National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 411 Murong Wuwu's Call

Lin Feng looked at all the news and everyone's comments below the post, in fact, he didn't even need to read to guess what they were talking about.

It is estimated that the current trend will not stop until after the end of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference.

The freshman team and their team's PK and hot topics will only be diverted to other places after the end.

Calculating that there are only two days left before the end of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference.

The day after tomorrow is the final battle!

However, whether Li Qianqian can catch up with this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is really a question.

After closing the topic, Li Qianqian came to his side and said to Lin Feng with a flushed face.

"I'm sorry!"

"Just now I have something to do, so I answered a call... I really asked you to wait for me if I didn't arrive in time... I'm really sorry..."

Li Qianqian said with embarrassment.

Thinking that I let the boss wait for me, hey, hey... If the boss is angry, wouldn't it be digging a hole for himself by taking me?

Lin Feng didn't take this kind of trivial matter to heart either, seeing that he was so anxious, he said with a smile.


"I just happened to deal with some things, so don't think too much about it."

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't take her lateness to heart, Li Qianqian didn't say anything more.

Suddenly remembered something and asked quickly.

"That's right, that's right, Mr. Meng Wang, can I gossip about a little bit about you?"

"I actually watched a lot of your melons tonight when I was eating melons on 26, so I just..."

Lin Feng looked at her curious look, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Li Qianqian nodded heavily!

I really don't gossip usually, but I don't know when I started to be very curious about the matter of Meng Wang.

Naturally, when I met him, I had such a good opportunity to know what I could know, why didn't I ask him?

If you don't ask, you miss such a good opportunity, and you don't have any answers when you think about it in the future, and you will definitely spend all kinds of energy thinking about it.

So I still take advantage of the present time to say hello, how can I be worthy of the time and energy I have spent if I eat something like melon, if I don’t eat the whole thing.

Lin Feng looked at her with a curious light in his eyes, and he could imagine what was in this little girl's mind...

Alas... also helpless...

Does this girl like to eat all kinds of melons?

Looking at her current appearance, I can't help thinking of her as the Murong Sisi and the others I met tonight.

Now the two of them look exactly the same, I guess most girls like to gossip...

Thinking about it this way really...

However, Murong Wuwu should be regarded as the one who doesn't like gossip among the girls he has met.

I don't know where Murong Wuwu is playing now. I saw her online all the time, but I didn't see her coming to find me. In the past, as long as I was there, she would be by my side. I didn't expect that now... ..

But well, well...

At least now I have time to do other things.

However, at this moment, Murong Wuwu was also silently flipping through the words of all the people in the topic, pouted, with a straight face, looking unhappy.

It's the last thing she likes to watch. Meng Wang is compared by everyone, those who support her, she thinks these people have good vision, but she sees those who support the new team.

There was an inexplicable sense of anger in her heart ready to be released at any time, and this feeling also made her feel a little at a loss, because it had been so long.

For the first time, she felt that seeing someone who was important to her was said to be a particularly important thing for her, but she was powerless.

She can't think of any way to help Lin Feng and the others now, but think about it carefully.

In fact, according to the ratio of the current freshman team and their team winning the championship of this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, I suddenly feel that these things are trivial.

But there was a hurdle in her heart, which made her feel a little sorry.

In addition, there are still people helping the freshman team, can't they see that Suicune is the one who was hired?

Simply blind.

She saw that she was getting more annoyed in her heart, but she didn't know what to do, so she immediately asked Murong Yiyi.

For her, among the five sisters, Murong Yiyi is also the most powerful.

"Yiyi, you said this matter, how can I help him? Now everyone is talking about the freshman team, and now I have never even seen the shadow of the freshman team. I can't think of any method can help him.

Murong Yiyi saw that Murong Wuwu was in such a hurry, so she naturally knew what her sister was thinking. The only thing that made her so anxious was someone who was very important to her.

She doesn't seem to be so anxious when she has an accident, alas, she really values ​​sex over friends.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of my affairs. I haven't said anything yet to Meng Wangdu."

"Besides, you can only PK with other freshmen teams for things like him. After the results come out, such topics will naturally pass away."

"You don't have to think too much. It's good for both of you to help others without thinking about it, although the enthusiasm of others is quite high."

Murong Wuwu looked at what Murong Yiyi said to herself, and there was indeed some truth in it, but she felt sorry in her heart, and sent a message to Murong Yiyi sullenly, but she was a little upset in her heart.

After seeing some people scolding them for being too busy, Meng Wang Mingming replied Murong Yiyi so well.

"Why are you scolding him? Do you want to scold him back now? I really feel very upset when I look at it."

Murong Yiyi also clearly understands, now there is no doubt about what I feel in my heart.

However, he did not express all of Murong Wuwu's feelings.

After all, thinking about what happened between me and Lin Feng tonight, I don't know why I feel a little bit surprised by him.

And thinking that he has been protecting himself tonight, and that he is the only man who has been protecting himself for so many years, he will naturally feel an inexplicable emotion in his heart.


Murong Wuwu saw that Murong Yiyi hadn't replied to her, so she immediately went to Murong Sisi to ask her questions, anyway, she would be angry tonight no matter what.

Those who talk about the cute king, otherwise he would be anxious that she would be unhappy.

"Is Sisi there?"

"What are you doing? I have something to tell you."

After Murong Sisi received the game information from Murong Wuwu, she remembered what Lin Feng told her tonight, and immediately told Murong Wuwu.

"I just happened to be here, and I just wanted to tell you something."

"But I think you are in a hurry. If you are too anxious, you can talk about it first."

Murong Wuwu frowned, and immediately told Murong Sisi all her thoughts.

Murong Sisi also immediately came to a conclusion for Murong Wuwu.

"I think it is necessary for you to speak out all your thoughts. When you see those who are unhappy, you will hate them. If you are wrong, you will feel unhappy in your heart."

Looking at these words, Murong Wuwu also felt that this was indeed the case.

"Then what are you going to tell me tonight?"

Murong Sisi said immediately.

"Oh, I saw Lin Feng and Yiyi staying together tonight, didn't you feel very surprised, and I also heard Lin Feng said that the two of them went to the class reunion together today, so I was curious, what happened to the two of them Will 533 know the same classmates?"

When Murong Wuwu originally wanted to fight back against those people, when she saw what Murong Sisi said to herself, her frown became more stable.

"What the hell?"

"Impossible, how could Yiyi and Lin Feng have acquaintances, Lin Feng and I are classmates, okay? Besides, they are not from the same school, how could they have acquaintances?"

In addition, she also knew that with Murong Yiyi's temperament, it was absolutely impossible for a casual boy to go out for so long and still go to a class reunion.

The two of them must have other things to do when they went out, and then thinking that it was mainly because of Lin Feng's inexplicable jealousy welling up in his heart.

Didn't expect Lin Feng to hide it from him!

An inexplicable mmp appeared in my heart!

Immediately called Lin Feng.

Just when Lin Feng was going to take Li Qianqian with her. While brushing copies in other places, the phone rang at this time, and the sound of the game also rang in my mind.

Watching Murong Wuwu call herself, Lin Feng immediately told Li Qianqian, and answered the call after a while.

"What's wrong?" Lin Feng asked.

But he has also guessed that the call Murong Wuwu called him may be related to other things, think about what else he could have told Murong Sisi.

"No, I heard something Sisi told me today, so I came to ask you out of curiosity."

"What's the relationship between you and Yiyi? Don't think I don't know Yiyi."

"He is not very good at taking his friends to meet his classmates. I didn't expect you to go to a class reunion with him today. How could you have classmates you know?"

For some reason, Lin Feng heard a strong sour feeling in what she said.

But it's really the same as what he thought, he came to him for no reason, and he really asked himself this matter.

"No, there are just some things today."

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