The eldest lady glanced at it, and the third lady who had also exchanged the same role at this moment smiled lightly, looked proudly at Lin Feng beside her, and asked again with a glance.

"What do you think? Who do you think will win this battle?"

"This third lady is a very powerful existence under my hands."

"I didn't expect that the moves of the two of them are quite destined, and they can still meet together.

Lin Feng heard the meaning of her words, and naturally understood that he wanted to tell himself that Murong Wuwu would not be able to defeat her team members.

In fact, from all aspects, Murong Wuwu's current aptitude is indeed a little lower compared with his team members.

But, after the outbreak, Murong Wuqiao is above them all, just to see if Murong Wuwu can seize the opportunity this time.

"You'll know if you don't see it. Anyway, their battle is almost over in one fell swoop."

The eldest lady looked at her team members triumphantly.

She also understands that although her team member's undercover Silver Dragon move is somewhat similar to the opponent's move in front of her, it is still superior to it, so she is not worried about this battle at all, they will lose 26.

Although he has been instantly killed by Lin Feng now, it does not mean that their team will be defeated.

In an instant, a huge blue silver dragon rushed out from the formation and roared towards the void. The entire battlefield seemed to be shattered by him covering the sound.

The two blue silver dragons looked at each other, and kept yelling at each other, and the flame of battle was instantly ignited at this time.

Murong Wuwu stood above the water dragon she had summoned, and looked at the third young lady in front of her with unshakable eyes and a bit of ruthlessness.

"Don't dream, I will never lose to you this time."

I saw a blue light rising from the sky, and the third lady also landed on the head of the blue silver dragon she summoned, and smiled lightly after hearing what Murong Wuwu said.

"Is it impossible if you say it's impossible?"

"It's just a dream!"

"The ranking of this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament belongs to our ten-child team, and we will never admit defeat.

Murong Er'er was also aroused with anger when he heard the voice that Miss dared to say such words to his younger sister.

What she hates the most is seeing someone blatantly say in front of her face that her sister is courting death.

Fortunately, Murong Sisi was beside Murong Er'er and immediately spoke to her.

"Don't panic, don't panic."

"The two of them haven't fought yet, and when the two of them actually fight, it's not certain who will win.

Murong Er'er nodded and continued to look at Murong Wuwu.

He also secretly planned in his heart that if his sister hurt him a little bit, he would definitely kill her right now.

The third lady summoned a scepter with a crystal stone in her hand, and set it up in the void.

Seeing that Murong Wuwu hadn't fired a move at herself, it seems that she was a little flustered and immediately released the attack, Yinlong Qianjue!

I saw Yinlong's environment opened up, and a huge shock wave spewed out from its bloody mouth, hitting Murong Wuwu's position directly!

This light also made everyone give Murong Wuwu a hug, because everyone has already felt it now.

How strong is the feeling of destruction brought about by this powerful attack wave.

All of a sudden, a huge shock wave was transformed into more than 5000 rays of light.

Constantly hitting the position where Murong Wuwu was, Murong Wuwu saw thousands of rays of light hitting her head.

For a moment, in the sight|sightseeing, a little bit of fear passed, but now it is inevitable.

He could only meet the shock wave, and for a moment, he drew a circle in the void with both hands.

The position of the circle instantly turned into a protective cover, but this shock wave is really too powerful.

Its protective cover also began to show slight cracks, and seeing that Murong Wu couldn't hold it anymore, the third lady chuckled lightly.

"I thought how strong the members of your Mengwang team would be, but it seems that's not the case. You are just a strong captain, and the others don't seem to be very good."

"It's all dragging down your captain, if I had a group of stupid players like you, I'd probably be pissed off.

"I thought you could withstand two or three moves of my functional skills, but I didn't expect that it was only one move. Now your protective cover has cracks. If I increase the attack power, maybe you are already dead. Hang up."

Such ridicule is also a kind of torture in Murong Wuwu's heart, while wanting to prove her own strength.

So that the opponent she met was indeed a little bit stronger than herself, but if she admits defeat now, she would lose face to the entire team.

"Alright, if you don't speak, I'll kill you as soon as possible, and then find other team members to kill them.

"This time the champion is our ten-child team, and I don't have time to play with you any longer."

I saw Miss San's scepter waved again, a blue luster directly entered Yinlong's body.

Immediately, the silver dragon roared towards the sky like crazy.



The water dragon 577 controlled by Murong Wuwu also began to shake her dragon tail constantly.

Now she can only fight hard!

At this moment, Murong Wuwu's hands began to form seals, and a powerful ray of light burst out directly in his two palms.

Many stories unexpectedly appeared, and the lightning kept pouring into the body of the water dragon he was controlling.

"Wan Lei blasts the top!"

The knot seal in Murong Wuwu's hands stopped, and the colors of her eyes and pupils became completely different in an instant, with a full sense of shock, deterring all directions.

"I will definitely not hold back the captain."

Talk off!

With one move, Murong Wuwu slammed the light that was coming towards her head, and struck directly at the lightning.


The deafening noise plunged the entire battlefield into a dead silence, and no one expected it.

The two of them are able to play such a powerful battle, if it is in reality.

Isn't that the existence of destroying heaven and earth? I didn't expect that the experience in this game would be so good, and I could even feel the strong sense of power.

Third Miss watched, Murong Wuwu was also a little stunned.

She didn't expect that this girl could erupt with such a powerful power at such an important moment, it seems that she made a mistake. .

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