National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 446 Stand In Line Casually

Lin Feng saw that they really didn't intend to stop the internal strife, there was no other way, it seemed that they had to end them first when the time came.

"Okay, then follow what you said later."

"However, in order to avoid other accidents, you must also fight seriously, every player in it, understand?"

"Actually, some of these abilities are indeed very powerful. You should also pay attention to it. This is just an internal strife between their teams. You must not take it lightly just because other teams have internal strife."

Everyone else nodded seriously, and at this moment, the system's voice also rang.

"Welcome players from any team to enter the ten-player station of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament."

"The battle begins now!"

"I also ask the players of the two teams to work hard to fight."

At this moment, after hearing the notification tone from the system, members of random teams still did not stop arguing with each other and continued to yell at each other.

"What are you yelling about! Aren't you just on the list of the world's number one martial arts tournament standing alone!"

"26 I really don't know what you are yelling about every day."

One of the players named Xiao Erzi spoke.

Just their captain. The little one didn't speak for a long time, watching his team members continue to quarrel endlessly, and fell into helplessness for a while.

In fact, he also felt that it was not easy for his team to make it to where it is today.

Because a lot of players formed the team temporarily, and everyone has reached today step by step by relying on their own strength.

Naturally, in fact, as the captain, he really did not help them much.

Hearing their doubts one after another, I actually understand and understand very well in my heart.

The system sound rang again.

"The game starts now!"

"Time is counting down!"

In this casual team, a female player named Xiaoqizi finally couldn't see the people in the team around her, and shouted slightly angrily at everyone.

"Are you guys fighting now, or are you here to quarrel? If you want to quarrel, then don't mess around here.

"The battle is about to start now, and you are still arguing here. I really don't know what you are thinking."

"Do you want everyone in our team to be on the forum!"

Everyone didn't say anything more.

It's just that everyone sitting in the auditorium at this moment began to discuss, this battle that has not yet begun, is now being judged by everyone.

"I really didn't expect this team to quarrel so inexplicably. I remember that this team used to be a very powerful team. I didn't expect to quarrel here!"

"The name of the random team really follows the name. Every player is very casual, and no one pays attention to this result. Now that they are competing, I really don't know what they think."

"I didn't expect this team to be defeated before the battle. Fortunately, the game hasn't started yet. I guess when the game starts, Meng Wang and the others will definitely kill them with one move!"

"It's weird enough to stand in teams casually. It's also the first time I've seen teams arguing at this time, and no one will let anyone else. Why didn't I realize that this team is so awesome in the past? Some of them I still know a player."

"Me too. This team is simply a miracle to me. It is actually enough to prove that this team is still capable."

"Of course, if you don't have strength, you may have failed in the first round. Besides, there are still a few of them who still rank in the solo and duo standings of the world's No. These points are actually not surprising even now.”

Seeing that everyone finally didn't say anything more, Xiao Yizi spoke slowly.

"Now the competition is about to start, everyone, get ready, if the quarrel continues, maybe we will all be on the forum this time."

Little Six rolled his eyes when he heard what his team leader, Little One, said, and spoke from the branch.

"I really don't know what I have to teach us."

"If it wasn't because of the failure last time, or the captain this time must be me, then it's your turn. You are really looking for trouble every day. What does it mean to go to a meeting and a forum? What a big deal Son."

Xiao Qizi said immediately when he heard that Xiao Liuzi was still muttering to himself.

"Okay, don't look for trouble anymore, it was you who didn't cherish the opportunity at that time and let someone else become the captain."

"Since you haven't become the captain, then you have to obey the captain's arrangement. After all, we are in the same team. After entering the forum, you will definitely lose all the face you stand on, and don't even look at your side now. Who are your teammates?"

Little Six also stopped talking, looking dully at Little Seven beside him who was talking to him.

Seeing that everyone was ready to fight, Xiaoyi looked at Lin Feng of the Mengwang team and said.

"We will never let you go this time, especially you Meng Wang."

"453 I was too careless in the last battle, and I lost to you this time. I will definitely not let myself lose to you again."

Everyone recalled the duel between King Meng and Xiao Yizi. It was a one-man fight at the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

Indeed, it was Xiao Yizi who was too self-confident at that time, which led to his failure at that time.

But in fact, I thought at the time that the matchup would be won by Meng Wang no matter what.

After all, the strength of Meng Wang at that time was indeed higher than him, but Meng Wang still gave way to him at that time.

Lin Feng nodded and looked at this moment, he no longer looked like the proud little book back then.

It has to be said that his attitude towards players has indeed changed a lot now, and this is also the progress he has seen.

It's just that the members of his team really lowered him a little bit.

After hearing what his captain said to Lin Feng, Little Six rolled his eyes again.

"He is very famous now, and if he wants to win against him, it is simply a dream."

"But his other members are really too difficult. Compared with him, there is indeed a big gap, maybe even I can't beat it.

Murong Wuwu was going to explode after hearing what Xiaoliuzi said.

"What the hell is this!"

"Why are the people in this team so strange!".

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