National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 422 The Ninth Level Of The Sewer Dungeon

After Li Qianqian heard Lin Feng's encouragement to her, she also looked at it with a flattered look, remembering that he had also praised herself just now, and felt a great sense of satisfaction in her heart, and hurriedly asked Lin Feng.

"Then Meng Wang, do you really think that I have made great progress from the last time?"

"Can I really be on the list of the world's number one martial arts tournament this time?"

"I think if I don't make it, I will be ridiculed by many people. After all, I have been playing games for so long. Others think that I should be very good, but in fact I am not very good or weak at all."

Lin Feng chuckled, looking at Li Qianqian who sometimes still has no confidence in herself, said with a chuckle.

"Of course, what I said at any time has never been realized. I said it this time as long as you pass the dungeon of the underground sewer.

"You can definitely get on the list of the world's number one martial arts competition this time, but the premise is that you have to pass this hour and work hard."

"After all, your current victory point is still far behind the people on the current list."

Such recognition is really a great encouragement to her.

"Brother Meng Wang, I think I should do the next dungeon by myself. You watch me from behind. If I really can't do it, you can help me."

"I think I need to use my own strength to get all the things I want, not rely on others."

Lin Feng nodded, seeing that he also understood, and did not continue talking about this matter.

Just leaning back, watching silently, Li Qianqian who is now about to defeat these monsters single-handedly.

Hopefully she won't get cold feet like she usually does, and then turn around and tell herself she's scared.

But this time the freshman team probably won't let it go, and it will probably make a better move next time when I think it's time.

I have to be a passionate thing for myself.

At least for so long, I finally met someone who can. A team that is a little bit on par with him.

At this time, the freshman team members who had left the sewer dungeon, as well as the Mengdao scholars and Mengdao schoolgirls all returned to the main city.

They didn't expect that just a simple adjustment would cause them to lose a level.

"Captain, I told you a long time ago, we should have left earlier, otherwise we should not have dropped this level."

"Not only are we about to face the final duel at the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, but we also lost a level. How will we fight when the time comes?"

"That's right, Captain, what should we do now? This level of improvement class also takes such a long time, and we have used up all our last cards

"Captain, otherwise, let's use others and post some humble posts. Now the whole topic is being discussed...

"We and the Mengwang team are now at the second level. We were originally able to compete with them, but now we really can't compete with them. It is estimated that we will be ridiculed by the whole staff.

Listening to what they said, Junior Mengdao also felt that this was indeed the case.

But now she is even more angry because she didn't expect this cute baby to give them a death blow when they were about to leave. This is simply too despicable.

"In the next battle, I will definitely not let this cute king hit me, I must take revenge.

The Meng Dao scholar also frowned, thinking of the last blow that the Meng King gave him, he felt an inexplicable anger in his heart, and it gushed out!

I didn't expect that I would be attacked by others in the end!

What can't be said is that his speed at that time was indeed extremely fast. For him, this speed was actually unacceptable to him in the world's number one martial arts tournament.

"It seems that we don't need to continue special training these days, otherwise, according to our current progress, it is impossible to defeat the cute master."

"This time, if we hadn't just met Meng Wang and knew the opponent's strength in advance, in fact, if we continue to practice like this.....we really practiced wrong."

"The real focus we should be on is speed and attack."

"I also found that this cute king's defense ability is not very high. He always defends himself by avoiding the opponent's attack."

Meng Dao Xuemei also began to carefully recall the time when she fought against Meng Wang. I have to say that at that time, she indeed discovered this weakness of the other party.


His speed is really too fast!

Like the wind!

Although I can't say that my speed is the fastest, but after facing so many players, it is impossible for most people to compare my speed.

Unexpectedly, when facing Meng Wang, he could still be so comfortable with his full speed.


"But his speed is really too fast. Compared with him, although we have tried our best to improve."

"But...but it seems that it can't reach that level."

"Perhaps, captain... I feel that if we want to defeat the enemy now, what we need is to strengthen our own strength, especially the defense."

After the other team members heard it, they also felt that what Xuemei Mengdao said was indeed very reasonable.

However, it seems to feel a little mysterious.

All along, they had no idea about Meng Wang's strength.

This time fighting with Meng Wang, I was really surprised!

I didn't expect such a powerful character to exist.

It seems that no matter how we contact each other, there seems to be an insurmountable gap between us and him.

The gap is just too far...

"team leader......"

"I feel that our strength is actually not stable enough. It seems that compared with Meng Wang, we... are indeed far behind."

"Me too... I feel that this time, in addition to improving everything the vice-captain said, we also need to study some tactics that only we can use.

"That's right! Tactics! I also feel that tactics are very important! If there is no tactics, I feel that we will still lose this time."

The eyes of the Mengdao schoolgirl and the Mengdao scholar were completely locked together.

Suddenly, I also realized that it seems that now, tactical matters are indeed more important.

After all, there are ten people in their team, ten people standing, facing not only Mengwang alone, but also other members of Mengwang team.

If the other nine players can be killed now, there will be more chances for them to get the first place.

No matter how powerful a chopstick is, it will definitely break if you break it casually. A pair of chopsticks is different. Although the strength of a chopstick is not particularly outstanding, it may not be able to break if you break it.

"What you said is true."

"In the past few days, everyone can no longer be lazy. We must use ten times our strength to fight!"

Said all the players!

"Okay! We will all obey!"

I saw that the members of the freshman team dared to go to other places where they could train.

In the sewer instance.

This time, Lin Feng also saw the most serious side of Li Qianqian.

Now the two have reached the ninth level from the fifth level!

Now it's the last hurdle!

As long as he passes this last level, he can go back to participate in the ten-person stand with them with peace of mind.

At this time, Li Qianqian is also in a state of high combat effectiveness.

For the wild monsters she encountered along the way, she seemed to have lost the fear she had when she entered the dungeon of the sewer for the first time.

At this moment, her eyes became different from usual, full of murderous intent.

"Boss Meng Wang, I actually reached the last level with my own fighting power!"

"Now I have indeed upgraded to level 65!"

"If it weren't for you, I would probably be stuck at level 50."

Lin Feng listened to Li Qianqian's emotion and said with a smile.

"On weekdays, if you're bored to brush wild monsters and do quests, your level will soon catch up to everyone's.

"Okay, now you have to face your final battle well."

"As soon as this level is passed, your level is estimated to be 57-687.

The sound of the game system rang at this moment.

"Congratulations to the two players for successfully entering the ninth level."

"The remaining time is only 20 minutes."

"I also invite (the Wang Zhao) two players to continue their efforts."

Li Qianqian was stunned when she heard this, she never thought that there are only 20 minutes left now!


"Brother Mengwang, 20 minutes... Do you think I still have a chance?"

Lin Feng nodded. In fact, 20 minutes is a particularly sufficient time period for her current combat power.


"However, every attack you send must hit the monster."

Li Qianqian took a deep breath, and seriously looked at the teleportation array that was about to be opened in front of her.

It's the last checkpoint, and it's inevitable that there will still be a little nervousness in my heart.

"I will work hard."


A sound like a dragon's chant came from the teleportation array.

The bursts of shock made Li Qianqian's heart immediately alert.

I don't know why, but I always feel that the monsters in the ninth level are particularly scary.

I saw a gluttonous-looking monster with a sheep's body and a human face running out of the teleportation array for a full thirty or forty meters.

The whole body is particularly wide, in front of this boss.

Both Li Qianqian and Lin Feng looked very small.

Li Qianqian looked up at the boss in front of her, took a deep breath, and the dissatisfaction in her heart disappeared instantly. .

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