspect, her strength will be reduced under the influence of this berserk state improve.

Although the opponent can indeed copy her moves, but not all states can be copied.

Captain Ruhua looked at Murong Wuwu, whose body was now burning with blue sparks, and felt a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that she would directly enter a berserk state.


I saw that Murong Wuwu's voice became very indifferent, and a huge water wave ball formed between her hands.

"Aren't you able to copy all the moves of Yushuilong?"

"I want to see if you can copy my moves!"

The voice fell!

Murong Wuwu faced her position and slammed down her water ball!

Captain Ruhua saw the huge water wave ball, and it was too late to say the move he wanted to release!


next second!

The water wave ball hit the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox hard!

I saw blood directly appearing on the head of the nine-tailed demon fox!



The nine-tailed demon fox disappeared into the void, leaving Captain Ruhua alone, and the blood volume on his head was directly reduced by more than half due to the backlash of the nine-tailed demon fox's power.

"Now, only you are left!"

Murong Wuwu looked at Captain Ruhua in front of her, she knew that now is the best time to defeat her!

Everyone looked at Murong Wuwu at this time with approval in their eyes.

Looking at Murong Wuwu at this moment, Murong Sisi felt quite proud in her heart.

It seems that my sister has really grown up now.

Not only in combat, but also in tactics have improved a lot!

Thinking of her who needed others to level up before, compared to her now, she doesn't seem to be alone at all.

In fact, these changes have been seen by everyone.

Murong Er'er's gaze also turned to Murong Wuwu at this time, seeing how her younger sister was completely able to take charge of her own affairs, she also felt lucky in her heart.

She has always been afraid of any attack or difficulty on her younger sister. Among her three younger sisters, she has always been most worried about Murong Wuwu, after all, she is the youngest.

Seeing that Murong Wuwu is able to overcome difficulties by herself now, she is quite satisfied in her heart.


Murong Wuwu slapped Captain Ruhua's body!

A water-shaped palm landed hard on Captain Ru Hua's body.


Captain Ruhua's blood was instantly killed by her one move!


The other team members also looked at Captain Ruhua with extremely shocked eyes, completely unbelievable that their captain would be wiped out by Murong Wuwu.

" did this happen?! Our captain was wiped out by the opponent's team?"

"My God! How is this possible! Although the captain's strength is indeed not as high as that of the opposite Meng Wang boss, but! It's not likely to be wiped out by a small teammate, right?"

"I feel that our captain should have made some small mistakes in this battle, but it's okay... Sigh, it's a pity."

"It is estimated that I will withdraw from the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference at that time, and I will definitely take us to the devil training...Thinking of the devil training, I really feel helpless."

"I don't want to fight the rest of the battles. The opponents are probably very strong. Even if we really beat the opponent, but they still have a cute boss, who can kill us with one move, right?"

Captain Ruhua was very upset in his heart, thinking that he was beaten to death by a team member, he was very angry in his heart.

Listening to my team members yelling behind me, I just feel annoying.

"I tell you!"

"If you don't beat one of the opponent's players this time, you will all be punished by me!"

When the other team members heard what Captain Ruhua said, they all set their targets on Murong Wuwu.

Murong Wuwu has returned to her previous state, and she is also very excited about defeating the opponent's captain!

Captain! Am I great! I actually beat their captain directly!"

The rest of the Ruhua team all of a sudden released their moves towards Murong Wuwu's position, trying to use this sneak attack method to take down the opponent's team members!


Seeing thousands of rays of light flashing from behind Murong Wuwu, I never thought that these people would use such despicable means!.

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