National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 44 A Pair Of Twin Little Dragon Girls

"What is a game partner?" Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng suspiciously: "Teacher, does it mean getting married in the game?"

"Eh! Classmate, is the question so sharp?" Lin Feng was surprised. He scratched his head and said, "That's almost what it means! But it doesn't say it's a game marriage, so it might mean a good companion in the second world."

"The current situation is that our pets are all at the legendary level, but they are a little lower than the beasts, and the level is very high. If we are not partners, just let the pets be born like this, that is, the level is fixed."

"If we become partners, our pets can grow, and in the future they may grow into divine beasts, or even super divine beasts. Although it's a game, after all, it's up to you to make a decision!"

"Then become it!" Murong Wuwu smiled and said, "Since playing the game, I have never formed a partner with others in the game! The setting of the second world is very interesting, and it can also make our pets grow into pets. Type. As long as the teacher agrees, I'm fine."

"That's fine, I'm sure." Lin Feng nodded.

Then, he chose: "Be a partner."

Murong Wuwu was then selected.

Just after the two made their choice, one flew out from between their eyebrows at the same time, and then linked, twisted together, and then disappeared.

"Congratulations to the player Meng Wang, who activated the second world companion system, and became the first couple in the game with Murong Xiaowu, and the companion skill "Meeting Thousands of Miles" has been advanced to "Marriage Thousands of Miles and One Line""

The same words also sounded on Murong Wuwu's side.

Lin Feng took a quick look at the new skills

Thousands of miles of marriage: When the players Meng Wang and Murong Xiaowu form a team, their experience will increase by 20%, and they will have three chances to teleport each other to their side within 24 hours. Distance limit: 100,000 kilometers. (This skill does not occupy the skill slot, if the partnership is terminated, the skill will disappear naturally)”

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng, and said pleasantly, "Master, I got a new skill "Thousands of Miles and a Thread of Marriage", have you got it?"

"I got it." Lin Feng nodded, feeling a little happy in his heart. After all, as long as there are benefits, it feels good to him.

At this time, both of them got the game prompt sound at the same time

"Do you want to co-incubate the twin dragon kings?"



The two responded at the same time.

Then, the black light sphere and fiery red light sphere that were beside the two of them approached each other, and then combined into a light sphere similar to a Tai Chi ball.

Then a dazzling light burst out, making Lin Feng close his eyes involuntarily.

In an instant, the light disappeared, and Lin Feng saw two half-meter-long dragons flying around each other in mid-air.

A whole body of black dragon scales, black dragon horns, and a pair of eyes are as black as ink.

The other has white dragon scales, white dragon horns, and a pair of eyes that are as pure as snow.

Then, the little black dragon flew through the air and wrapped around Lin Feng's neck. And the little white dragon flew over and wrapped around Murong Wuwu's neck.

But at this moment, the tails of the two little dragons are hooked together, like the closest companions.

"Growth-type Legendary Lunar Dragon King is born, please name it."

"It's so about calling it Xiao Hei!" Lin Feng said the name directly.

Then the attributes of the Taiyin Dragon King appeared in front of his eyes.

Lunar Dragon King

Dual Form: Dragon Form/Dragon Maiden Form

Grade: Legendary Grade (Growable)

name: black

Host: Meng Wang

Level: Level 1

Grade 1

HP: 500

Mana: 500

Physical Attack: 50

Magic Attack: 50

Passive skill: [Taiyin cold air lv1] The attack comes with Taiyin cold air, and the hit target slows down by 10%.

[Lunar Ice Armor lv1] Reduces damage by 30%, and has a 10% chance to trigger the Lunar Ice Shield to resist an attack.

Active skills:

[Frozen Earth Lv1] Control the water of the five elements with the yin energy, freeze instantly, freeze within 30 meters, freeze for 3 seconds, damage 300% magic attack per second. Cooling: 3 minutes.

[Taiyin Strike lv1] Gather the breath of the Taiyin dragon, hit a target directly, cause 600% magic attack damage, and freeze the target for 5 seconds, and the attack distance is 30 meters. Cooldown: 90 seconds. (It can be combined with the Sun Strike of the Sun Dragon King to perform Yin Yang Strike together, causing 1500% magic attack damage, freezing the target for 5 seconds, and burning the target for 5 seconds)

After reading these, Lin Feng couldn't help but look at the little white dragon Yuanyang Dragon King.

"Teacher, my Yuanyang Dragon King is named Xiaobai, what about yours?" Murong Wuwu asked.

"Xiao Hei." Lin Feng felt it was funny, the names of the two were really random, but it was quite suitable for the two little dragons.

"By the way, I just saw that my baby dragon has dual forms. It can have the form of a dragon girl and a dragon. It is a dragon right now! What about yours?" Lin Feng said.

Murong Wuwu said happily: "Mine is also in the form of a dragon girl. We want them to change."

"Okay!" It was also the first time Lin Feng had a baby dragon in this second world, and he really wanted to see what the little dragon girl looked like.

"Xiao Hei, in the form of a dragon girl."

"Shua! Shua!"

Black light and white light flickered, and the Taiyin Dragon King turned into a little dragon girl in black armor with a small black dragon horn on her forehead.

This little dragon girl looks Q and Q and is very cute.

At this time, her pair of black ice wings fluttered gently, her big agile eyes looked at Lin Feng, then at Murong Wuwu, and then directly embraced another little girl.

Naturally, it was a little white armor, exactly the same as her, just a little girl with white flame wings.

Taiyin and Sun, the two little dragon girls are like a bunch of twins, hugging each other, and laughing like a baby, very happy.

"It's so cute!" Murong Wuwu looked at the two little dragon girls, ran over involuntarily, and hugged them both in her arms.

It stands to reason that pets are only intimate and follow their owners, and they don't care about outsiders, and even have a tendency to attack.

For example, the guardian unicorn Shuang'er, Murong Wuwu has been playing around her, but she just ignores Murong Wuwu.

And Taiyin Dragon King Xiao Hei is like Murong Wuwu's pet, and he is very close to Murong Wuwu just like Sun Dragon King.

"It's so cute! This game is so fun, I've never had such a cute pet, no, it's not a pet, it's my two daughters. Come on, Xiao Hei Xiao Bai, call mom." Murong Wu danced happily Put it on your face.

"Eh!" Lin Feng's face was weird, is this Murong Wuwu's mother, or his father?

It seems that this script is deviating in an unpredictable direction...

At this time, both of them received a notification at the same time: "The new guardian of Longyuan and his partner will enter Longyuan in three seconds."

Light form, Lin Feng casts it quickly, this form enhances his skills and makes him more defensive. At the same time, the dark form has a sense of evil, and the light form is relatively good-looking.





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