A white light descended from the sky, and a player wearing golden armor appeared in the battle field.

Facing Lin Feng who was already fully prepared for a massacre at this moment.

"Welcome player Xiao Sansan to enter the world's number one martial arts tournament, one-man battle!"

"Information from both parties."

Xiao Sansan saw that the opponent he was facing turned out to be Lin Feng, his eyes were full of helplessness and abandonment.

"Hey, I didn't expect that I would be so unlucky today that I would run into the big boss Mengwang all of a sudden.

"I thought I would always win. It seems that fate is unfair to me."

After Lin Feng looked at Xiao Sansan's information, a slight smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and he immediately summoned the Archangel Sword in his hand.

"The game will start soon, please make complete preparations.

"Time is counting down."




"Game start!"

Xiao Sansan looked at Lin Feng in front of him and took a deep breath in order to kill him instantly.

He already knew that if he fought with him, there would be no chance of winning at all.

So he had already invested in his heart, standing still and facing Lin Feng who was about to make a move.

"Brother Meng Wang, I won't fight this battle with you, you are too powerful, and I have no chance of winning against you, so I won't delay your time.

Lin Feng listened to what he said and nodded. He has to say that the players who are playing against him are becoming more and more self-aware.

But this also made him lose a lot of fun in this World Martial Arts Conference.

"Okay, then I'll

He didn't say the last words, the player Xiao Sansan watched Lin Feng swing the Archangel Sword in his hand, and understood what he didn't say later.

I saw Lin Feng waving the Archangel Sword in his hand in the air, and the wind blew around quickly, blowing his white clothes fluttering, like a fairy descending from the earth.

A powerful force also covered the surroundings, and he suddenly made a posture of supporting the sky, and the sword of the archangel in his hand pointed directly at the sky.

Immediately, he released his skill at Xiao Sansan, the guardian angel cross cut.


Two sword lights flashed across the air, and with terrifying power, they directly approached Xiao Sansan who was standing there.

The two sword lights hit him steadily, and his blood volume was instantly reduced to dregs.


This battle was over within 5 minutes. In fact, in terms of battle, it was less than two minutes.

The announcement of the game system also rang.

"Congratulations to the player Meng Wang, who wins and will be rewarded with a little victory point.

"Do you want to continue the game?"


I saw Xiao Sansan leaving the battle field.

Now everyone has seen Lin Feng's skills clearly, and also knows when facing these players.

Every battle will be controlled by him within a few minutes, so they don't seem as excited as watching Lin Feng fight for the first time.

The second battle came soon after. Lin Feng held the sword of the archangel and faced the players who had not yet arrived, with a murderous look flashing through his life.

The players in the second game came to the battlefield, and the information of both sides was displayed on the electronic board again. Lin Feng didn't even look at his personal information.

Seeing Lin Feng looking down on him so much, the player suddenly felt as if someone had stabbed him with a needle.

"This time I must defeat you, and I am no longer the one who was abused by you before."

Listening to what he said, Lin Feng frowned...

He really couldn't remember what happened between himself and this person.

But judging by the way he treats death like home, it is estimated that he has abused him at some point.

But there are too many people who have been abused by him, and he is not one of them at all, so alas, there is no way to abuse him only once.

"The game is about to start, and the time is counting down."


All the audience looked at the player who summoned a golden bow and arrow and pointed it at Lin Feng, and suddenly their eyes lit up.

"Do you think there will be any miracles in this battle? But I look at them and it seems that there are no miracles, but I think this player must be more powerful than the last player, but the last player is more powerful Self-knowledge."

"There's no need to think about miracles, he won't have miracles, but if it comes to how long he can last on this battlefield, this can be speculated."

"That's right, that's right, I think it's the same. At least now, his whole attitude is indeed better for the first player he faced just now. I'm also more curious, how long can he stand here?"

"It is estimated that as long as the big boss Mengwang doesn't use any big moves, he should be able to stand for three or four minutes, but if the big boss Mengwang directly uses any big moves, then I can't even come out, and it will only take a few seconds It's time."

"You guys look down on him too much. I guess he can last at least 5 minutes. After all, seeing his confident eyes and expression, I feel that he didn't do much training in normal times. I'm afraid this time In order to fight against the cute king!"

"I believe this, but I think the boss Mengwang seems to be in a hurry now, so thinking about it, he will definitely not let this person go casually, and then just to fight with him casually."

The players picked up their bows and arrows, and began to continuously shoot a rain of arrows in the direction of Lin Feng.

The entire void was covered by the long arrows it fired, and it seemed that it was waiting to capture Lin Feng with all the long arrows.

In Lin Feng's eyes, the rain of swords and arrows all over the sky was nothing more than a drizzle, and these long arrows were just a matter of one move to him.

However, seeing the player in front of him so serious about fighting against him, he admired his determination.

After all, for so long, he has indeed met many people who don't take battle seriously, and people who give up the game when they see a strong one.

Shhhhhh․ ......

All the long arrows pierced through the wind and pierced towards Lin Feng's body at high speed, so fast that they left only phantoms in everyone's eyes.

Lin Feng looked at all the arrows raining on him, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the sword of the Archangel in his hand suddenly launched another attack.

……… Ask for flowers……

Guardian Angel strikes back!

A sword fell with a beam of light that radiated directly from the Archangel Sword in Lin Feng's hand, attacking the rain of arrows piercing him.

The player looked at the attack he launched with confidence in his eyes. He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

He also spent a lot of time learning this move, and I only hope that all his efforts will not come to naught this time.

Although I don't know that Meng Wang is very powerful, but the strength is the strength, he still divides his strength very much, he will not be like others, only knows how to worship, and is afraid when he sees people


All the arrow feathers split with the sword light, and a ray of light flashed in the void, making a huge shocking sound.

A black force went completely towards the surroundings, enveloping the entire mid-air, as if the entire sky was about to fall down in the next second.

Seeing this, Lin Feng stared blankly at the player's body with the Archangel Sword Ye in his hand and struck again.

He doesn't have any time to play with him now, he is in a hurry now.

He can catch one of his own attacks, which is pretty good, but there is still a big gap between the player's strength and defense and his own.


A line of blood appeared on the player's body.


Once again, the sword rain that was left in the air dissipated into the air because the player had no HP.

All the audience also began to talk about the time of their game.

"Oh, it seems like three minutes. I feel like I'm letting others do it. If it's a minute at most, maybe Mengwang thinks that he can meet someone who really wants to fight and really wants to fight." It is a great fortune to watch heavy people in every battle."

"I don't understand, I don't understand. After all, I don't have the strength of Mengwang, nor the strength of the player he is facing now. I see that player is really powerful, and can withstand the blow of Mengwang."

"This is not a simple matter. I have seen all the players who have fought with Meng Wang on the topic say that the attack launched by Meng Wang is so powerful that they can't catch it. The power is too strong."

"I only remembered it if you didn't say it. It seems that I have seen such a topic at the time. I remember that it seems to be quite popular. Although I have never fought against the King of Meng, I am also looking forward to fighting with the King of Meng once. , but I don't know what kind of moves he will use to instantly kill me.

"Can you have a little confidence, how can you have the mentality of defeating others? Why have you thought about yourself before you even fight? What kind of moves will you be killed by others? If you always think the same , Then don’t win if everyone wins, you even lost at the beginning.

"No way, if you are watching other people's battles, I can still fight a little chicken blood, but the problem is that you are watching the battles of Meng Wang, how powerful Meng Wang is

you do not know?"

"I don't have any desire to survive, and I don't have any existence. I really don't know how you get here in normal times. Haven't you met someone who is stronger? Can you have a little bit of respect for yourself? confidence?"


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