Lin Feng hadn't seen him for a long time, and now the ecstasy formation seemed to have a protective cover.

The current strategy can only be to let everyone use moves to directly break the ecstasy formation, and immediately said to the team members around him.

"Now everyone launches the most powerful attack together, aiming at 4 positions, and simultaneously destroying the ecstasy array."

Since it was the only way he could come up with, it was also the only way he could use at present.

After hearing what Lin Feng said, others also felt that the method he said was the only feasible method now.

Everyone also began to gather all their strength at this moment.

The 10-born team is also becoming more and more powerful, and wants to defeat the opponent as soon as possible in this battle, and quickly enter the next world's number one martial arts competition.

After all, everyone is in a hurry now, and most people are rushing to compete for this time's ranking.

If you really spend too much time in any link, you will be surpassed by others.

"The captain looks like they have the most powerful attack to break our ecstasy formation." The second lady said.

The eldest lady said with a light smile.

"Don't dream, it is impossible for our ecstasy formation to be broken by them, no matter how powerful their attack is, it is impossible.

Looking at the situation at this time, the audience felt like a stone was spinning in their hearts, and they didn't know which team would win now.

At the beginning, I thought that the Mengwang team would not expect to see the formation of the 10-born team.

Suddenly felt that it might not be so simple, maybe their team would win.

After all, this ecstasy array is indeed very powerful.

"Now it is estimated that the two teams want to get rid of each other as soon as possible. Looking at their current situation, they probably don't want to continue this battle for a longer period of time.

"Yeah, everyone is rushing for time now, after all, this is the last decisive battle of the World's No.

"I feel that this time it's really a bit of a hang-up. It seems that the Mengwang team is really a bit hypocritical. I think that when the Mengwang team fought against others, they would kill each other in a second. I didn't expect This time, someone else will actually take the limelight.”

"That's right. Actually, I think it's normal. After all, it's impossible for everyone to be great all the time. You have to meet someone who is slightly better than you."

"How could it be that Meng Wang has not yet found a way to defeat the other party? If they found out, they would not be our opponents at all. You don't even think about it. At that time, we all thought that we would often say it, but in the end we No, I still won."

"That's what I said, but it was the first time after all. At that time, everyone was fighting for the first time. Now everyone has been fighting for a few days. It is estimated that many teams have trained well in private. Otherwise, It's impossible to grow so fast."

Li Qianqian clenched her fists, feeling extremely anxious, this was the final blow, and she didn't know who would win.

The sword of the Archangel in Lin Feng's hand moved towards the void, making a gesture of commanding the sky, pointing directly at the void.

"court death!"

With a low growl, he turned to one of the directions for a moment, and unleashed a move, the guardian angel counterattacked. !

Sure enough, just as he thought, the position where he was fighting also launched an attack towards his position.

The two attacks completely collided together, making a loud noise.

The explosion resounded in all directions, reaching the ears of every audience, it was deafening!


A golden flame completely bloomed in the void, and everyone was attracted by this firework-like flame.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi also launched an attack in one direction at the same time.

A blue light (cgda) glow turned into a blue giant dragon in the void.

Surrounded by many shells directly hit one of the positions.

Others also radiated their own moves at this moment.

The entire ecstasy formation was constantly being impacted by this powerful force at the same moment.

The captain of the 10-born team was also very surprised by this powerful combat power.

It was completely unexpected that they would explode with such a powerful force at this moment.



A large area of ​​void was blasted out, and many flames, together with house smoke, scattered in the entire battlefield.

It makes people look down on what the whole battlefield is like now.

The only thing that can be seen is everything that is looming in it, and now all the people in the 10-born team are also revealed in this fog.

It's just because the clothes they are wearing are all the same, so it is difficult to tell who they are in this fog.

But this also shows that they have broken the ecstasy formation.

Facing the opponent looming in the mist in front of him, Lin Feng smiled faintly.

"Now their ecstasy formation has also been broken by us, we can't let them use the same moves again if we seize this opportunity."

After everyone heard what Lin Feng said, they immediately ran towards the opponents of the 10-born team they were facing.

All the moves in his hands exploded completely at this moment, and the whole scene fell into a burst of chaos.

The eldest lady snorted softly, she didn't expect that she just happened to meet this cute king.

"Not bad, I thought your Wenwen team was just some hot-ass-looking trash.

"I didn't expect this to be able to break my ecstasy formation. It seems that we should really try to see who is stronger among us."

Lin Feng chuckled lightly, this was the first time he had heard someone dare to say such arrogant words in front of him for so long, and it was also a woman.

It seems that it is really impossible not to let her suffer a little bit.

Immediately, the sword of the Archangel in his hand waved immediately.

The eldest lady in front of her disappeared instantly into the mist, and in this mist there were constant rumors that she wanted to find a location where she could make a surprise attack.

Lin Feng frowned and scanned the foggy battlefield around him, but he really couldn't see the situation of the other team members.

If you want to come to this kind of battle, you really can only rely on yourself, which is also a kind of experience for them.

After all, the opponent at the beginning is so strong, it also means that the next opponent will be even stronger, what they have to do is to make themselves stronger!.

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