National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 417: The Freshman Team's Mengdao Schoolgirl

The Meng Tao scholar was still frightened by Lin Feng in front of him, and couldn't help swallowing.

I don't know why, although everyone is still not fighting, but this person really has a frightening power......

think about

Now that I have met them, it would be too embarrassing to leave.

Since these are fates, if they escape, what they will lose is the mysterious new team with mysterious strength in the eyes of everyone.

If they leave, the sense of mystery they have been creating will collapse to the extreme!

If they lost on the last day of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, then they could only be regarded as losing to a team stronger than themselves.

"Captain? Are we going to go up or not? The one we met is really Meng Wang."

"That's right... Captain... Although I did say that we are not afraid of him, but I just feel that this cute king is really powerful."

"Look at what you've become one by one? Think about it with your brain, please, didn't you just say that if you meet Meng Wang, you will kill him instantly?"

The vice-captain of the freshman team, Xuemei Mengdao, couldn't stand it anymore.

Her gaze was fixed on Lin Feng at this moment with a bit of coldness.

It seems that for her now, as long as she kills the man in front of her in an instant, their team will also become famous.

Moreover, I have been constantly brushing up dungeons and practicing how to kill wild monsters directly with one move, that is, to be able to kill the strongest in seconds.

Now it happens.

If you don't, you are really sorry for all the hard work you have put in all the time.

"team leader!"

"I think we have to go!"

"Otherwise, our freshman team's name, which we managed to gain, will be dragged down by our small choice this time."

The Meng Dao scholar also felt that his vice-captain was right.

"I feel so too."

"After all, we have all been waiting for a day for a long time."

"We just met earlier this time."

"If we can beat all the stops like this, then we don't have to be afraid of the world's number one martial arts tournament that day.

"At that time, our number one will be proper."

The other team members also looked at each other a little bit afraid, and there was still some


Lin Feng watched their freshman team chattering all the time, and said indifferently.

"How are you all thinking?"

"I'm bored to death standing here by myself.

"Anyway, if you fight now, if you fight in a few days, the result will be the same.

Xuemei Mengdao was also a little furious when she heard this sentence.

What she hates the most is that others are talking in such a demeaning tone now!


"I come!"

The voice fell!

In an instant, Junior Mengdao turned into a ray of white light and shuttled in front of Lin Feng.

I saw her long hair fluttering in the air along with her body...

Wearing a very simple white dress in ancient costume, the white gauze on the dress danced with the air.

Her facial features are pretty, very delicate and flawless, a pair of red phoenix eyes, and the pupils of the eyes are also pale white.

Coincidentally, at this moment, her eyes were emitting pale white light, which happened to form a huge contrast with her face, which made her look a little weird.

The Meng Dao scholar saw that the current Meng Dao school girl was already in bed, and darkened his eyes.

"Did you see`~?"

"This is what our freshman team wants."

"You are one by one, but as long as you have half of the family, you can't be just team members.

All the team members were silent when they heard what Mengdao Scholar said, silently watching the battle between Mengdao Xuemei and Lin Feng.

Among them, it is also to see how powerful this cute king is.

I just heard others say that he is powerful, but I never really know how powerful he is.

I saw a one-meter-long ax instantly summoned in the hands of Mengdao Xuemei.

The ax was surrounded by streaks of black light, forming iron chains to surround it all.

The ax quickly struck Lin Feng's head.

Axe Mang just flashed by in the air for a second.

Lin Feng quickly dodged to the back, just happened to be only a few centimeters away, dodging the long ax in the hand of this cute schoolgirl.

Steadily continued to stand upright, looking at Xuemei Mengdao in front of him.

"Good speed."

It has to be said that the players of this freshman team do have some strength.

After such a long time, this is the only player I have ever encountered with such a fast speed.

Not bad.

No wonder, they were able to go up overnight, after all, those players are indeed not very good.

It can also be seen that the players of this freshman team must have undergone special training for a long time.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to do so fast.

As if all of this is a team organized by someone behind the scenes, the main purpose is to surpass him.

Thinking about it this way...

It seems that among so many players he has fought against, only Hot Pot City hates him the most.

Think about it, back then they were a guild known to many people, but in the end they were killed by a single person and killed the entire city......

Indeed, if you were someone else, you would definitely remember yourself for the rest of your life.

Therefore, this team must be one of the creations of the hot pot city guild leader.

Why just one of the...

It's just that he feels that the IQ and combat effectiveness of the president of the Hot Pot City Guild are not enough to teach such a powerful team.

Junior Mengdao's eyes quickly fell on Lin Feng in front of her again, and the long ax in her hand also spun quickly.

I saw that the long ax in her hand glowed with golden light, enveloping the entire space.

The ax golden glow skill activates!

Cut and pass!

Lin Feng frowned slightly, he didn't expect this cute junior to react so quickly.

The sword of the Archangel in his hand also began to swing rapidly!

Skills radiate out!

Guardian Angel strikes back!

A ten-meter-long sword light appeared from the air, and it slashed past!


The two attacks collided suddenly!

bang bang bang bang!

A sewer dungeon is covered by this sound!

A powerful crackling sound filled the entire space.

Li Qianqian turned her head and saw Lin Feng making such a big noise with the other party, she was also very moved in her heart.

Unexpectedly, he would actually argue with others like this in order to protect himself!

It seems that I also need to work hard!

The mouse monsters also rushed over again at this time, and now they seem to be driven into a state of rage by Li Qianqian!

The gray hair on his body is also completely different from when he first started.

The gray hairs on all the mouse monsters were covered by red light at this moment, and gradually the flames burned their whole bodies.

Ordinary mouse monsters have evolved into mouse monsters capable of resisting fire at this time.

Li Qianqian took a deep breath, and saw that the five mouse monsters began to spit many fireballs on Li Qianqian crazily.

bang bang bang bang!

Li Qianqian quickly started to escape towards her side...

Seeing so many fireballs following him behind his buttocks, his whole body felt bad, and he started to run fast.


Originally, she wanted to seize a small opportunity like just now and kill the opponent instantly, but she didn't expect that these five loyal mouse monsters would not give her a chance to breathe at all.

"Oh my god......"

"Boss Meng Wang, these mouse monsters are really too strong!"

"I never had a chance to raid them!"

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Li Qianqian who was being chased by the five mouse monsters, feeling helpless in his heart.

At this moment, the cute school girl also seized the opportunity, and when she saw Lin Feng turning around, she immediately swung the long ax again!

Unleash your most powerful skills!

Long Axe!

I saw the long ax flying in the air, transforming into many identical axes, and chopping down on Lin Feng's position.

I saw that the sword of the Archangel in Lin Feng's hand was also dancing quickly.

The entire void was also burned with many flames by the Archangel sword in his hand!

Two different skills explode!

The power of steel!

Patron Saint Hammer!

A shield glowing green appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Blocked five of the long axes of Mengdao Xuemei!


I saw that the five long axes cast all their power on the shield in front of Lin Feng, but they were directly bounced back by the shield (Zhao Le's).


The five long axes turned into black light and disappeared into the void.

The shield formed by the power of steel also disappeared.

A huge golden hammer appeared on the head of Mengdao Xuemei, the next second!

Hit her hard on the head!

Seeing this, Junior Mengdao immediately dodged aside.


Unexpectedly, she avoided his attack.

Lin Feng also looked at the player in front of him with admiration.

I thought their freshman team was just some lucky teams, and they were able to get the first place just by relying on victory points.

I have to say that looking at their fighting power really gave him some surprises.

I didn't expect a mere deputy captain to be so fast, and their captain's strength would definitely not be any worse.

It's really boring to keep beating those who are much weaker than yourself.

Now I have finally met a team that is stronger than those, and it has indeed aroused my interest.

However, since it is not the duel of the world's number one martial arts conference, and it is still in the dungeon, there is no need for him to procrastinate.

After all, delaying for a little time will also make Li Qianqian's experience, equipment, and gold coins much less.


His brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes were focused on the Yindao school girl in front of him. .

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