The blood bars of all the remaining players have turned gray.

I had no choice but to lean on the side silently and look at my captain Mengdao Scholar and deputy captain Mengdao Xuemei.

The two quickly approached Lin Feng.

A golden long-feathered bow and arrow appeared in the hands of the Meng Dao scholar, aiming at Lin Feng instantly.

Seeing her captain, Meng Dao Xuemei was also ready, and in an instant, she was also ready for her most powerful blow.

"team leader!"

"Let me assist you!"

"This time, we must defeat him!"

"Otherwise, we will definitely not be able to get through this dungeon of the sewer."

The Meng Dao scholar nodded when he heard what his vice-captain said. After all, the most important thing right now is to defeat the Meng-Wang in front of him.

If they can't even fight Meng Wang, it is estimated that they don't even have to fight in this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference.

Lin Feng frowned as he looked at the two players, Meng Dao Scholar and Meng Dao Xuemei, who were preparing to join forces.

Looking at the skills that the two of them radiated just now, I have to say that the cooperation between the two players in front of me is indeed a very good choice.

This is also something that few players can think of.

Most of the players are thinking about improving their abilities alone to carry out PK.

However, if it is just to improve a skill, etc., it will definitely be worse.

At times like these, cooperation is a must.

If the cooperation is good, it can completely make up for the shortcomings of the other party.

The members of the freshman team looked at their captain and vice-captain, and they were all ready to launch the combined move they had been practicing for this world's number one martial arts tournament, and the three of them began to discuss.

"You say, will our captain and vice-captain have a chance to defeat Mengwang this time? I've always heard that this Mengwang is really amazing..."

"I think there must be a chance, but I don't know how big the chance is. However, I feel that there is no need for the vice-captain and captain to unleash their most powerful moves at this moment."

"Could it be that the captain and the vice-captain, if they launch the ultimate move so quickly this time, what should we do if they are directly broken by the cute king so quickly? Then what should we do during the world's number one martial arts conference?"

At this time, the Meng Dao scholar and the Meng Dao schoolgirl never thought that the moves should be released at the most important time!

Lin Feng heard what the freshman team members said, and suddenly felt that these two people were really stupid.

But, if you think about it carefully, it's the same for others whether they activate or not activate...

Unless they aimed this combined move at their other team members, they might have a chance to instantly kill them.

However, if you put it on yourself, there is no chance at all.

However, such a good opportunity was wasted in vain.

Li Qianqian hurriedly came to Lin Feng's side and asked.

"Meng Wang, what can I do for you now?"

"After I didn't kill those rat monsters just now, I have indeed been promoted to a level."

Lin Feng said to Li Qianqian seriously: "No."

"You just need to pass this copy of the sewer in an hour."

The sound of the game system also rang at this time.

"The teleportation array of the third level has been opened, please continue to set off.

I saw that the new teleportation array not far ahead had also been opened.

Li Qianqian looked at Lin Feng who was about to fight against two players alone, and felt inexplicably worried for a while.

"I really don't need it, what can I do for you?"

"There are two of them. Although I may indeed not be as powerful as them, I think my defense is definitely not weaker than theirs!"

Lin Feng silently rolled his eyes at Li Qianqian, he was really helpless towards her.

"You only have one hour now."

"This dungeon of the sewer has a total of nine levels, and now you have only passed the third level.

"Do you think that according to your strength, you can pass the difficulty within an hour?"

Li Qianqian heard this, after thinking for a while, she also found that she really did not have any ability to help him

Moreover, maybe if I help him, I will find something important for him instead.


Thinking that this is a sewer, and thinking about it, the monsters that come out of each level are different, what if a scary one comes out.........

For example, cockroaches or something...

"Actually......Actually, Mr. Meng Wang, I feel that without you, I really dare not go by myself..."

Lin Feng was really speechless for Li Qianqian.

But looking at him like this, he could probably guess Li Qianqian.

What's in my mind? Well, it seems that I still have to deal with these people in front of me quickly.

"If that's the case, then I'll get rid of those players who are staring at me first."

"You also know, otherwise, you won't have time later."

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Li Qianqian also felt that it was true, after all, if her own strength slowed down a bit.

That will have to happen this time.

The dungeon of the sewer must not only take an hour, but it is estimated to take a full two hours.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

I saw Li Qianqian walked into the teleportation array, and soon a ray of light disappeared here. The other freshman team members were stunned seeing this situation, and hurriedly asked behind the cute scholar.

"The captain, the captain, has already entered the third level. If we don't go in and hunt monsters, we will definitely not be able to pass this sewer dungeon [What should we do?


"That's right, Captain, if we don't go now, our equipment will be taken away."

"Are you all stupid? The captain and vice-captain are fighting against the cute king, and there is no time to grab those."

"However, I see that the player just now doesn't seem to have very good attack ability, so it is estimated that it will take less than an hour. He probably won't be able to pass this sewer dungeon, and he will probably be killed by the monsters inside."

Xuemei Mengdao said quickly when she heard this.

"Can you three stop talking nonsense here, you really know how to talk nonsense every day, can you think about other things when you have time?"

……ask for flowers…

After speaking, Mengdao Xuemei slashed at Lin Feng's waist, but she didn't expect Lin Feng to dodge with a slight waist, she simply attacked.

"Captain, we don't have a chance at all now, what should we do if we can get rid of this person in front of us quickly? And I think this person seems to be really powerful.

The Meng Dao scholar said with emotion: "Indeed, now we can only defeat him by surprise attack.

Meng Dao Xuemei heard that Meng Dao scholars are going to use the surprise attack method so soon. This fighting method is something they have learned for so long. They never thought that they would use it now, and they still feel a little bit unwilling in their hearts. .

"Captain, otherwise, we should wait for the next time to use this method. Otherwise, I think we may fail in the world's number one martial arts tournament. Now we must focus on the overall situation."

The Mengdao scholar turned his head, in fact, he also knew in his heart that what the Mengdao Xuemei said was indeed true.

If only they used up their cards so quickly.


This will let the Meng Wang in front of him know how strong they are now.

But there is no other way, now they can only quickly defeat him first, if they run away, it must have created a bad influence on themselves.

"Then we don't have any other way to proceed now, now we have to quickly take down this person, and give it to me!"

Junior Mengdao let out a long sigh. Since it was her captain's decision, she definitely had no other way to say it.


Sister Mengdao turned the long ax in her hand into a bow and arrow glowing with black light, aimed at Lin Feng, and shot out many arrows raining with black light in its direction, Shuttle away to his body.

The entire mid-air was covered by the black bows and arrows, and they kept hitting Lin Feng one by one, thinking from his side, and the speed of passing Lin Feng became extremely fast.

People couldn't see clearly what he did in it, just a gust of wind passed by, and he had already returned to his original position.

These bows and arrows have all landed on the ground and disappeared, and none of the bows and arrows hit him.

At this time, the Meng Dao scholar was also ready, and turned into a sword light, which slashed towards Lin Feng's body and passed by.

next second!

Lin Feng still steadily dodged his slashing sword light, and just missed from his side.

They didn't expect their most proud blow to be staggered by Lin Feng, which also gave them a big blow to their confidence.

"What are we going to do now?"

"Captain, why don't we retreat first, after all, if we continue like this, all our strength will be known to others."

"When the time comes for the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, we won't have so many fighting methods.

Lin Feng listened to what Meng Dao, the vice-captain of the freshman team, had a disdainful smile on his lips. He had to say that this freshman team did have a little bit of talent.

But, they are still a bit messed up tactically, so I can pinpoint their flaws so quickly. .

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