Li Yuan was also very surprised when he saw the post on the forum where the freshman team declared war with the Mengwang team.

I didn't expect this freshman team to be so arrogant, it was simply surprising.

Looking at the popularity of the current post, I didn't know what to say for a while, so I immediately sent the photo of the screenshot of the forum to Lin Feng.

This is also the first time a team has declared war against them in such a long time, and it has completely stirred up the heat.

"Oh my God...……."

"This freshman team is too crazy."

"When the time comes, if we do meet them, we must give them a good look."

At this time, except for Lin Feng, everyone else in the ten-member station group is also online.

They all started discussing this matter.

Murong Er'er has a relatively strong personality. Don't look at her smiling face on everything on the surface. In fact, her smile represents a completely different heart every time.


"The freshman team is so arrogant to declare war on our Moe-Wang team!"

"It seems that if you don't show them some color this time, they will really treat us as the cute king team and they will be easy to bully!"

Murong Sansan replied: "This freshman team is completely shameless."

"I didn't expect that this new team would dare to declare war in person, and more importantly, they posted a post declaring war and they just wanted to fight us in the final battle. They were nothing but fear!"

"He must have made other preparations. Otherwise, according to our strength, everyone can imagine that there must be something planned behind being so blatant.

Li Yuan looked at Murong Sansan's reasoning, in fact he also thought so.

Ye Qingqing replied: "I feel that this new team is nothing more than trying to catch our heat."

"Just ignore it, or we post a post now, saying that we accept his fight, and finally set the time for tomorrow's Tianxia No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament. If we don't, we won't even dare to go online."

"In this way, everyone can quickly see what the real thinking of this new team is."

Shadow said: "Today I went to check some small posts and information about the new team.

"I just found out a little bit about the new team, but it's just superficial."

"The captain of this freshman team dares to be so blatant, it must be because he feels that he is an amateur."

Murong Wuwu saw that everyone was talking about the new team, but she still felt a little inexplicably scared in her heart.

Although everyone said that this freshman team obviously wanted to compete with the Mengwang team, but now many people are talking about how powerful this freshman team is, and there will inevitably be some in their hearts. It's really a drag on what to do.

Although Lin Feng has been comforting himself and letting himself relax, but...but as long as he thinks about this matter, it is inevitable that he will have these thoughts in his heart.

Murong Sisi carried the cake and came to Murong Wuwu's room, and Murong Wuwu also came out of the game cabin, looking at Murong Sisi who was eating snacks with a dejected look.

"you say..….……"

"You said if I accidentally dragged everyone down, wouldn't that be a terrible thing..."

"At that time, do you think Lin Feng will have a bad impression of me, and then he won't play with me anymore?"

"Will not take me to brush dungeons in the future, and fight wild monsters?"

Murong Sisi saw that Murong Wuwu looked worried, and handed her the cake in her hand.

"I don't think you're afraid of dragging the entire team back. You're worried about what will happen if Lin Feng ignores you if you don't play well."

"You are obviously worried about this little thing."

When Murong Wuwu said this, her face turned red instantly, reaching the roots behind her ears.

"I don't have one!"

"I'm also thinking about the interests of the entire team. Think about it, my ability is quite different from Lin Feng's."

"He will definitely be able to beat the freshman team, but I'm not sure. I've read a lot of posts about the freshman team just now."

"Those who watched the battle of the freshman team have said that all the members of the freshman team are very powerful, and I have seen others say that I am! I will definitely not be as good as the players of the freshman team..."

While talking, he ate the cake with a melancholy face.

Murong Sisi smiled and said, "How is it possible!"

"Lin Feng didn't even say that you are bad, why do you look down on yourself so much?"

"Is it true that people in secret love always substitute themselves for many things that obviously don't care about themselves?"

"Still trying to make up my own mind."

At this time, Murong Sisi's face was filled with a gossip smile.

Murong Wuwu rolled her big eyes, raised her small hand and patted Murong Sisi's body lightly!

"What are you talking about!"

"Really are!"

"What secret love is not secret love..."


Murong Sisi suddenly stared into Murong Wuwu's eyes, and asked with a smile.


"Don't you have a crush on Lin Feng?"

"Am I misunderstanding?"

"I see that you always seem to care too much about what Lin Feng thinks, isn't this a secret love?"

Murong Wuwu also doesn't want to talk to Murong Sisi anymore!

Immediately got up and pushed her out of his room.

It's just going to be annoying!

Murong Sisi also wisely returned to her room.

Murong Wuwu returned to the game cabin, intending to improve her strength completely before the final finals.

In this way, you can prevent others from cheating you when you are fighting.

Lin Feng saw a WeChat message from Li Yuan pop up on his phone, and opened it with one hand.

Unexpectedly, this freshman team would declare war on him.

Li Yuan also sent a message at this time.

"The captain of this freshman team declared war on us, what do you think we should do now?"

"It's better to directly post a post to fight, or pretend to turn a blind eye."

Lin Feng replied immediately: "Just post a post to fight."

"After all, our Mengwang team itself is not weak, if we pretend to turn a blind eye, wouldn't it make others feel our ability.

Murong Yiyi also saw what everyone said, and she was actually very curious about this new team.

"I didn't expect that this freshman team would post a declaration of war."

"I was really surprised."

Lin Feng chuckled lightly and said.

"That's normal too."

"Actually, it also shows that this freshman team is completely aimed at our Mengwang team.

...... Seeking flowers 0

"It is estimated that this new team, as you said, should be secretly united by those guilds that I eliminated."

Seeing that Lin Feng still looked so calm, Murong Yiyi probably had a plan to deal with it in her heart.

"Then which guild do you think wants to defeat you the most?"

Lin Feng didn't need to think too much, the first thing he thought of was Hot Pot City.

When I destroyed the whole hot pot city by myself, hot pot with red wine also regarded me as a thorn in my side and a thorn in my flesh.

There must be hot pot and red wine in the new team's plan this time.

I can't guess the rest. After all, there are so many guilds that are eyeing him now, maybe they all join forces together.

"It's nothing more than the first hot pot city."

"What else can it be?"

Murong Yiyi smiled, she didn't expect Lin Feng to coincide with her thoughts so easily.

"I really didn't expect that our ideas would coincide so quickly.

"Thinking about this hot pot paired with red wine, I guess it's because I still have a grudge against you."


"This hot pot pairing with red wine is really too narrow-minded. It is obvious that my ability is not as strong as yours. After being killed by you, I will hold grudges against you. I am speechless towards this kind of person.

Lin Feng smiled without saying a word.

After all, before I came here, many people wanted to join this hot pot guild, and hot pot with red wine was naturally a big boss in many people's minds.

But since I came here, many people no longer join their hot pot city, and their own interests have been affected. After making troubles many times, they have reached their own status without playing, so I put this hatred on on himself.

Soon they also arrived at the entrance of Tianheng Hotel.

Murong Yiyi and Lin Feng got out of the car together.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women has also attracted the attention of many people.

Murong Yiyi's appearance itself can be regarded as an existence with more than enough hatred for the country and the city. Standing with Lin Feng, not only is there no support, but it seems that the two of them have the feeling of a golden boy and a beautiful girl who have been in peace for a long time.

There are many bosses in Tianheng Hotel who like to come here.

Many famous nobles like to have breakfast this time.

Although Tianheng Hotel is not considered the top hotel in this city, it can be regarded as the top in terms of quality!

This is also the reason why Tianheng Hotel has been able to attract many customers and retain many customers.

Moreover, the owner of this Tianheng Hotel is also a top-notch figure. Under the charisma of the character, all operations will be relatively stable naturally.

Many tall, rich and handsome eyes were looking at Murong Yiyi who was beside Lin Feng, their eyes almost went straight.

The rich lady who came over kept her gaze fixed on Lin Feng's face.

All the tall, rich, handsome and rich ladies are nothing more than that under the pressure of Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi's appearance.

"Oh my god, this beauty's looks are good! She can score 1 point completely!"

"Which family is this beauty? She looks so good-looking, but unfortunately, she has a boyfriend. Otherwise, I must take this woman down."

"Beauty is indeed an existence that people can't stop. One look at it and feel that the whole life and the atmosphere of the presence have become different."

"I think the handsome guy standing next to her is also very good-looking."


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