National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 397 Murong Yiyi's Invitation

Lin Feng came out from the game room, everything has been fixed temporarily, and he can take a bath, and wait for Murong Yiyi to come over.

I don't know what is the main reason why she asked me to accompany her to the class reunion this time...

But think about it, this kind of place in the class reunion is nothing more than a place to gossip and pretend.

After all, there are so many classmates, many of them are good at mixing, and some of them are very good at mixing, but there is no place to pretend to be aggressive, so there is a high chance that students will encounter classmates who pretend to be aggressive.

After taking a shower, he simply cleaned himself up, then sat in the living room and turned on the TV, waiting for Murong Yiyi.

In less than five minutes, the doorbell rang.

Lin Feng opened the door, and saw Murong Yiyi wearing a tight black dress, standing in front of him, her simple makeup showed her dignity.

It has to be said that Murong Yiyi's dress is also the most mature among their quintuplets.

The femininity on her body is also very thorough, and she also gives people an aura of repelling others thousands of miles away, which can be regarded as a veritable iceberg beauty.

"This one's for you, suit."

"I know you don't usually have very formal clothes, so I picked them out for you casually for a while."

While talking, Murong Yiyi threw the gift bag in her hand to Lin Feng, and walked in.

This was also the first time she had come to Lin Feng's home, seeing the simple decorations around her, she nodded in agreement.

Because she usually doesn't like those too cumbersome furniture, she only likes this simple style.

However, my younger sister prefers that kind of cumbersome things, so she didn't use this idea at home, and only used it in her room.

Lin Feng didn't expect Murong Yiyi to buy clothes for herself...

This also made me even more suspicious of the meaning of her invitation to join her class reunion this time...

Murong Yiyi sat on the sofa, seeing that Lin Feng hadn't opened her dress for a long time, she urged her.

"hurry up."

"This time you go to the class reunion with me, don't make me ashamed."

"Otherwise, hehe."

She inadvertently let out a cold snort, with a murderous look in her eyes, which happened to be caught by Lin Feng.

Sure enough... a violent woman...


What can I do? After all, this is what I promised her, and it is really necessary for me to do it.

When she opened the dress she gave her, what she didn't expect was that the design of this suit happened to match the clothes she was wearing, which was a couple's design.

Murong Yiyi saw the slight hesitation in Lin Feng's eyes at this moment, and her face suddenly turned red.


"What are you looking at..."

"Put it on quickly, try it."

"Don't worry, this time I just asked you to go to the class reunion with me.

Lin Feng looked at her with a little nervousness in his eyes, guessing that she asked him to accompany her to the class reunion this time because he wanted to play the role of her boyfriend.

Not sure why she chose to cast herself in the role of her boyfriend though.

But if you think about it carefully, the general reasoning is that the classmates at this class reunion are likely to ask her some questions that she doesn't want to answer.

It must be said that it is about the topic between the sexes.

The second possible thing is that she brought herself there to avoid some men from liking her.

After all, Murong Yiyi is so good-looking, there must be many people who like her.

According to Murong Yiyi's personality, she would also hate those who chase after her, and using this way of bringing a boyfriend is also the best way to reject others.

Moreover, if she goes to the class reunion no matter what, no one will bother her.

The third possible thing, with a high probability, will not happen to Murong Yiyi.

Because Murong Yiyi is definitely not a person who will easily let go of what she likes.


"You want me to play your boyfriend?"

Lin Feng asked.

He knows that Murong Yiyi is a person who loves face very much, and he only does a lot of things but doesn't talk about it.

But in order to cooperate with her, I also need to understand what I need to do, otherwise, it will be bad if I make a mistake.

When Murong Yiyi heard Lin Feng's question, she blushed directly to the back of her ears.

For a while, I didn't know how to answer this question asked by Lin Feng...

In fact, the reason why she wants Lin Feng to play her boyfriend this time is to make those classmates who like her give up quickly, and let those who keep urging her to fall in love quickly shut up.

However, for some reason, when he said these words, he still felt an inexplicable tension.

All along, she has been indifferent and calm about many things, and she has never been very nervous.

Because of nervousness, the whole person will become so irritable and irritable, and as long as you are nervous, it is easy for others to see what you are thinking in the bottom of your heart.


"Try it on quickly.

She urged again.

Seeing her embarrassed look, Lin Feng didn't say much, picked up a pair and put it on directly.

At that moment, Murong Yiyi looked at Lin Feng at this moment and was stunned...

Under the white incandescent lamp, it seems that Lin Feng has a deceptive temperament revealed.

And he looks like a very handsome guy, if thrown in the entertainment industry, he would definitely kill many stars in seconds.

This was also the first time Murong Yiyi felt that something was wrong with her.

She has actually seen a lot of handsome guys, but in her eyes, none of the handsome guys have any special attractive history.

As for her, she is also a person who prefers to pursue love, and she has no interest in those unattractive men.


so many years......

There will be a man who surprises her......


Lin Feng stared at him at this moment, and asked Murong Yiyi who couldn't move his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you think of my clothes?"


"It doesn't seem to be doing well."

Normally, he prefers to wear simple and casual clothes, but for this kind of suit, he also has a strange feeling when he wears it.

But looking at Murong Yiyi's overall reaction now, it seems that it is not as inconsistent as he imagined.

Murong Yiyi came back to her senses, and said with a somewhat ethereal look in her eyes.

"Not...not bad."

"At that time, if someone asks you something, you will be fine."

"Others, I can answer myself."


Sure enough, she still spoke like a young lady.

Lin Feng replied with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.


After all, it was her class reunion, not my own, so I must fully cooperate with her.

Murong Yiyi looked at the current time and found that there were still thirty minutes left.

Normally, she didn't like to arrive early, so she planned to stay at Lin Feng's house for 30 minutes before going.

"" After waiting for thirty minutes, let's go again. "

"I don't like to wait for people, usually I will calculate the time for everyone."

Lin Feng nodded, and also understood that Murong Yiyi's temperament, at first glance, is a person who needs to control many things in his own hands to feel safe.

OK. "


"However, why did you choose me to attend this class reunion with you?"

He was still very curious about Murong Yiyi's psychology.

Logically speaking, she shouldn't have come to find me to accompany her to the class reunion.

For a moment, Murong Yiyi couldn't figure out why she asked him to attend the class reunion with her.

It may be that at that time, at that moment, Xindai seemed to be calling for him to accompany me to attend the class reunion.

However, she will never tell Lin Feng all these thoughts in her heart...

What an embarrassing thing to do.


"I chose you to accompany me to this class reunion mainly because I don't know anyone more suitable than you."

After saying this sentence, Lin Feng didn't know what to say for a while.

Murong Yiyi was also a little cautious.

After much deliberation, I finally chose to change the topic.

"By the way, how do you know about the freshman team?" Murong Yiyi asked.

Lin Feng shook his head, shrugged his shoulders and said.

"I'm still very puzzled about the freshman team."

"Now the forum is full of such overwhelming things (Li Nuohao), and I don't know what to say."

"And you?"

"Did you find anything?"

"Who is the captain of the freshman team this time?"

Murong Yiyi shook her head and said.

"The freshman team this time is indeed a team that rose overnight in this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

"All the members in it are actually a little transparent, and I haven't found any achievements and actual conditions behind them."

"So, if you do encounter it at that time, you need to be more careful."

"However, I feel that the strength of the freshman team is actually not very good... If it is really that powerful, it is estimated that it will have a PK with your Mengwang team, and it will definitely not want to wait until the last day."

After hearing what Murong Yiyi said, Lin Feng actually believed it even more firmly in his heart.

It is estimated that it is the ghost of this hot pot city again.

But he is not afraid of this freshman team, but he is afraid that Murong Wuwu's performance that day will not be good.

Murong Yiyi saw a worried look on Lin Feng's expression, and replied.

"You don't have to worry about your teammate village either."

"My sisters are very good."

"However, with Wuwu, I can't be sure of her state every time she fights."

"Sometimes the state of the battle is also the key to winning or losing.".

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