National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 428 The Enemy Meets, Extremely Jealous

Lin Feng saw that everyone had already reached the upper limit, and everyone was here, so he immediately sent a message.

"Since everyone has expired, I will announce a few things today. This time, the opponents we will meet will be even more powerful than those we have met before."

"After all, this is the last battle of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, so everyone must fight seriously. Every decision made today will be the result of tomorrow."

"Is everyone OK?"

Everyone said happily.

"Okay!" Qingqing Grassland said.

"Don't worry! We must win!" Li Yuan said.

"Of course, our Meng Wang has always understood that other teams are so good, how could they be easily avoided by others, so you don't have to worry about Meng Wang." Murong Sisi said.

Murong Wuwu also sent a message at this time.

"Don't worry, Mr. Meng Wang, this time we will definitely not let him go easily. After all, this is also the final battle, and everyone wants to win. How could we not be serious?"

Lin Feng saw that everyone said these things, so he didn't say anything more, but just told everyone in a hurry.

"Let's all stay after this decisive battle. After all, the decisive battle will be tomorrow. Before tomorrow comes, I need to teach you some moves to fight against. Tomorrow's freshman team."

All the team members also raised a big question mark, none of them thought that Lin Feng would let them stay.

Or to say how to deal with this strategy of the freshman team, someday they don't even know what to say.

"Brother Meng Wang, have you seen the new 347 freshman team? Didn't you say that this freshman team is just a small team? I think if it's just a small team, we don't need to take it. Take the time to talk about this new team?"

"Yeah, I also think that this freshman team is actually not very good. Although they have been marketing this character design all the time, I always feel that it is not real at all. We are not as good as us, and no matter how the freshman team Nothing can compare to ours."

"That's right, that's right, the freshman team can't be better than ours. I think Captain Mengwang is just doing one more round. This freshman team is doing well every day. I haven't seen him yet. Just now I kept thinking that maybe I could see the confrontation between the freshman team and other teams, but I didn't expect to see a loneliness.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, Captain Mengwang will leave these small things to us. Besides, the new team is just a freshman team. After they have passed their limelight and defeated them tomorrow, we will naturally have confidence. gone."

Lin Feng sees that everyone still doesn't know about the new team, so it seems that he needs to focus on their team, although their team is indeed no match for his own combat power.

But if other team members fight against them, their moves are all inferior to others.

In this matchup of the world's number one martial arts conference, he still wants everyone to rely on their own strength to crush their opponents and win the first place instead of relying on this method to win.

"Today I met the freshman team, their moves and team skills, (cgch) is indeed beyond your current ability, so this time I let you stay, I also want to teach you about these teams Some of the skills and some skills in the moves."

Everyone was stunned after seeing what Lin Feng said. They thought that this new team was just talking on paper. Netease didn't expect it to be so powerful.

"Really? Is it really that powerful? I don't think there are any videos or materials about the freshman teams' battles, so... I didn't care too much about this team, but put this team as a..."

"That's right, this is the first time I've seen Captain Meng Wang say that a team is great. It's been so long, but I didn't expect this freshman team to be pretty good. I thought it was just a junk thing, but I didn't expect that I have a room again A desire to intimidate others."

"That's right, I didn't expect what Captain Mengwang said, alas, it seems that everyone will have a good battle this time, and it is no longer easy to fly a kite for Captain Mengwang."

Lin Feng immediately replied.

"Then everyone stay here later, now the time is up, let's enter the ten-man battle of the world's number one martial arts tournament together!"

Only 10 people appeared at the place where they entered the world's number one martial arts conference.

Now the surrounding area is also surrounded by members of many teams, it seems that the appeal this time is indeed quite large.

When the other players saw the arrival of the Mengwang team, they started booing every minute.

"I didn't expect the Mengwang team to come so soon. I thought the Mengwang team didn't come so soon. It seems that the Mengwang team is indeed very powerful!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that the Mengwang team is really powerful. I haven't seen it before, but now I see it, it's pretty good."

"Hey, do you know how to talk? I didn't realize what the Mengwang team is before. Their team has always been very good, okay? Really, it's just because you haven't played against them before. You If it was true, he would have been beaten bloody."

"Forget it, I originally wanted to participate in this World Martial Arts Conference. I will fight on the last day. I think it's better to participate in other things. I feel that it is impossible to win in a place where the Mengwang team is there. It’s still a second move, forget it.”

"I didn't expect so many people to give up when they saw the arrival of the Mengwang team. Doesn't anyone really want to fight against the Mengwang team? I think this team outside the gate may not be as good as our team after training. That's great."

"Oh, anyway, today is the duel between the great master and the great master, and tomorrow is the duel between the first and second place. Anyway, I mainly watch the macho team. I am not optimistic about the freshman team at all. I didn't expect the freshman team Not yet."

At this time, in the teleportation formation, 10 people from the Seven Dragon Palace had also arrived in front of the gate of the World Martial Arts Conference.

Zhou Chao looked at the president of Seven Dragon Hall, raised a faint smile and said to him.

"I didn't expect to meet you at this very moment today by such a coincidence."

The president of the Seven Dragon Hall said: "That's right, I didn't expect that we were a coincidence today. It seems that we will inevitably have a battle later."

"I think your team members seem to be ready, this time we Seven Dragon Palace will not lose to you again."

Lin Feng raised the corners of his mouth and said lightly.

"Don't worry, we will never lose to you this time, and everyone will go all out.

Zilong, a member of the Seven Dragon Palace, looked at Lin Feng with love in his eyes and said like a little girl.

"Wow, I didn't expect to see Meng Wang this time. After your guidance last time, I went back and practiced the moves. I feel that I have made great progress.

"Me too! Thank you Meng Wang, otherwise, I feel that I will never improve. This time, we will not make mistakes like last time. This time, we must defeat you in Seven Dragon Palace !” said the little milk dragon proudly.

Heilong smiled and said: "Last time I really thanked you, but this time we will not choose to let you because of your kindness to us."

After hearing this, Murong Wuwu muttered in her mouth.

"Meng Wang is so kind, everyone can teach... What if the time comes to be too powerful..."

Murong Sisi said with a smile after hearing what Murong Wuwu muttered.

"Why are you scared?"

"Are you really afraid that you won't be able to compare with the Palace of Seven Dragons this time, but I think, you were able to defeat the opponent last time, and I believe you will be able to do so this time.

Murong Wuwu laughed lightly after listening to Murong Sisi's encouragement.

"Really? Do you really think I can beat him like last time?"

"But I feel that their strength has really improved a lot. Now there are some topics that discuss the recent progress of the Seven Dragon Palace. I clicked in and took a look, and I still feel a little scared.

I saw another ten people from Hot Pot City came out of the teleportation formation.

Let's take a look at these 10 teams in Hot Pot City.

I didn't expect that they would start again. In fact, Hot Pot City has always been very good, but it was because of meeting Lin Feng.

After the entire Hot Pot City was wiped out by one person, the reputation of Hot Pot City is no longer as good as before.

Seeing that all the players in Hot Pot City were already in place, they glanced at all the members of the Mengwang team with a bit of hatred.

"I really didn't expect to meet you at this time. Is it true that friends don't get together." Hot pot with Sprite said.

Lin Feng looked at the hot pot paired with Sprite who was talking to him, put on a disdainful smile, and said slowly.

"I can't help it, after all, this is the last battle of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament. Tomorrow will be the ultimate battle. Today, all teams have infinite possibilities to leapfrog.

"You can still get official rewards in the rankings, so it's normal to meet them."

"I still sincerely hope that your living fruit city can leapfrog to this ranking."

Hot Pot accompanied Sprite to listen, but Lin Feng could only grit his teeth sadly when he said what he said, with hatred in his brows and eyes.

But there is no way to deal with him, the only thing he can do now is to promise him on the battlefield, this is the best proof.

Hot pot with red wine made a disdainful smile.

"Then I want to see how capable you are this time!".

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